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12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/Jan Hajic 1 *Introduction to Natural Language Processing (600.465) Statistical Machine Translation Dr. Jan Hajič cCS Dept., Johns.

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1 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/Jan Hajic 1 *Introduction to Natural Language Processing (600.465) Statistical Machine Translation Dr. Jan Hajič cCS Dept., Johns Hopkins Univ.

2 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 2 The Main Idea Treat translation as a noisy channel problem: Input (Source) “ Noisy ” Output (target) The channel E: English words... (adds “ noise ” ) F: Les mots Anglais... The Model: P(E|F) = P(F|E) P(E) / P(F) Interested in rediscovering E given F: After the usual simplification (P(F) fixed): argmax E P(E|F) = argmax E P(F|E) P(E) !

3 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 3 The Necessities Language Model (LM) P(E) Translation Model (TM): Target given source P(F|E) Search procedure –Given E, find best F using the LM and TM distributions. Usual problem: sparse data –We cannot create a “ sentence dictionary ” E ↔  F –Typically, we do not see a sentence even twice!

4 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 4 The Language Model Any LM will do: –3-gram LM –3-gram class-based LM –decision tree LM with hierarchical classes Does not necessarily operates on word forms: –cf. later the “ analysis ” and “ generation ” procedures –for simplicity, imagine now it does operate on word forms

5 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 5 The Translation Models Do not care about correct strings of English words (that ’ s the task of the LM) Therefore, we can make more independence assumptions: –for start, use the “ tagging ” approach: 1 English word ( “ tag ” ) ~ 1 French word ( “ word ” ) –not realistic: rarely even the number of words is the same in both sentences (let alone there is 1:1 correspondence!)  use “ Alignment ”.

6 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 6 The Alignment 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 e 0 And the program has been implemented f 0 Le programme a é t é mis en application 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Linear notation: f 0 (1) Le(2) programme(3) a(4) é t é (5) mis(6) en(6) application(6) e 0 And(0) the(1) program(2) has(3) been(4) implemented(5,6,7)

7 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 7 Alignment Mapping In general: –|F| = m, |E| = l (length of sent.): lm connections (each French word to any English word), 2 lm different alignments for any pair (E,F) (any subset) In practice: –From English to French each English word 1-n connections (n - empirical max.-fertility?) each French word exactly 1 connection –therefore, “ only ” (l+1) m alignments ( << 2 lm ) a j = i (link from j-th French word goes to i-th English word)

8 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 8 Elements of Translation Model(s) Basic distribution: P(F,A,E) - the joint distribution of the English sentence, the Alignment, and the French sentence (length m ) Interested also in marginal distributions: P(F,E) =  A P(F,A,E) P(F|E) = P(F,E) / P(E) =  A P(F,A,E) /  A,F P(F,A,E) =  A P(F,A|E) Useful decomposition [one of possible decompositions]: P(F,A|E) = P( m | E)  j=1..m P(a j |a 1 j-1,f 1 j-1, m,E) P(f j |a 1 j,f 1 j-1, m,E)

9 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 9 Decomposition Decomposition formula again: P(F,A|E) = P( m | E)  j=1..m P(a j |a 1 j-1,f 1 j-1, m,E) P(f j |a 1 j,f 1 j-1, m,E) m - length of French sentence a j - the alignment (single connection) going from j-th French w. f j - the j-th French word from F a 1 j-1 - sequence of alignments a i up to the word preceding f j a 1 j - sequence of alignments a i up to and including the word f j f 1 j-1 - sequence of French words up to the word preceding f j

10 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 10 Decomposition and the Generative Model...and again: P(F,A|E) = P( m | E)  j=1..m P(a j |a 1 j-1,f 1 j-1, m,E) P(f j |a 1 j,f 1 j-1, m,E) Generate: –first, the length of the French given the English words E; –then, the link from the first position in F (not knowing the actual word yet)  now we know the English word –then, given the link (and thus the English word), generate the French word at the current position –then, move to the next position in F until m position filled.

11 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 11 Approximations Still too many parameters –similar situation as in n-gram model with “ unlimited ” n –impossible to estimate reliably. Use 5 models, from the simplest to the most complex (i.e. from heavy independence assumptions to light) Parameter estimation: Estimate parameters of Model 1; use as an initial estimate for estimating Model 2 parameters; etc.

