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Applications of change point detection in Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Soumya D. Mohanty AEI.

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Presentation on theme: "Applications of change point detection in Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Soumya D. Mohanty AEI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applications of change point detection in Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Soumya D. Mohanty AEI

2 26/3/03UT Brownsville2 Plan of the talk Brief introduction to change point detection and its relevance to GW data analysis Contrast with prevalent methods Three applications in different areas

3 26/3/03UT Brownsville3 What is a change point?

4 26/3/03UT Brownsville4 Signals and Change points The most elementary signature of a signal is to introduce a change in the distribution of data Isolating a subset of given data that is significantly different from the rest is the most general signal detection method This division is subject to statistical uncertainty

5 26/3/03UT Brownsville5 Mathematical Statement Data described by a joint probability density p(x). CP detection: Can the data be divided into disjoint sets y, z (x = y  z), such that p(y) is different from p(z)? Not required to know p(y) or p(z) themselves. Adaptive detection: Somehow deduce or estimate a noise p(x). Then given new data y, test if it could have come from p(x).

6 26/3/03UT Brownsville6 Pros and Cons Change point detection Can go from full prior information to no prior Less sensitive Possible to tune away response to different types of inhomogeneity Post analysis definition required of what is a signal and what is noise Adaptive detection Needs prior information and assumption of stationarity More sensitive provided prior information is correct Tuning is a complicated process if at all possible Signal & noise pre-defined

7 26/3/03UT Brownsville7 Applications Change point detection in the time- frequency plane – burst detection Change point detection in a multivariate time series – Data/Detector Characterization Robot Two sample comparison – GRB-GW association

8 26/3/03UT Brownsville8 Bursts in time-frequency plane Time frequency plane – arena for burst detection Example: split time series into segments and FFT each one. Basic signature of a burst: changes the distribution of samples in some region of the time-frequency plane.

9 26/3/03UT Brownsville9

10 26/3/03UT Brownsville10 Most Burst detection algorithms try to look for this effect in different ways Excess power: thresholds the average (=band limited rms) Tfclusters: thresholds cluster size PSDCD (Mohanty, PRD,’99): tests for difference in sample distributions of blocks in TF plane. PSDCD is a change point detector, others are adaptive detectors.

11 26/3/03UT Brownsville11 Non-parametric CP detection Non-parametric detection: the false alarm rate is independent of noise distribution by construction. Sets it apart from other burst detectors. A non-stationary time series can be thought of as a sequence of transitions from one noise model to another (e.g. 1   10 ...). A non-parametric detector should maintain a constant false alarm rate even for non-stationary noise. CP detection can be tuned to prevent triggering on known technical features.

12 26/3/03UT Brownsville12 KSCD Power Spectral Density Change Detector [ DMT Monitor] Kolmogorov-Smirnov test based Change Detector (KSCD) KSCD: improvement in detection efficiency and implementation

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15 26/3/03UT Brownsville15 Trial run on GEO S1 data Uncalibrated h(t). 3.47 days (some breaks). Plagued by fast non-stationarity in the <1.5kHz band. 90% - 95% of MTFC triggers could be attributed to this fast non-stationarity. These false triggers skew the interpretation of histograms such as the time interval between triggers. KSCD can be tuned to be insensitive to these features but still catch “genuine” glitches.

16 26/3/03UT Brownsville16 Rejection of features

17 26/3/03UT Brownsville17 Analysis goals Disentangle fast low frequency non-stationarity from “genuine” triggers. Study time dependent behavior of the triggers.  Study trigger rate vis a vis band limited rms trend. Does KSCD trigger rate track band limited rms?  Tune KSCD to reject triggers but catch fast non- stationarity Analyze the dependence of “genuine” trigger channel on fast non-stationarity channel.

18 26/3/03UT Brownsville18 Trigger rate

19 26/3/03UT Brownsville19 Future of KSCD Test various aspects of non-parametric change point detection using real data (S1 GEO/LIGO, S2 LIGO) Understand efficiency (very preliminary:  40% of matched filtering) Build LDAS DSO KSCD: Main engine of DCR

20 26/3/03UT Brownsville20 View data as a single multivariate time series DCR Detect change points All channels Transform the multivariate data Example: construct cross- correlation of two channels Database Data Mining Design Data/Detector Characterization Robot

21 26/3/03UT Brownsville21 Data Characterization What is the best analysis strategy given some data? Quantify non-stationarity of noise floor Types and rates of transients Drifting carrier frequencies Simulate real data and do Monte Carlo studies Hopefully, lead to more believable detection of GW signals.

