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The Art Institute of California.  Learn about infographics and how to design them  Begin Assignment #2 – Concept Generation through Combination.

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Presentation on theme: "The Art Institute of California.  Learn about infographics and how to design them  Begin Assignment #2 – Concept Generation through Combination."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Art Institute of California

2  Learn about infographics and how to design them  Begin Assignment #2 – Concept Generation through Combination



5 An infographic (short for information graphic) is a “graphic visual representation of information, data or knowledge”. --As defined by Wikipedia  Infographics is closely related to the field of data visualization (the study of the visual representation of data).  Sometimes these terms are used interchangeably.  For our purposes, we will look at infographics that have an illustrative quality to them.

6 InfographicData Visualization

7  A combination of pictures, symbols, colors and words can communicate complex information more clearly than raw data and dense text.

8 Statistics-based  These often use charts to show relationships between different things  These can also take the form of “fast facts” (short lists of bite-size information)



11 Timeline-based  These often use charts to show data over a period of time



14 Location/Geography-based  These usually take the form of maps to show information about specific areas



17 Process-based  These usually use diagrams to show the steps involved in creating something



20 1. Title/Headline 2. The information (represented by text and graphics) 3. Credits (attributing the data sources) If necessary, a brief description of your infographic may be helpful Also, if necessary, a key or legend to explain what symbols mean 1 2 3

21 1. Come up with a Topic or Theme  You can’t do any research until you know what you’re researching…  As you think about your topic, you need to ask yourself Why am I choosing this topic? The Why will help you consider what kind of information you are going to gather

22 2. Research and Data Gathering  Find out what you can about your topic Be sure to keep track of your sources  As you gather, think about how you will tell a story with the information A narrative is easier to follow than raw data without context

23 3. Figure out a Color Scheme  Choose what colors will represent what information Create a Key/Legend  Consider color combination principles Monochromatic colors Analogous colors Complimentary colors, etc…

24 4. Rough out a Design  Figure out how the information will flow on the page  Figure out the eye path your audience will take Western audiences traditionally read top-to-bottom, left-to-right

25 5. Condense the Data into Graphics and Simple Text  Boil down the information gathered into the most interesting and essential facts  Convert the information into graphics and text that are clear and easy to understand Graphics should be direct (no ambiguous illustrations) Text should be bite-size (simple phrases and sentences)

26 6. Putting the Pieces Together  Organize your graphics and text on the page  During this step, ask yourself… Is the design visually engaging? Is the infographic clear and easy to understand?

27  On the class blog, there are links to additional resources:  Webpages and websites dedicated to infographics/data visualization  Articles with tips on creating infographics

28  Questions?

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