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Role of Spatial Database in Biodiversity Conservation Planning Sham Davande, GIS Expert Arid Communities Technologies, Bhuj 11 September, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Role of Spatial Database in Biodiversity Conservation Planning Sham Davande, GIS Expert Arid Communities Technologies, Bhuj 11 September, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role of Spatial Database in Biodiversity Conservation Planning Sham Davande, GIS Expert Arid Communities Technologies, Bhuj 11 September, 2015

2 Introduction What is Non-Spatial and Spatial Data? Spatial Data Types and GIS Layers Role of Spatial Database and its Functionality Basic GIS Analysis GIS Applications in Biodiversity conservation Case Study examples

3 Non Spatial Data It is the data or information with no details of any location ?

4 What makes data spatial? Placename Grid co-ordinate Postcode Distance & bearing Description Latitude / Longitude

5 Spatial Data Spatial Data – it is the data or information that identifies the geographic location of features and is usually stored as coordinate that can be mapped.

6 Spatial Data Mapping Field data to GIS data layer in QGIS

7 Spatial Data Mapping Field data to GIS layer in QGIS

8 Spatial Data Mapping Field data to GIS layer in QGIS

9 Spatial data features Types of Features in Spatial database Point Line Polygon GIS data types Spatial data Attribute data Linked Tables Rasters

10 Role of Spatial database in Biodiversity conservation Uniform data across users Easy to update and Manage database Higher quality GIS analysis Enhance data efficiency Spatial and Temporal database of ecological parameters Ability to carry out “what if?” scenarios Ability to visualize species distribution Works with Remote Sensing Technology Ability to develop WebGIS 10

11 Spatial database and GIS Layers for Biodiversity Conservation 11 Spatial Database Functionality

12 Survey data linked with field photographs Linked table with Relationship class 12

13 Spatial Database Functionality Weather Station linked with time series weather data 13

14 Spatial database for Biodiversity GIS data Layers for Biodiversity Conservation

15 Spatial Databases & GIS At a simple level a GIS may just form the graphical interface to a database The majority of GIS applications follow this example Linked database table Spatial data Spatial SQL Query Manager

16 GIS & Analysis In the context of GIS, analysis is... “Deriving new information from existing data” It is also the manipulation of data to solve a problem e.g. identify all areas within 500m of a lake Increase in use of GIS analytical capabilities, BUT many GIS projects only use the software to store and manage geographical data Yet analysis often relies on many simple basic GIS techniques

17 Simple Query The identification of objects and their attributes either by location or attribute query.

18 Spatial data Spatial SQL Query Manager Spatial Query How many Sociable lapwings recorded in Gujarat?

19 Buffering Creation of an area of interest around an object –proximity analysis and species range assessment in an area

20 GIS Applications using Spatial Database Mapping of Grasslands, Forests, Agriculture, Water Resources etc. Field data management and its analysis Mapping Habitats, Species Diversity Environmental Impact Assessment Fragmentation Analysis of Landcover Species Distribution Modelling (Ecological Niche Modelling) Water Resources Management Transport/vehicle routing Health Hazards prediction and many more... 20

21 Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Prediction GARP is a species distribution or ecological niche modeling algorithm GARP is used to predict whether an area of study is suitable habitat for the species in question GARP works in an iterative process of rule selection, evaluation, testing, and incorporation or rejection Ecological Niche Modelling

22 Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Prediction Ecological Niche Modelling

23 GARP Animal Human Environmental Elevation Aspect Slope Biogeoclimatic January Temp July Temp Precipitation Soil Determine significant variables Methodology and Data Resulting models Ecological Niche Modelling

24 GARP 20 ecological niche model outputs produced for each set of cases GIS Potential = 1-10 model agreement Optimal = 11-20 model agreement Model accuracy is based on: # of correct predictions # of correct predictions + commission and omission errors Ecological Niche Modelling


26 Case Study of NG. Biodiversity

27 Case Study of NG. Biodiversity …..






33 Examples of GIS data outputs for Biodiversity Conservation….. IBA Site Map

34 Examples of GIS data outputs for Biodiversity Conservation….. Potential Ramsar Site

35 Examples of GIS data outputs for Biodiversity Conservation….. Distribution of Anatidae Species

36 Examples of GIS data outputs for Biodiversity Conservation….. GIS for Conservation of Lake

37 Examples of GIS data outputs for Biodiversity Conservation….. GIS for Community Protected Areas

38 Examples of GIS data outputs for Biodiversity Conservation….. GIS for Bird Migration Study

39 Examples of GIS data outputs for Biodiversity Conservation….. GIS for Grasslands Management

40 Examples of GIS data outputs for Biodiversity Conservation….. GIS for Protected Areas Management

41 Thank you for your attention!!!

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