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SCC Students’ Work Status (Fall 2004 to Fall 2009) Note: before 2005, the category NONE did not distinguish between seeking and not seeking work. Source:

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Presentation on theme: "SCC Students’ Work Status (Fall 2004 to Fall 2009) Note: before 2005, the category NONE did not distinguish between seeking and not seeking work. Source:"— Presentation transcript:

1 SCC Students’ Work Status (Fall 2004 to Fall 2009) Note: before 2005, the category NONE did not distinguish between seeking and not seeking work. Source: EOS ProfileSacramento City College Hours Worked per Week Category ----

2 SCC Gender Distribution (Fall 2004 to Fall 2009) FallFemaleMaleTotal 200413,02760.3%8,43439.0%21,46199.3% 200512,88259.2%8,67339.8%21,55599.0% 200613,33058.5%9,21840.5%22,54899.0% 200714,49358.9%9,91040.3%24,40399.2% 200814,96658.0%10,59941.1%25,56599.1% 2009 15,62657.8%11,13241.2%26,75899.0% Source: End of Semester Profile

3 SCC Age Group Distribution (Fall 2004 to Fall 2009) Fall Under 18 Years 18-20 Years 21-24 Years 25-29 Years 30-39 Years 40+ YearsTotal 2004 6393.0%7,13233.0%4,86222.5%2,94713.6%2,75712.8%3,27215.1%21,609 2005 7423.4%7,44334.2%4,73621.8%2,90613.4%2,68512.3%3,25515.0%21,767 2006 7333.2%7,66133.6%5,16522.7%3,12913.7%2,70711.9%3,37314.8%22,768 2007 6102.5%8,13433.1%5,50522.4%3,56314.5%2,99512.2%3,79515.4%24,602 2008 6522.5%8,31732.3%5,90722.9%3,83314.9%3,22012.5%3,85915.0%25,788 2009 6332.3%872732.3%623223.1%406615.0%344612.7%392414.5%27,028 2009 Percentages Source: End of Semester Profile

4 SCC Student Ethnicity Profile (Fall 2004 to Fall 2009) African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanic Native AmericanOther Pacific IslanderWhiteTotal Fall 20042,68812.4%4,71721.8%8003.7%3,54216.4%2611.2%1,8218.4%2601.2%7,52034.8%21,609 Fall 20052,80512.9%4,72621.7%7563.5%3,60416.6%2521.2%1,9278.8%2841.3%7,41334.1%21,767 Fall 20063,15313.8%4,85021.3%8163.6%3,90117.1%2481.1%2,1349.4%3021.3%7,36432.3%22,768 Fall 20073,58414.6%5,07420.6%8893.6%4,27817.4%2601.1%2,3389.5%3481.4%7,83131.8%24,602 Fall 20083,71214.4%5,11819.8%8783.4%4,64718.0%2611.0%2,3759.2%4041.6%8,39332.5%25,788 Fall 20094,09915.2%5,15119.1%9093.4% 4,77017.6% 3781.4%3,01711.2% 3871.4% 8,31730.8%27,028 Source: End of Semester Profile

5 SCC Student Household Income Level (Fall 2004 to Fall 2009) 2009 Percentages: FallBelow PovertyLowMiddle & AboveUnable to DetermineTotal 20046,72231.1%4,75922.0%7,74435.8%2,38411.0%21,609 20056,71830.9%4,81322.1%7,40334.0%2,83313.0%21,767 20067,14731.4%4,79821.1%7,37532.4%3,44815.1%22,768 20076,50426.4%5,22921.2%7,32829.8%5,54122.5%24,602 20087,63029.6%4,85418.8%7,77430.1%5,53021.4%25,788 2009 9,12633.8%5,23119.4%7,38027.3%5,29119.6%27,028 Note: This measure uses U.S. Department of Health and Human Services definitions for income levels. Source: End of Semester Profile