12 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 12 Model 1 Approximations: –French length P( m | E) is constant (small  ) –Alignment link distribution P(a j |a 1 j-1,f 1 j-1, m,E) depends on English length l only (= 1/(l+1)) –French word distribution depends only on the English and French word connected with link a j.  Model 1 distribution: P(F,A|E) =  / (l+1) m  j=1..m p(f j |e a j )

13 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 13 Models 2-5 Model 2 –adds more detail into P(a j |...): more “ vertical ” links preferred Model 3 –adds “ fertility ” (number of links for a given English word is explicitly modeled: P(n|e i ) –“ distortion ” replaces alignment probabilities from Model 2 Model 4 –the notion of “ distortion ” extended to chunks of words Model 5 is Model 4, but not deficient (does not waste probability to non-strings)

14 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 14 The Search Procedure “ Decoder ” : –given “ output ” (French), discover “ input ” (English) Translation model goes in the opposite direction: p(f|e) =.... Naive methods do not work. Possible solution (roughly): –generate English words one-by-one, keep only n-best (variable n) list; also, account for different lengths of the English sentence candidates!

15 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 15 Analysis - Translation - Generation (ATG) Word forms: too sparse Use four basic analysis, generation steps: –tagging –lemmatization –word-sense disambiguation –noun-phrase “ chunks ” (non-compositional translations) Translation proper: –use chunks as “ words ”

16 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 16 Training vs. Test with ATG Training: –analyze both languages using all four analysis steps –train TM(s) on the result (i.e. on chunks, tags, etc.) –train LM on analyzed source (English) Runtime/Test: –analyze given language sentence (French) using identical tools as in training –translate using the trained Translation/Language model(s) –generate source (English), reversing the analysis process

17 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 17 Analysis: Tagging and Morphology Replace word forms by morphologically processed text: –lemmas –tags original approach: mix them into the text, call them “ words ” e.g. She bought two books.  she buy VBP two book NNS. Tagging: yes –but reversed order: tag first, then lemmatize [NB: does not work for inflective languages] technically easy Hand-written deterministic rules for tag+form  lemma

18 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 18 Word Sense Disambiguation, Word Chunking Sets of senses for each E, F word: –e.g. book-1, book-2,..., book-n –prepositions (de-1, de-2, de-3,...), many others Senses derived automatically using the TM –translation probabilities measured on senses: p(de-3|from-5) Result: –statistical model for assigning senses monolingually based on context (also MaxEnt model used here for each word) Chunks: group words for non-compositional translation

19 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 19 Generation Inverse of analysis Much simpler: –Chunks  words (lemmas) with senses (trivial) –Words (lemmas) with senses  words (lemmas) (trivial) –Words (lemmas) + tags  word forms Additional step: –Source-language ambiguity: electric vs. electrical, hath vs. has, you vs. thou: treated as a single unit in translation proper, but must be disambiguated at the end of generation phase; using additional pure LM on word forms.

20 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/Jan Hajic 20 *Introduction to Natural Language Processing (600.465) Statistical Translation: Alignment and Parameter Estimation Dr. Jan Hajič CS Dept., Johns Hopkins Univ.

21 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 21 Alignment Available corpus assumed: –parallel text (translation E ↔  F) No alignment present (day marks only)! Sentence alignment –sentence detection –sentence alignment Word alignment –tokenization –word alignment (with restrictions)

22 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 22 Sentence Boundary Detection Rules, lists: –Sentence breaks: paragraphs (if marked) certain characters: ?, !, ; (...almost sure) The Problem: period. –could be end of sentence (... left yesterday. He was heading to...) –decimal point: 3.6 (three-point-six) –thousand segment separator: 3.200 (three-thousand-two-hundred) –abbreviation never at the end of sentence: cf., e.g., Calif., Mt., Mr. –ellipsis:... –other languages: ordinal number indication (2nd ~ 2.) –initials: A. B. Smith Statistical methods: e.g., Maximum Entropy

23 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 23 Sentence Alignment The Problem: sentences detected only: E: F: Desired output: Segmentation with equal number of segments, spanning continuously the whole text. Original sentence boundaries kept: E: F: Alignments obtained: 2-1, 1-1, 1-1, 2-2, 2-1, 0-1 New segments called “ sentences ” from now on.

