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The Excretory System. The excretory system is the same thing as the urinary system. It also connects to the digestive system. The main organs of the excretory.

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Presentation on theme: "The Excretory System. The excretory system is the same thing as the urinary system. It also connects to the digestive system. The main organs of the excretory."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Excretory System

2 The excretory system is the same thing as the urinary system. It also connects to the digestive system. The main organs of the excretory system are the liver, lungs, kidney, skin, and bladder. It removes metabolic and liquid toxin wastes also. It also releases liquid toxin wastes. The excretory system also contains the Urethra, Urinary Bladder, and the Ueter. This system is a system that removes all excess or dangerous liquids from the body. It is responsible for the elimination of wastes in the body. The excretory system is one of the eleven systems in animals.

3 Here are some of the organs we will mention. First there is the liver. Then there is the Kidney followed by Urinary Bladder. Also, there is the, skin, and lungs.

4 Liver The liver is the largest glandular organ in the human body. The liver weighs up to 3 pounds. Its colors are reddish brown. Also, it has four lobes of unequal sizes. The liver is on the right side of the abdominal cavity. The liver has many functions. Some are: to produce substances to break down fats, convert glucose to glycogen, filter harmful substances from the blood, and it stores vitamins and minerals in there. Some diseases the liver has are: hepatitis (which is an inflammation in the lungs), liver cancer, cirrhosis (which is an inflammation that leads to organ failure).

5 It is the main organ in the human body. They are two bean shaped organs. One is on either side of the back bone. The kidneys represent at least half of the full human body weight. They are responsible for filtering the blood. They do that by taking away the nitrogenous wastes. They also do the salt and other excess minerals and excess water.

6 The Urinary Bladder is a fascinating organ of the Excretory system. It is the bladder that stores the urine from the kidney. It will keep it in there until it is expelled by urination. When that happens muscles at the bottom of the bladder open to let the waste pass through. The waste then goes out of the body through the urethra.

7 It is pliable, strong, water resistant, and self repairing. It is the largest organ of the human body. Also, it is the largest organ in the human body. The skin is pretty much a giant container. The skin is a protective wrapping. It keeps germs and water out. It also keeps body fluids and salts in.

8 Lungs Lungs are the only organs that let you breath. Did you know that you breath 15 to 25 times a minute? When you work out your breathing rate goes up. The lungs are very complex organs. The lungs take in gases that get rid of CO2. Then they take in good gases that your body needs.

9 Credits Wikipedia Encyclopedias

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