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III 1 st semester Final Latin JEOPARDY VerbsNounsNouns Latin to English English Latin Idioms and Phrases Latin Idioms and PhrasesClauses(notSanta)Clauses(notSanta)

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2 III 1 st semester Final Latin JEOPARDY

3 VerbsNounsNouns Latin to English English Latin Idioms and Phrases Latin Idioms and PhrasesClauses(notSanta)Clauses(notSanta) 100 200 300 400 500

4 Verbs for 100 (name the person, #, tense, mood and voice, then translate ) Third, plur, imperfect, indicative, active – they were remaining/staying manebant

5 Verbs for 200 (name the #, tense, mood and voice, then translate ) plural, perfect, participle, active – (they) having departed ēgressīēgressī

6 Verbs for 300 (name the #, mood and voice, then translate ) sing, infinitive, active - To carry sing, infinitive, active - To carry portāreportāre

7 Verbs for 400 (name the, #, mood and voice, then translate ) abīabī Sing, imperative, active – Go away

8 Verbs for 500 (name the person, #, tense, mood and voice, then translate ) Third, sing, pluperfect, subjunctive, active – he had seen vīdissetvīdisset

9 Nouns for 100 (name the #, gender, and case, then translate ) Sing, masc, nominative (or vocative) – blockhead caudexcaudex

10 Nouns for 200 (name the #, gender, and case, then translate ) Plur, feminine, genitive – Of the cells Plur, feminine, genitive – Of the cells cellārumcellārum

11 Nouns for 300 (name the #, gender, and case, then translate ) Plur, masc, dative/ablative – To/for the men or by/with/from the men Plur, masc, dative/ablative – To/for the men or by/with/from the men hominibushominibus

12 Nouns for 400 (name the #, gender, and case, then translate ) Plur, neuter, nom/acc – camp Plur, neuter, nom/acc – camp castracastra

13 Nouns for 500 (name the #, gender, and case, then translate ) Sing, fem, gen/dat – of the matter or to/for the matter reīreī

14 Latin to English for 100 It is the best plan id est cōnsilium optimum

15 Latin to English for 200 Strythio, my companion in exile, is here but he does not help me. adest Strythiō, comes exiliī, sed mē nōn adiuvat.

16 Latin to English for 300 Go first to the cook. ī prīmum ad coquum.

17 Latin to English for 400 He ordered the soldiers to capture Modestus & Stryhtio mīlitēs imperāvit ut Modestum et Strythiōnem caperent.

18 Latin to English for 500 Strythio, so that he could carry out the orders of Modestus, departed. Strythiō, ut mandāta Modestī efficeret, descessit.

19 Phrases 100 defender of the faith praesto et persto

20 Phrases 200 a home and a pleasing wife domus et placens uxor

21 Phrases 300 I will rip out your eyes oculos eripiam tibi

22 Phrases 400 the gamble of war is uncertain alea belli incerti

23 Phrases 500 virtue joins man with god virtutis hominem iugit deo

24 Clauses for 100 Cum clause cum portās cellārum apertās carcerem.

25 Clauses for 200 Indirect command mīlitēs imperāvit ut Modestum et Strythiōnem caperent.

26 Clauses for 300 purposepurpose Strythiō, ut mandāta Modestī efficeret, descessit.

27 Clauses for 400 relativerelative necesse est mihi grāna quae mūrēs relīquērunt

28 Clauses for 500 Mosdestus tam miser erat ut rem diutius ferre nōn posset. result

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