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I. The campaign II. The election. I. The campaign  -the campaign trail/the stump  -canvassing  -permanent campaign  -“megastates”  -“swing states”

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Presentation on theme: "I. The campaign II. The election. I. The campaign  -the campaign trail/the stump  -canvassing  -permanent campaign  -“megastates”  -“swing states”"— Presentation transcript:

1 I. The campaign II. The election

2 I. The campaign  -the campaign trail/the stump  -canvassing  -permanent campaign  -“megastates”  -“swing states”  -sound bites  -direct mail/e-mail campaigning  -micro-targeting

3  -2012 presidential campaign: almost $6B 2012, including more than $1B on advertising (1992: $123M)  -Federal Election Campaign Act (1971) + Federal Campaign Acts 1974 & 1976  -Federal Election Commission  -soft money/hard money  -“issue” ads, party-building activities, “get out the vote” efforts, etc.  -matching funds

4  -2002 Mc-Cain Feingold Act  -2010: Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission  -Super-PACs


6  Stephen J. Wayne: “Presidential candidates typically overpromise and underinform to get elected.”

7  II. The election


9  Straight ticket  Coattails

10  -electoral college (270/538 votes needed to win)  -winner-take-all system  -“get out the vote”/registration drives

11  The Oath of Office

12  Obama taking the Oath of Office (Jan 2013):  A compilation of sound bites: “The real Mitt Romney”: (see also: notation_26662&feature=iv&src_vid=bxch- yi14BE&v=bQu2SVFF-cU) notation_26662&feature=iv&src_vid=bxch- yi14BE&v=bQu2SVFF-cU  Ten 2012 campaign ads: politics-lists/slide/hes-got-it-right/

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