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MINIMUS – CHAPTER 4. VOCABULARY PAGE 22 docet teaches laetus happy iratus angry cur why? fatigata bored.

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Presentation on theme: "MINIMUS – CHAPTER 4. VOCABULARY PAGE 22 docet teaches laetus happy iratus angry cur why? fatigata bored."— Presentation transcript:


2 VOCABULARY PAGE 22 docet teaches laetus happy iratus angry cur why? fatigata bored

3 GRAMMAR RULES PAGE 22 The ending on an adjective must match the noun in masculinity and femininity. Male ends in –us Female ends in –a

4 TRANSLATION QUIZ Please translate all Latin words to English. docet laetus iratus cur? fatigata

5 TRANSLATION QUIZ Read the sentences. Write the correct adjective to complete the sentence. A. Flavia doesn’t do her writing, so Corinthus is (iratus/irata/callidus) B.Candidus sees Pandora, so he is (iratus/laetus/laeta) C.Rufus wants to go to sleep because he is (laeta/fessus/iratus) D.Everyone enjoys the meals Candidus cooks because he is a (fessus/optimus/irata) cook. E.Lepidina is glad she bought Pandora because she is a (fatigatus/optima/irata) hairdresser.

6 ROMAN REPORT PAGE 23 Corinthus teaches Flavia and Iulius Latin Poetry A long poem by Virgil Tells the early history of Rome Read lines aloud Copy lines on wax-covered tablets with a special stick called a stilus Stilus is pointed at one end for writing and flat at the other end to fix mistakes. Photo shows Iulius’s work Corinthus was obviously not happy about the work because it has the word SEG, which is short for segniter. segniter means “sloppy work” Flavia is bored and starts to doodle.

7 TRANSLATION QUIZ Please translate all Latin words to English. docet laetus iratus cur? fatigata segniter BONUS: stilus - describe what it looks like and how it was used

8 MYTH: ECHO AND NARCISSUS PAGE 25 A beautiful girl named Echo offended the goddess Juno. Juno punished Echo by making her repeat what other people say. Echo now had no words of her own. Echo fell in love with a man named Narcissus who was very vain and cruel. Echo repeated whatever Narcissus said but Narcissus wouldn’t even look at her. She faded away due to her sorrow until only her voice was left. Narcissus had done this to many people so the gods punished Narcissus. One day Narcissus saw his reflection in a pool and fell in love with it. He stayed at the pool until he starved to death. In the place he died, the gods had a beautiful flower grow, the narcissus. This flower is still found growing around a lake or pool of water.

9 MYTH ACTIVITY Jealously and Vanity Create a story that uses the same moral of the myth. At least one page. Illustrate a picture that depicts the moral of the story.

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