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Milestones science review. Which of these is an object found in nature that has never been alive? A. rock B. mineral C. Hardness D. streak B. mineral.

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Presentation on theme: "Milestones science review. Which of these is an object found in nature that has never been alive? A. rock B. mineral C. Hardness D. streak B. mineral."— Presentation transcript:

1 Milestones science review

2 Which of these is an object found in nature that has never been alive? A. rock B. mineral C. Hardness D. streak B. mineral

3 Which of these is NOT a way to identify a mineral? A. Color B. Luster C. Size D. hardness C. size

4 Put the following minerals in order from softest to hardest: granite, talc, diamond, quartz Talc, granite, quartz, diamond

5 Match how the types of rock are formed: 1. igneousA. Squeezed into layers 2. metamorphicB. Melted then cooled 3. sedimentaryC. Heat and pressure 1.B 2.C 3.A

6 This type of soil is made up of dead plants and animals. A. Topsoil B. Sand C. Loam D. humus D. humus

7 Soil is made up of all of the following except? A. Worms B. Water C. Air D. Pieces of rock A. worms

8 Put the following types of soil in order from the largest grains to the smallest: silt, clay, sand Sand, silt, clay

9 Which type of soil hold water the best? A. Clay B. Sand C. Humus D. Silt C. humus

10 Match each word with the correct definition: 1. weatheringA. The movement of soil 2. erosionB. Breaking of rock into smaller pieces 1.B 2.A

11 Which of the following does not cause weathering? A. Sun B. Wind C. Water D. Ice A. sun

12 The form of energy that moves particles of matter is called? A. Heat B. Temperature C. Celcius D. Thermal energy D. Thermal energy

13 What happens to particles of matter as they get hotter? They move faster and they are farther apart

14 Which form of water would have slow moving particles that are close together? A. Ice B. Water in a glass C. Steam A. ice

15 What is the movement of energy between two objects that touch each other? A. Conduction B. Conductor C. Insulator D. Insulation A. conduction

16 Which of the following is NOT a good insulator? A. Wood B. Plastic C. Metal D. Cloth C. metal

17 Which of the following is the BEST conductor? A. A straw B. A pot C. A wooden spoon D. A potholder B. A pot

18 What is a way to cause friction? A. Boil water B. Cook an egg C. Tie your shoes D. Rub your hands together D. Rub your hands together

19 Which is NOT an example of using thermal energy? A. Burn wood B. Use a hair dryer C. Mix cookie dough D. Drive a car C.Mix cookie dough (cars burn gas, a form of thermal energy)

20 Which of the following is NOT attracted to a magnet? A. Aluminum B. Iron C. Steel D. Nickel A. Aluminum

21 What happens to magnets when you try to put the north end with another north end? A. They repel each other B. They attract each other C. They don’t do anything D. They stick together A. They repel each other

22 Which of the following uses electricity to make a magnet? A. Bar magnet B. Generator C. Electromagnet D. Horseshoe magnet C. electromagnet

23 If you rub a paper clip against a magnet many times and pick up staples with it, what have you created? A. An electromagnet B. A generator C. A permanent magnet D. A temporary magnet D. A temporary magnet

24 Which of these is NOT a use for magnets? A. Creating electricity B. Heating an object C. Separating iron from other metals D. Keeping cabinet doors closed B. Heating an object

25 The remains of a living thing that died long ago is called? A. A cast B. A mold C. Petrified D. A fossil D. A fossil

26 Most fossils form in which type of rock? A. Metamorphic B. Sedimentary C. Igneous D. Volcanoes B. Sedimentary

27 Fill in the blanks with one of the following words: cast, mold A is the shape of a once living thing. A forms when mud or minerals fill in a shape. Mold, cast

28 What type of fossils are not as common as others? Explain why? A. Animal fossils B. Trace fossils C. Plant fossils D. Cast fossils C. Plant fossils The plants are easily destroyed

29 We can learn all of the following about fossils EXCEPT? A. What color something was B. How long ago it lived C. How big it was D. Where it lived A. What color something was

30 If an environment changes, living things can do what? A. move B. Die C. Adapt D. All of the above D. All of the above

31 Which of the following is NOT a type of fossil? A. Trace B. Teeth C. Fur D. Footprints C. Fur

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