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10 th Grade English Thursday 6 Mar. 2014 Agenda: Turn in forecasting guide Finish Mini-Lesson on Apostrophes and Homonyms Rockin’ Out with FANBOYS! Fun.

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Presentation on theme: "10 th Grade English Thursday 6 Mar. 2014 Agenda: Turn in forecasting guide Finish Mini-Lesson on Apostrophes and Homonyms Rockin’ Out with FANBOYS! Fun."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 th Grade English Thursday 6 Mar. 2014 Agenda: Turn in forecasting guide Finish Mini-Lesson on Apostrophes and Homonyms Rockin’ Out with FANBOYS! Fun with Subordinate Clauses! Homework: Revise HSPE Persuasive Essay if needed and turn back in tomorrow – Friday, March 7 th. Sing the Coordinating Conjunctions song for your family tonight!

2 Learning Targets for Apostrophes and Homonyms 1. I can add an apostrophe and an s to show a noun is possessive. 2. I can add an apostrophe to the end of plural nouns that end in -s. 3. I can add an apostrophe to make a sentence correct and remove the unnecessary apostrophes to make a sentence correct. 4. I can use there, their and they’re correctly in a sentence. 5. I can use to, two, and too correctly in a sentence.

3 Coordinating Conjunctions FANBOYS! (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So) or... And, But, & Or, Nor, Yet, For, So Has a subject and verb? Use a FANBOY with a comma. One half has subject and verb, but the other half only has one or the other? Then do not use a comma!

4 Coordinating Conjunctions Read and complete Coordinating Conjunctions handout.

5 Learning Targets for Subordinate Clauses 1. I can define a subordinate clause and a main clause. 2. I can identify 3 subordinating conjunctions I often see in writing. 3. I can identify when and where to place the comma in subordinating clauses. 4. I can craft a sentence that begins with a subordinating clause and ends with a main clause. 5. I can craft a sentence that begins with a main clause and ends with a subordinating clause.

6 Subordinate Clauses Read and Complete “The Subordinate Clause” handout.

7 Crafting Your own Subordinating Clauses 1. Once you are assigned a main clause, choose 1 subordinate conjunction to begin your sentence with. 2. Craft a subordinate clause that could be placed at the beginning of the sentence. (Be mindful about where the comma goes!) 3. Repeat steps 1-2 so you have 2 subordinating clauses. 4. Now chose a different subordinate conjunction to end the sentence with. (This will go after the main clause.) 5. Craft a subordinate clause that could be placed at the end of the sentence. (Be mindful about comma placement!) 6. Repeat steps 4-5 so you have 2 subordinating clauses.

8 Crafting Your own Subordinating Clauses 1. Place your post-it notes at the beginning or end of the main clause you were assigned. 2. Begin reading others’ sentences for a silent gallery walk around the room to enjoy your peers’ work. 3. Vote for most correct and enjoyable subordinating clauses! 4. Done? Return to seat and begin Practice Exercises for Subordinate Clauses.

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