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Chapter Nine The Book of Daniel. “Sevens” (9:24) Weeks or Years? “Sevens” (9:24) Weeks or Years? “ While in Deut. 16:9…shabu‘a represents a period of.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Nine The Book of Daniel. “Sevens” (9:24) Weeks or Years? “Sevens” (9:24) Weeks or Years? “ While in Deut. 16:9…shabu‘a represents a period of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Nine The Book of Daniel

2 “Sevens” (9:24) Weeks or Years? “Sevens” (9:24) Weeks or Years? “ While in Deut. 16:9…shabu‘a represents a period of seven days, in Dan. 9:24,25,26, 27 it denotes years in each of its appearances in these four verses. This is proven by the context wherein Daniel recognizes that the seventy-year period of captivity is almost over…”

3 The Book of Daniel “Sevens” (9:24) Weeks or Years? “Sevens” (9:24) Weeks or Years? “…Note also the apparent reference in Dan. 12:11 to half of Daniel’s last seventy (9:27); it is 1290 days, approximately three and a half years. Thus here it means years.” (Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, p. 899). “…Note also the apparent reference in Dan. 12:11 to half of Daniel’s last seventy (9:27); it is 1290 days, approximately three and a half years. Thus here it means years.” (Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, p. 899).

4 The Book of Daniel “Seventy Sevens” (9:24) For The People & The Holy City Finish transgression End of Sins Reconciliation for iniquity Everlasting righteousness Seal up vision and prophecy Anoint the Most Holy “Seventy Sevens” (9:24) For The People & The Holy City Finish transgression End of Sins Reconciliation for iniquity Everlasting righteousness Seal up vision and prophecy Anoint the Most Holy The Jews & Jerusalem End the Exile The Gospel End Revelation Coming of Messiah

5 The Book of Daniel “Seventy Sevens” “seven”= seven years? 490 years “Seventy Sevens” “seven”= seven years? 490 years “Seven & Sixty-two sevens” Rebuild Jerusalem—Messiah Comes “Seven & Sixty-two sevens” Rebuild Jerusalem—Messiah Comes 49 years + 434 years = 483 years 7 years

6 The Book of Daniel Timeline 538 Cyrus takes Babylon – issues decree (Ezra 1) 457-458 Command to rebuild (Ezra 6) 444 BC Nehemiah rebuilds the walls 330 BC Alexander destroys Persepolis ca. 4-1 BC Jesus is born ca. 26-36 AD Jesus’ three year public ministry ca. 29-33 AD Jesus is crucified 70 AD The Temple is destroyed by Titus 538 Cyrus takes Babylon – issues decree (Ezra 1) 457-458 Command to rebuild (Ezra 6) 444 BC Nehemiah rebuilds the walls 330 BC Alexander destroys Persepolis ca. 4-1 BC Jesus is born ca. 26-36 AD Jesus’ three year public ministry ca. 29-33 AD Jesus is crucified 70 AD The Temple is destroyed by Titus 460 BC – 30 AD = 490 years 500 BC 400 BC 300 BC 200 BC 100 BC AD100 AD “Seventy Sevens”

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