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Types of Various Work Settings for individual and groups by Brian.

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1 Types of Various Work Settings for individual and groups by Brian

2 Learning Goals I will be able to explain the types of various work settings and arrangement for individuals and groups. I will be able to compare the strengths and weaknesses of each setting/arrangement. I will be able to know which work settings suits me best.

3 Types of Work Settings Individual work settings :- Off-site work Contract work Work schedules

4 Group work settings :- - Job sharing -Self managed teams

5 Off-site work The manager allows the workers/ employees to work at home instead of coming to the workplace.

6 The Advantage of Off-site work Transportation More comfortable Miscommunication with others.

7 The Disadvantages of off-site work Doesn’t know what is happening. Confuse between when is “work time” and “home time” Manager gave too must trust. Entails some additional managerial extra time spent on supervision and communication

8 Contract Work Work accomplished by AGREEMENT for a fixed sum or unit price or for cost plus a fixed fee.

9 The Advantage of Contract Work Money (profitable) More flexibility (time, place and how would they want to work) Less involved in the company politics

10 The Disadvantage of Contract Work Encountering unemployment (once the contract is over) Can hardly find a fulltime job in the future.

11 Work Schedules The time basis on which an employee is paid. A work schedule may be full-time, part-time, or intermittent

12 Advantage of Work Schedules Increase employee morale, engagement and commitment to a company/an organization Reduces employees burnout due to overload. Employers allow employees to work when they feel they can accomplish most, feel freshest and enjoy working.

13 Disadvantages of Work Schedules Needs to adequately manage their time so that the teams target are met with or without their regular presence. Risk of burnout if employers couldn’t manage their time well enough. Limited child care

14 Job Sharing Two part time employees joining together to do a full-time job, sharing the money paid for work.

15 Advantages of Job Sharing Productivity increases Continuous job coverage

16 Disadvantages of Job Sharing Bad partners Division of labor High administrative costs

17 Self managed team A self-managed team is a team which members of the team take responsibility for ensuring that the team operates effectively and meets its targets.

18 Advantages of Self Managed Team Teamwork being used and everyone will gives thoughts which make the idea even better. Good in identifying skills weaknesses Remain focus on business outcomes.

19 Disadvantages of Self-managed team Fights might occur because not everyone will agree with each other.

20 Which work settings suits you best? In my own opinion, I believe that self managed team will come up with the best result. HOW ABOUT YOU? *RANDOMLY CHOOSING PEOPLE TO GIVE OPINION*

21 Questions 1. What is off-site work? 2. What is job sharing work?

22 Class activity Divide among yourself into 5 different groups. Make a T chart. Write the advantages and disadvantages of the groups you are given. Job sharing Off site work Contract work Self Managed team Work Schedule

23 Work Cited Heathfield, Susan M. Advantages and Disadvantages of Flexible Work Schedules?. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2013. Advantages and Disadvantages of Contract Work. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2013. Brookins, Miranda. Negatives of Flexible Work Schedules. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Dec. 2013.

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