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Integrated Project of the Sixth Framework Programme, Priority 1.4: Aeronautics and Space, sponsored by EC, DG TREN Contract FP6-513522 Internet:

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Project of the Sixth Framework Programme, Priority 1.4: Aeronautics and Space, sponsored by EC, DG TREN Contract FP6-513522 Internet:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Project of the Sixth Framework Programme, Priority 1.4: Aeronautics and Space, sponsored by EC, DG TREN Contract FP6-513522 Internet: EMMA 2 E uropean Airport M ovement M anagement by A -SMGCS, Part 2 Public Launch 20th April 2006 Malpensa Sixth Framework Programme Priority 1.4 Aeronautic and Space FP6 Integrated Project on A-SMGCS

2 DLR, 2006-04-20 © EMMA2, 2006-04-20, Malpensa 2 The European Commission co-funded A-SMGCS implementation projects in the different framework programmes (FP):  FP4: DEFAMM (Demonstration Facilities for Airport Movement Management) to demonstrate the technology.  FP5:BETA (operational Benefit Evaluation by Testing an A-SMGCS) for first implementations under operational conditions.  FP6:EMMA (European airport Movement Management by A-SMGCS), which will pave the way to harmonise the implementation of A-SMGCS Level I & II EMMA2 for the higher A-SMGCS services Why EMMA ?

3 DLR, 2006-04-20 © EMMA2, 2006-04-20, Malpensa 3 Change of CWP SMGCS view A-SMGCS view

4 DLR, 2006-04-20 © EMMA2, 2006-04-20, Malpensa 4 Change of Cockpit Future Cockpit with a Moving Map Display for Guidance

5 DLR, 2006-04-20 © EMMA2, 2006-04-20, Malpensa 5 On Board Guidance

6 DLR, 2006-04-20 © EMMA2, 2006-04-20, Malpensa 6 Equipment installed in EMMA TypePragueToulouseMalpensa ASR stations111 SMR stations111 MLAT stations15510 Data Fusion & ATCO HMI314 - Conflict Detection Gap FillerCamera Vehicles equipped80105/3 Ground based Guidance Onboard MMD tested

7 DLR, 2006-04-20 © EMMA2, 2006-04-20, Malpensa 7 EMMA Achievements A harmonised definition of A-SMGCS levels I & II in accordance with Eurocontrol at three airports regarding the –Definition of Operational Concept for A-SMGCS level I & II including Functional Hazard Assessment (FHA) Preliminary System Safety Assessment (PSSA) –Implementation of level I & II systems at three airports including Onboard –Developing of a Verification & Validation Methodology with Additional surveillance performance assessment at the biggest European Hub Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Development of algorithm and analysis tool (MOGADOR by DSNA/DTI) to assess surveillance and alerting performance Concept for higher-level services, equipment and procedures outlined

8 DLR, 2006-04-20 © EMMA2, 2006-04-20, Malpensa 8 EMMA 2 EMMA 2 is the continuing step from A-SMGCS level I & II to include implementation and validation of the higher A-SMGCS services. EMMA 2 will consolidate the higher A-SMGCS services in terms of Technical and operational Requirements Procedures Onboard and Ground development and their Interoperability EMMA 2 will work again in close cooperation with EUROCONTROL and with the participation of active controllers and pilots. EMMA 2 ensures the integration into the overall ATM and airport environment in terms of interoperability (CDM)

9 DLR, 2006-04-20 © EMMA2, 2006-04-20, Malpensa 9 Derive Test-Site specific A-SMGCS Requirements Develop Test-Setups at Test-Sites Verify Test-Setups against Requirements Validate the generic A-SMGCS concept Develop Common Generic A-SMGCS Concept EMMA iterative approach

10 DLR, 2006-04-20 © EMMA2, 2006-04-20, Malpensa 10 Logical Interdependencies between EMMA Service Steps V3 Dispatch & Guidance V2 Ground Traffic V1 Electr. Moving Map V eh. Drivers Onboard Serv. A4 Auto steering A3 HUD A2 Ground traffic + CPDLC A1 Electronic Moving Map Flight Crew Onboard Services R4 ROP R3 Auto (Planning) R2 Semi-auto R1 Manual ATCO R outing G2 Auto switch G1 Manual switched ground guidance (e.g. Heathrow) ATCO G uidance C4 Conflicts on Aprons C3 Plan / Route Deviation / EFS / CPDLC C2 Conflicts on TWY C1 Conflicts on RWY ATCO C ontrol S3 S2 + Id/Pos of vehicles movement area S2 Step 1 + Identif./Position of all a/c in the movement area (includes the apron) S1 Identif./Position of everything in the manoeuvering area ATCO S urveillance Service Steps (1, 2, 3, …) EMMA 2 EMMA

11 DLR, 2006-04-20 © EMMA2, 2006-04-20, Malpensa 11 22+2 Partner, 9 Countries 30 Months Duration Budget of 21 Million EUR 3+1 Test Sites EMMA 2 Consortium

12 DLR, 2006-04-20 © EMMA2, 2006-04-20, Malpensa 12 EMMA 2 Objectives (1) Consolidation of higher A-SMGCS services in operational environment –Development of new techn. Enablers and Functions –Development of procedures and requirements for higher A-SMGCS services –Roadmaps for implementation, certification, training, and licensing –Development of a Data Link Concept (surveillance & communication) –Safety Assessment (PSSA & SSA with TLS and MXP) –Validation of requirements and new procedures –Implementation study of higher A-SMGCS services with Paris CDG –Recommendations for “implementation packages” for A-SMGCS installations at different types of airports

13 DLR, 2006-04-20 © EMMA2, 2006-04-20, Malpensa 13 EMMA 2 Objectives (2) Higher A-SMGCS services in EMMA 2 Routing/Planning –DMAN –SMAN Control –Monitoring and alerting on runways and taxiways –Electronic Flight Stripes –CPDLC Onboard Services –MMD –Ground traffic displays –Communication and Guidance (CPDLC) –HUD and B&S Information management (basis for CDM) –Coordination with adjacent centres (APP, ACC, Airport, Airline, CFMU) –Assistant for handover the responsibility between APP and TWR

14 DLR, 2006-04-20 © EMMA2, 2006-04-20, Malpensa 14 EMMA 2 Project Structure GP0 IP Management Exploitation Dissemination SP1 Operational Concept SP 4,5 & 6 Ground Developments SP2 Airborne Developments SP6 Validation Prague Toulouse Malpensa SP 4,5 & 6 Ground Developments SP3,4,5 Ground Developments Contact to other Projects GP7 User Forum Airborne

15 DLR, 2006-04-20 © EMMA2, 2006-04-20, Malpensa 15 Questions? Mail to: Further Information:

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