22 26/3/03UT Brownsville22 Detector Characterization Hunt down sources of deviations from expected ideal behavior and fix them To help, interferometers blindly record data from several other sensors control system environment monitors (e.g., temperature) Seismometers, magnetometers

23 26/3/03UT Brownsville23 Change Points Mathematical abstraction of the problem Main interest in both data and detector characterization– change points Example: transients, change in rate of transients, non-stationarity, change in coupling between two channels Natural conclusion-- Build database of change points using automated algorithms and analyse the database

24 26/3/03UT Brownsville24 Analysis of databases Exploratory Limited to small databases of high confidence detections Data mining Emerging field of synthesis between statistics and computing – aim is to detect new, informative patterns in huge databases Requires reliable database quality

25 26/3/03UT Brownsville25 DCR project Overall Aim: enable data mining of multi- channel interferometric data Elements: Algorithms – few, well understood and complementary (not an arbitrary set of independent simple monitors) Software/Hardware Data mining

26 26/3/03UT Brownsville26 Algorithms in DCR Change point detector – KSCD generalized to the case of cross-spectral density of two channels Line removal – MBLT no modeling required of line behavior transient resistant Robust noise floor tracking – MNFT

27 26/3/03UT Brownsville27 Sample Power Spectral Density

28 26/3/03UT Brownsville28 DCR implementation Core Digital Signal Processing library in C++ Template based Statistics and Signal Processing library (TSSP). Uses STL. FFT, Filtering, Filter Design, Windows, PSD, Modulation, Demodulation,... Stand alone C++ main function for a given pipeline

29 26/3/03UT Brownsville29 Stand alone code Frame reading class Multiple ADC channels Database IO class (uses MySQL) Database to be used for both job description and storing job outputs Multiple jobs launched using Condor At present: dedicated 10 node cluster (Linux-alpha)

30 26/3/03UT Brownsville30 GRB-GW association Finn, Mohanty, Romano, PRD, 1999 Based on two sample comparison on-source sample off-source sample Two sample tests also used in CP detection

31 26/3/03UT Brownsville31 Introduction to Gamma-Ray Bursts High-energy, short-duration electromagnetic radiation from extra-galactic sources Favored models point to exploding fireball Involve large amounts of matter, ejected at relativistic speeds, producing a series of high- energy E/M shockwaves--- initially gamma-rays (some redshift to lower-energy gamma-rays or X-rays, others are absorbed), then X-rays (red-shifted to optical wavelengths), then visible light (red-shifted to radio wavelengths)

32 26/3/03UT Brownsville32 GRBs and Gravitational Waves GRB progenitors thought to be new formed Black Holes Black Hole formed as a result of massive stellar collapse or binary NS mergers BH accretes debris rapidly Leads to beams of ultra-relativistic ejecta This violent scenario is a natural candidate for strong GW emission also

33 26/3/03UT Brownsville33 Motivation for an FMR type search GRBs occur at cosmological distances. Hence chance of detecting GWs from an individual GRB is small However, GRB astronomy is very active Relatively large number of events were detected (~O(1/day)) by BATSE Several more missions coming up soon (e.g., SWIFT and GLAST) FMR: Combine information from several triggers to build up signal to noise ratio

34 26/3/03UT Brownsville34 Algorithm Cross-correlate time series between two interferometers for each GRB trigger time shift segments to align GW signal Compare cross-correlation to times not associated with GRBs Build an on-source and a off-source sample of cross-correlations Test if the means values of the two samples are significantly different

35 26/3/03UT Brownsville35 Implementation External Triggers subgroup of Bursts Upper Limit group S. Marka, R. Rahkola, S. Mohanty, S. Mukherjee, R. Frey Could not apply FMR in toto for S1 because only one trigger received during double lock (LIGO tech note) Already have 15 triggers for S2!

36 26/3/03UT Brownsville36 Issues Non-stationarity of data Data conditioning – line removal Noise floor tracking -- MNFT Lack of directional accuracy Use H1+H2 – but strong (non-stationary?) correlations How to best use multiple interferometers Systematic uncertainties Rely on signal injection and Monte Carlo simulations DCR – simulate real data?

37 26/3/03UT Brownsville37 Summary Applications of change point detection in GW data analysis Exploration of such techniques has just only started Offers better control on data analysis with real, complicated data Improvements in efficiency possible. Can be combined with adaptive methods.

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