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IMPORTANCE OF LAB SAFETY Lab safety is a major aspect of every lab- based science class.

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2 IMPORTANCE OF LAB SAFETY Lab safety is a major aspect of every lab- based science class.

3 Lab safety rules and symbols are needed so that the students do not injure themselves or their classmates.

4 LAB SAFETY RULES Always follow the teacher’s directions and only do lab work when a teacher is present.

5 Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times. No Horseplay!

6 Do not touch any equipment, chemicals, or other materials until told to do so.

7 Do not eat food, drink beverages, or chew gum in the lab. Do not use lab glassware as food or beverage containers.

8 Report ALL accidents to your teacher immediately, even if you think it is minor. Be aware of safety hazards associated with each chemical you use. Eye accident – Rinse the eye with water for at least 15 minutes. Fire Burns – Stop, drop, and cover yourself with a fire blanket or use the safety shower. Do not remove clothing stuck to victim. Get medical attention immediately.

9 CLOTHINGWear: Goggles/safety glasses Closed-toed shoes Clothing made of natural based fiber such as cotton Tie back long hair Do NOT Wear: Sandals Jewelry Loose or baggy clothing

10 LAB SAFETY EQUIPMENT Safety ShowerSafety GogglesEye Wash

11 Fire Extinguisher Fire Blanket Fume Hood




15 WASTE DISPOSAL First ask your teacher where/how to dispose of waste. Never pour anything down the drain unless you are told to do so. A waste bottle will be supplied for substance that cannot go down the drain.

16 SAFE DISPOSAL To prevent environmental contamination, DO NOT dispose chemicals into the sink unless the teacher has informed you that it is safe to do so. TOXIC WASTE GANG

17 REASONS FOR PROPER WASTE DISPOSAL Hazardous chemicals down the drain can lead to ground and surface water pollution. Plants and animals will die if they are exposed to hazardous chemical waste.



20 4 - Deadly 3 - Extreme Danger 2 - Hazardous 1 - Slightly Hazardous 0 - Normal Material

21 FLASH POINTS 4 - Below 23 oC (73 ºF) 3 - Below 38 oC (100 ºF) 2 - Below 93 oC (200 ºF) 1 - Above 93 oC (200 ºF) 0 - Will not burn

22 4 – May detonate 3 – Shock and heat may detonate 2 – Violent chemical change 1 – Unstable if heated 0 – Stable

23 ACID – Acid ALK – Alkali COR – Corrosive OXY – Oxygen P – Polymerization W – Use NO Water - - Radiation –





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