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Comparative genomics analysis of NtcA regulons in cyanobacteria: Regulation of nitrogen assimilation and its coupling to photosynthesis Wen-Ting Huang.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparative genomics analysis of NtcA regulons in cyanobacteria: Regulation of nitrogen assimilation and its coupling to photosynthesis Wen-Ting Huang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparative genomics analysis of NtcA regulons in cyanobacteria: Regulation of nitrogen assimilation and its coupling to photosynthesis Wen-Ting Huang Jau-Chi Huang Zhengchang Su, Vitctor Olman, Fenglou Mao and Ying Xu

2 Outline Introduction Method Result Conclusion

3 Introduction DNA transcription mRNA 5’ 3’ introncoding region

4 5’ 3’ 5’3’ upstreamdownstream transcription direction Regulatory regionRNA polymerase binding site Regulation elements RNA polymerase

5 cis-regulation –Regulatory regions of genes and the regulated genes are on the same chromosome Phylogenetic footprinting –Identifies regulatory elements by finding regions in a set of orthologous non-coding DNA sequences from multiple species.

6 Cyanobacteria –bacteria –live in the water –Gram-Negative, oxygenic phototrophs –Nitrogen control in cyanobacteria is mediated by NtcA

7 NtcA –A protein which regulates the assimilation of nitrogen. NtcA binding site –Base Motif “GTAN8TAC” –~14 bps –Intron –Nitrogen fixation related genes –-31 downstream has -10 σ 70 like box “TAN3T”

8 High false positive rate Too short to identify 3 methods: –Coding region –-10 like box –Othologous genes

9 Materials Nine sequenced cyanobacteria genomes were downloaded from the GenBank. ia/

10 Method Step 1: –Prepare training sets –Get the profiles(GTAN8TAC, TAN3T) Step 2: –Scan genomic sequences and score each motif. Step 3: –Decide the cutoff.

11 Known Possible NtcA binding sites (GTAN8TAC) –Appear in the upstream intergenic regions –In many cases, there is a –10 like box (TAN3T) in the 31bp downstream regions of the NtcA binding site transcription unit upstream 31bptranscription unit

12 Prepare training sets They chose 11 genes which are known to be regulated by NtcA from the nine cyanobacterial genomes. They used phylogenetic footprinting and identified 51 putative NtcA binding sites. These 51 sites constitute the training set A1 for the NtcA binding site. The –31 bp downstream regions are further searched for a –10 like box and form the training set B1

13 A1 & B1

14 A2&B2 They collected 12 experimentally verified NtcA binding sites and their downstream from seven other cyanobacteria. They also included the sites that failed to find by phylogenetic footprinting.

15 Profiles They combined A1 and A2 to construct the profile of NctA binding sites.

16 Profiles They combined B1 and B2 to construct the profile of –10 like boxes.



19 The scoring functions

20 Orthologous genes The presence of similar motifs in the regulatory regions of the orthologous genes can increase the prediction accuracy. They predicted two genes in two genomes to be orthologous to each other if they are a pair of reciprocal best hit in BLASTP searches.

21 Orthologous genes upstream transcription unit

22 Cutoff The largest score for the genome to include all the binding sites from that genome in the training sets. P-value –p[S(C U )>s c ]<0.01 or 0.05




26 Analysis

27 “GTA________TAC”“TA___T”


29 Niche of NtcA in cyanobacteria … ? Some genes bear NtcA promoters might coordinate photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation. RNA polymerase σ-factor in cyanobacteria might bear an NtcA promoter and regulated by NtcA.

30 Conclusion The false positive rate is reduced from 8.2 to 90.9 fold. Some binding sites might be missed due to the lack of orthologues in the other genomes. NtcA promoters are found for many genes involved in the various stages of photosynthesis process.

31 Thank You

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