6 SCC Students’ Educational Goal Distribution (Fall 2004 to Fall 2009) * 4-year students meeting 4-year requirements (new category for 2007) Source: End of Semester Profile Fall Transfer w/ AA Transfer w/out AA AA w/o Transfer Vocational (with or w/o Cert.) Basic Skills/ Personal Dev. Unspecified 4-YR meeting 4-Yr Reqs. Total 2004 35.7%12.2%12.3%10.1%11.4%18.2%*21,609 2005 37.9%13.1%15.8%7.5%10.1%15.6%*21,767 2006 37.6%15.5%10.5%12.8%8.9%14.7%*22,768 2007 37.5%12.5%10.7%12.3%7.5%10.7%8.8%24,602 2008 38.5%12.4%11.3%11.5%6.9%10.4%9.0%25,788 2009 40.7%12.9%12.2%6.4%10.4%9.3%8.1%27,028

7 SCC College Students, by First Generation Status (Fall 2005 to Fall 2009) 2009 Percentages FallYesNoTotal 2005 8,19837.7% 13,56962.3%21,767 2006 8,42737.0% 14,34163.0%22,768 2007 8,62835.1% 15,97464.9%24,602 2008 9,11635.3% 16,67264.7%25,788 2009 9,81036.3% 17,21863.7%27,028 Source: End of Semester Profile

8 SCC Students’ Primary Languages (Fall 2004 to Fall 2009) Source: End of Semester Profile 2009 Percentages

9 SCC Students by Enrollment Status, Fall 2004 to Fall 2009 Source: End of Semester Profile

10 SCC Students, by Education Initiative Status (Fall 2004 to Fall 2009) FallYesNoTotal 20042,1189.8%19,49190.2%21,609 20052,28810.5%19,47989.5%21,767 20062,37010.4%20,39889.6%22,768 20072,64310.7%21,95989.3%24,602 20082,74810.7%23,04089.3%25,788 2009 2,918 10.8% 24,110 89.2%27,028 Source: EOS Profile

11 Student Load Source: EOS Profile SCC Student Load Fall 2004 to 2009 Sacramento City College Students

12 Student Load Source: EOS Profile SCC Student Load (%) Fall 2004 to 2009 Sacramento City College Percentage** **may not add to 100% due to unknowns.

13 Source: LRCCD IR Report Card and EOS Profile SCC Enrollment of Recent High School Graduates Fall 2005-2009 Top 10 Feeder High Schools Number of Students * New area high school, no HS graduates for that year. C.K. McClatchy J.F. Kennedy Hiram Johnson Davis SeniorRiver City Luther BurbankSheldon Franklin (Elk Grove)Rosemont West Campus Hiram Johnson 2005149120916870755444*48 200617115777665556 53*40 20071561485883746659756146 200815614612488966556597752 20091551349677867467848858

14 Source: LRCCD IR Report Card (EOS Profile and CBEDS data)Sacramento City College Public High School Participation Rates Fall 2004 to 2008 Percent of Public High School Graduating Class Attending SCC the Following Fall Top 9 Feeder Schools for Most Recent Year (2008) For the most recent year, 2008, the top 9 feeder schools represent 42% of total enrollment of recent high school graduates attending Sacramento City College No HS graduate data for that year. Year C.K. McClatchy John F. Kennedy Davis Senior High Franklin High River City Senior High Luther Burbank High Rosemont High Hiram Johnson Sheldon High 20043429.314.7*26.916.7*28.48.3 200531.725.812.19.325.518.8*21.28.7 200637.333.813.19.220.414.7*20.78.5 20073736.21512.327.518.721.326.08.4 200839.435.717.59.732.419.924.037.510.5 NEEDS 2009 – Data expected July 2010

15 SCC Recent High School Graduates’ Ethnicity Profile (Fall 2005 to Fall 2009) African AmericanAsianFilipinoHispanic Native AmericanOther Pacific IslanderWhiteTotal Fall 200530617.7%34520.0%382.2%36521.1%160.9%1418.2%261.5%49228.5%1,729 Fall 200633519.6%34220.0%482.8%36121.2%130.8%1257.3%331.9%44926.3%1,706 Fall 200734817.9%34417.7%442.3%45123.3%241.2%1316.8%442.3%55328.5%1,939 Fall 200835517.1%39719.2%693.3%43721.1%251.2%1517.3%572.8%58128.0% 2,072 Fall 200931414.3%39017.8%894.1%41719.0%572.6%38117.4%411.9%50423.0%2,193 Source: EOS Profile

16 SCC Student Home Zip Codes This Slide uses the Fact Book Slide # 2-6 Sacramento City College SCC Student Home Zip Codes 2-6 Sources: Enrollment - EOS Research Database Files Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Zips – U.S. Census

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