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Student’s Book. Unit 3 A Passive

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1 Student’s Book

2 Unit 3 A Passive


4 How to Make a Fruit Salad : The Best Salads

5 How to make a fruit salad 1.Cut the peaches into bite-size pieces. The peaches................................................ 2.Peel the oranges. The oranges.................................................. 3.Cut the oranges into cubes. The oranges.................................................. 4.Wash the strawberries. The strawberries............................................

6 5.Remove the green cap of the strawberries. The green cap of the strawberries.............. 6.Cut the strawberries into quarters. The strawberries......................................... 7.Peel the kiwis. The kiwis....................................................... 8.Cut the kiwis into bite-size pieces. The kiwis........................................................ 9.Peel the banana. The banana................................................... 10.Slice the banana. The banana..................................................

7 11.Peel the apples. The apples................................................. 12.Cut the apples into cubes. The apples................................................. 13.Peel the pears. The pears................................................... 14.Cut the pears into bite-size pieces. The pears.................................................... 15.Add the orange juice. The orange juice.......................................... 16.Serve the salad. The salad.....................................................

8 How to make a fruit salad 1.The peaches.......................(cut) into bite-size pieces. 2.The oranges........................... (peel) 3.The oranges....................... (cut) into cubes. 4.The strawberries.................... (wash) 5.The green cap of the strawberries................. (remove). 6.The strawberries.............................(cut) into quarters. 7.The kiwis............................. (peel)

9 8.The kiwis.......................... (cut) into bite-size pieces. 9.The banana........................ (peel) 10.The banana.............................. (slice) 11.The apples......................... (peel) 12.The apples......................... (cut) into cubes. 13.The pears............................ (peel) 14.The pears..........................(cut) into bite-size pieces. 15.The orange juice...................... (add) 16.The salad.......................... (serve)

10 How to wash your clothes by hand... at home

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