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 No. of Districts.. 34  No. of Blocks.. 355  No. of Municipal Corporations.. 26 4.

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2  No. of Districts.. 34  No. of Blocks.. 355  No. of Municipal Corporations.. 26 4

3 Directorate of Primary Education Regional Dy.Director of Education, Mumbai Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad Greater Bombay Municipal Corporation Village Education Committee Block Development Officer Municipal Corporation School Education Dept Government of Maharashtra Assistance ( 25%) Government of India Assistance (75%) S.H.G. /N.G.O./ Mahila Mandals Self Help Groups S.H.G. / N.G.O.

4 The scheme of MDM is implemented through Panchayat Raj System i.e. by Zilla parishad, Panchyat Sammitte& Grampanchyat. In rural area the scheme is implemented by School Management committee (SMC) continued….

5 In urban area, Municipal School Boards / Ward committees (Municipal Corporation Level MDM committee) are responsible for implementation of MDM scheme. Management of private aided schools is responsible for implementation of the scheme in their respective schools

6 Scheme implementation strategy adopted by state Government By inviting Expression of Interest from NGOs,Central Kitchen System has been adopted in urban area. Appointment of Contractors for Supply of spices & condiments as well as transport of rice to schools through open tendering process in rural area.

7 School Management committee (SMC)/Ward Committee appoints agency for cooking. Work is assigned to self help groups (SHG), Mahila Mandals, Needy Women and NGOs. Food ingredients are supplied by state govt. Supplementary food & vegetables are purchased by SHG from funds provided by Govt. continued….

8 At some places gas stoves/pressure cookers have been purchased by School Management committee (SMC) & management of private schools. In every district committee headed by C.E.O of Zilla parishad prescribes and decides variety of menu based on rice. Weekly menu is displayed at school notice board.

9 Quality Management and Monitoring At school level, mother volunteers, School Management committee (SMC) Members and inspecting staff of Education department are made responsible for supervision and monitoring of MDM. Toll free helpline number 1800 233 9988 is made operational at state level for public to complain or to suggest about any aspect related to MDM scheme.

10 Testing of food Before serving, food is tested by teachers, parents or School Management committee (SMC) members. Food is served only after teachers,parents or School Management committee (SMC) members are satisfied.

11 Monitoring Committees State level Monitoring Committee has been established in the state under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Govt. of Maharashtra. Last meeting of the state level committee was held on 22 nd March 2011. State level meeting comprising all members of SSMC under chairmanship of Principle Secretary (school Education ) was held on 17 th October 2011 for submission of JRM report to State Govt.

12 Stage Enrollment Approved By GOI For 2010-11 Average No of Children's Availed MDM Up to Dec. 2011 Primary 81 7568 Upper Primary 49 41 39

13 Allocation of rice Stage Rice allocation (In MTs) Released for FY 2011-12 Lifted (up to Dec 2011 ) Primary 151463 94529 (62%) Upper Primary 135300 79792 (59%)

14 Cooking Cost Norms –2011-12 TypeOld Cooking cost norms (April 2011- October 2011) Revised Cooking Cost norms (From 21/10/2011) Primary2.692.89 Upper Primary 4.034.33 7.5% increase in cooking cost from 01.04.2012

15 Kitchen-cum-Store YearAmount Sanction ed lacs No. of Units Sanctio ned Construction Completed Work in Progress Works not started 2006- 07And 2007-08 (P+upp) 11102.401850418199190115 2008-09 (Primary) 22828.8038048-- 2009-10129009231-13627869

16 Issues Related To Kitchen Shed In 2008-09 No of kitchen sheds sanctioned are 38048,State govt. has requested GOI regarding revalidation & permission for Utilization of Interest of Rs.37.98 Cr accrued on funds deposited on SSA accounts. GOI has already accorded revalidation except interest. Per kitchen shed required costing is Rs. 74900,out of this Rs.60,000 is GOI share. Rs.9982 is Proposed from Interest amount and State Govt. has taken decision to provide Rs. 4918 from State fund. GOI is requested to consider proposal of Utilization of interest. Otherwise allow to submit proposal for above sanctioned kitchen sheds as per plinth area norms.

17 Salient Features of AWP & B 2012-13 Number of students & Institutions TypeInstitutionsNo of children Proposed Primary8142672 lacs Upper Primary3991840 lacs Number of working days for 2012-13 225 days

18 Salient Features of AWP & B 2012-13 ItemPrimaryUpper Primary Requirement of Food grains (In MT) 162000135000 Requirement for cost of Food grains (Rs. in lakh) 91537628 Requirement of Cooking Cost (Rs. in lakh) (Central share ) @revised rates 3774631410 Requirement of Transport Assistance (Rs. in lakh) 12151013 Honorarium for cook cum helper (Rs. in lakh) 17264-

19 Salient Features of AWP & B 2012-13 ItemFunds Required ( MME 1863.37 Replacement of Kitchen devices 48731 Schools

20 Success Stories In some districts spices & condiments are procured by parents & teachers on their own. It makes food more palatable. At many places vegetables are grown in school campus and are used in MDM. In some schools dinning table & chairs are provided from public participation.

21 JRM Report JRM Suggested some important measures and following action is taken Cost Norms revised immediately (GR issued on 21/10/2011) Payment to Cook cum helper made by district authorities. Recruitment of vacant posts of MDM Superintendents is in process through Public Service Commission. Some other issues of JRM - action is under progress. (ATR will be submitted separately)

22 Districts required special attention Out of 34 Districts Seven districts are found with low performance within two years. However due to monitoring,some districts although have made progress in current year, still required strict monitoring. It is also proposed for constitution of State JRM to suggest measures for better improvement in low performing districts. contd.....

23 Performance –No of Days Districts2010-112011-12Remarks Hingoli93148 Progress Nanded111130Progress, but still Required Attention Solapur113131 sindhadurg118136 Yeotamal118115Strict Monitoring Required Dhule141115 Nashik130129Attention Required

24 MI Reports MI has Submitted elaborated report regarding inspection done by them to the State Govt. MI has covered 4 Districts and Dist. Washim has found interruption in many schools. However as per QPR & AWP data 97% students and 94% number of days are covered in Washim. Therefore State JRM is proposed to visit for fact findings in Washim Dist. District wise Action Taken Report on MI report will be submitted separately along with the any actions taken on concerned if found guilty.





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