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Summer Lunch in Libraries ? YES, it can be done! As told by Cat Burton of the Alameda County Community Food Bank and Carmela Chase of the City of Oakland.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer Lunch in Libraries ? YES, it can be done! As told by Cat Burton of the Alameda County Community Food Bank and Carmela Chase of the City of Oakland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer Lunch in Libraries ? YES, it can be done! As told by Cat Burton of the Alameda County Community Food Bank and Carmela Chase of the City of Oakland A tale of unusual partnerships

2 Our partnership prior to the Library pilot project  The Food Bank  Provided banners and flyers  Offered its 1-800 helpline to list sites  City of Oakland  Sponsored the summer lunch program  Our combined efforts  Recruit new sites  Generate media attention  Coordinate outreach to schools

3 Libraries: a pipe dream that went viral  Food Bank volunteer suggested a nearby Library as a site  Food Bank and the City of Oakland approached the Library about the idea  We started with 1 Library for two weeks  By the end of the summer we were in 5 libraries and provided 3,500 meals to children

4 How Our Model Works Free Lunch for Kids! Library provides the space Food Bank provides volunteers City of Oakland provides food

5 Challenges we had  For the Food Bank  Managing and coordinating the huge response from our volunteer pool  Training people  For the City of Oakland  Convincing the Library that they wouldn’t be burdened with extra work  Refrigeration!  Accommodating Library open times with our delivery schedule

6 This year’s project: Scaling UP!  Double the number of participating Libraries from 5 to 10  Implement an “adopt-a-site” model with Food Bank volunteer groups  Use volunteers for outreach through classroom visits and putting up doorhangers in nearby neighborhoods  Vendors provide refrigeration

7 Our contact information  Cat Burton  510-635-3663 ext. 307   Carmela Chase  510-238-7992 

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