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Learning and Innovation Erika Volker

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Presentation on theme: "Learning and Innovation Erika Volker"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning and Innovation Erika Volker

2 Global Competition Where’s China World’s View of American Youth One Laptop Per Child Program Russia waged Cyber-War Summer 2007

3 Global Facts Today, the United States is the second largest Spanish speaking country in the world By 2010 India will be the largest English speaking country in the world

4 Influence of Asia United StatesIndiaChina Population303,240,1661,130,000,0001322,000,000 Top 5%15,162,00856,500,00066,1000,00 Annual Births 4,264,00025,637,00017,779,000 Source:

5 Important Facts? Pluto is a planet Margarine vs. butter Population

6 It is possible to store the mind with a million facts and still be entirely uneducated. Alec Bourne

7 Creative Work Research Development Design Marketing/Sales Management Routine Work Machines Routine Work People Intellectual Property: Erika Volker United States Developing Nations Jobs Pyramid Jobs Pyramid

8 Evaluation Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Blooms Taxonomy

9 Evaluation Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Creative Work Research Development Design Marketing/Sale Management Routine Work Machines Routin e Work People Intellectual Property: Erika Volker Blooms Taxonomy United States Developing Nations Jobs Pyramid Jobs Pyramid Intellectual Property: Erika Volker

10 Data from PISA Assessment administered to 15 year olds 90% of countries in world participate Data sourced from Science Assessment –2 hour test –Open Ended –HOTS “Those things easy to test are easy to digitize and outsource.” Programme for International Student Assessment

11 Data from PISA Family socio-economic status vs. school’s reinforcement Those in lower socio-economic classes tend to be grouped into such and receive lower level training throughout their life U.S. second generation immigrant students do NOT perform better than the 1 st generation students

12 Key Contributors to Student Success High ambition Strong support systems Devolved responsibility, the school is the center of activity Accountability and intervention Post data publicly Autonomy and Competition Integrated Educational Opportunities National Standards

13 The New 3 R’s Rigor – All students are challenged with a curriculum that prepares them to continue learning throughout life. Relevance – All students have courses and projects that clearly relate to their lives and their goals. Relationships – All students collaborate with their peers and have a number of adults who know them and push them to achieve.

14 Environments. e-mail, WebCT, Blogs, Wikis, discussion forums, gaming, shopping… Strategies. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), WebQuests, Webliography, Problem-based Learning… Activities. Practice, inquiry, observation, debate, simulations, virtual reality… Assessments. Digital papers, Power Point™ presentations, Web Pages, video productions, Communities of Practice… Learning in an online environment

15 Examples of Innovation National Career Academy Coalition

16 I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. Mark Twain

17 Preguntas? Erika Volker

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