24 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 24 Alignment Methods Several methods (probabilistic and not prob.) –character-length based –word-length based –“ cognates ” (word identity used) using an existing dictionary (F: prendre ~ E: make, take) using word “ distance ” (similarity): names, numbers, borrowed words, Latin origin words,... Best performing: –statistical, word- or character- length based (with some words perhaps)

25 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 25 Length-based Alignment First, define the problem probabilistically: argmax A P(A|E,F) = argmax A P(A,E,F) (E,F fixed) Define a “ bead ” : E: F: Approximate: P(A,E,F)   i=1..n P(B i ), where B i is a bead; P(B i ) does not depend on the rest of E,F. “ bead ” (2:2 in this case)

26 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 26 The Alignment Task Given the model definition, P(A,E,F)   i=1..n P(B i ), find the partitioning of (E,F) into n beads B i=1..n, that maximizes P(A,E,F) over training data. Define B i = p:q  i, where p:q  {0:1,1:0,1:1,1:2,2:1,2:2} –describes the type of alignment Want to use some sort of dynamic programming: Define Pref(i,j)... probability of the best alignment from the start of (E,F) data (1,1) up to (i,j)

27 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 27 Recursive Definition Initialize: Pref(0,0) = 0. Pref(i,j) = max ( Pref(i,j-1) P( 0:1  k ), Pref(i-1,j) P( 1:0  k ), Pref(i-1,j-1) P( 1:1  k ), Pref(i-1,j-2) P( 1:2  k ), Pref(i-2,j-1) P( 2:1  k ), Pref(i-2,j-2) P( 2:2  k ) ) This is enough for a Viterbi-like search. E: F: i j Pref(i-2,j-2) P( 2:2  k ) Pref(i-2,j-1) P( 2:1  k ) Pref(i-1,j-2) P( 1:2  k ) Pref(i-1,j-1) P( 1:1  k ) Pref(i-1,j) P( 1:0  k ) Pref(i,j-1) P( 0:1  k )

28 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 28 Probability of a Bead Remains to define P( p:q  k ) (the red part): –k refers to the “ next ” bead, with segments of p and q sentences, lengths l k,e and l k,f. Use normal distribution for length variation: P( p:q  k ) = P(  l k,e,l k,f, ,  2 ,p:q)  P(  l k,e,l k,f, ,  2  )P(p:q)  l k,e,l k,f, ,  2  = ( l k,f -  l k,e )/  l k,e  2 Estimate P(p:q) from small amount of data, or even guess and re-estimate after aligning some data. Words etc. might be used as better clues in P( p:q a k ) def.

29 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 29 Saving time For long texts (> 10 4 sentences), even Viterbi (in the version needed) is not effective (o(S 2 ) time) Go paragraph by paragraph if they are aligned 1:1 What if not? Apply the same method first to paragraphs! –identify paragraphs roughly in both languages –run the algorithm to get aligned paragraph-like segments –then, run on sentences within paragraphs. Performs well if not many consecutive 1:0 or 0:1 beads.

30 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 30 Word alignment Length alone does not help anymore. –mainly because words can be swapped, and mutual translations have often vastly different length....but at least, we have “ sentences ” (sentence-like segments) aligned; that will be exploited heavily. Idea: –Assume some (simple) translation model (such as Model 1). –Find its parameters by considering virtually all alignments. –After we have the parameters, find the best alignment given those parameters.

31 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 31 Word Alignment Algorithm Start with sentence-aligned corpus. Let (E,F) be a pair of sentences (actually, a bead). Initialize p(f|e) randomly (e.g., uniformly), f  F, e  E. Compute expected counts over the corpus: c(f,e) =  (E,F);e  E,f  F p(f|e)  aligned pair (E,F), find if e in E and f in F; if yes, add p(f|e). Reestimate: p(f|e) = c(f,e) / c(e) [c(e) =  f c(f,e)] Iterate until change of p(f|e) is small.

32 12/07/1999 JHU CS 600.465/ Intro to NLP/Jan Hajic 32 Best Alignment Select, for each (E,F), A = argmax A P(A|F,E) = argmax A P(F,A|E)/P(F) = argmax A P(F,A|E) = argmax A (  / (l+1) m  j=1..m p(f j |e a j )) = argmax A  j=1..m p(f j |e a j ) (IBM Model 1) Again, use dynamic programming, Viterbi-like algorithm. Recompute p(f|e) based on the best alignment (only if you are inclined to do so; the “ original ” summed-over-all distribution might perform better). Note: we have also got all Model 1 parameters.

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