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Chapter 19 – The Endocrine System $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Overview / Pituitary Gland Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands /

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1 Chapter 19 – The Endocrine System $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Overview / Pituitary Gland Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands / Thymus Suprarenal Glands, Pancreas and Other Endocrine Structures Clinical Correlatives Reproductive System / Pineal Gland / Hormones & Aging FINAL ROUND

2 Topic 1: $100 Question Which class of hormones consists of small molecules with a 5-carbon ring at one end, which coordinates cellular activities and enzymatic processes in extracellular fluids? a. peptide hormones b. steroid hormones c. amino acid derivatives d. eicosanoids BACK TO GAME ANSWER

3 Topic 1: $100 Answer Which class of hormones consists of small molecules with a 5-carbon ring at one end, which coordinates cellular activities and enzymatic processes in extracellular fluids? a. peptide hormones b. steroid hormones c. amino acid derivatives d. eicosanoids BACK TO GAME

4 Topic 1: $200 Question Which of the following statements regarding the hypothalamic control of the adenohypophysis is/are true? a. The secondary capillary plexus in the floor of the tuberal area receives blood from the superior hypophyseal artery. b. The vessels between the hypothalamus and the adenohypophysis are called the hypophyseal portal system. c. After leaving the hypothalamus, the capillary network unites to form a series of larger vessels that spiral around the infundibulum. d. a and b BACK TO GAME ANSWER

5 Topic 1: $200 Answer Which of the following statements regarding the hypothalamic control of the adenohypophysis is/are true? a. The secondary capillary plexus in the floor of the tuberal area receives blood from the superior hypophyseal artery. b. The vessels between the hypothalamus and the adenohypophysis are called the hypophyseal portal system. c. After leaving the hypothalamus, the capillary network unites to form a series of larger vessels that spiral around the infundibulum. d. a and b BACK TO GAME

6 Topic 1: $300 Question Regarding pituitary hormones and their targets, what is the target of the somatomedins synthesized and released by the liver in response to the adenohypophyseal hormone growth hormone (GH)? a. bone, muscle, other tissues b. suprarenal medulla c. kidneys d. suprarenal cortex BACK TO GAME ANSWER

7 Topic 1: $300 Answer Regarding pituitary hormones and their targets, what is the target of the somatomedins synthesized and released by the liver in response to the adenohypophyseal hormone growth hormone (GH)? a. bone, muscle, other tissues b. suprarenal medulla c. kidneys d. suprarenal cortex BACK TO GAME

8 Topic 1: $400 Question Which of the following is the only hormone released by the pars intermedia? a. luteinizing hormone (LH) b. adenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) c. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) d. melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) BACK TO GAME ANSWER

9 Topic 1: $400 Answer Which of the following is the only hormone released by the pars intermedia? a. luteinizing hormone (LH) b. adenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) c. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) d. melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) BACK TO GAME

10 Topic 1: $500 Question The hypophyseal portal system is the term for the vessels between the ____ and the ____. a. thalamus, posterior lobe of pituitary b. hypothalamus, posterior lobe of pituitary c. hippocampus, anterior lobe of pituitary d. hypothalamus, anterior lobe of pituitary BACK TO GAME ANSWER

11 Topic 1: $500 Answer The hypophyseal portal system is the term for the vessels between the ____ and the ____. a. thalamus, posterior lobe of pituitary b. hypothalamus, posterior lobe of pituitary c. hippocampus, anterior lobe of pituitary d. hypothalamus, anterior lobe of pituitary BACK TO GAME

12 Topic 2: $100 Question Which term actually applies to a blend of several different, complementary hormones that promote the maturation and functional competence of the immune system? a. calcitonin b. parathyroid hormone c. thymosin d. triiodothyronine (T 3 ) BACK TO GAME ANSWER

13 Topic 2: $100 Answer Which term actually applies to a blend of several different, complementary hormones that promote the maturation and functional competence of the immune system? a. calcitonin b. parathyroid hormone c. thymosin d. triiodothyronine (T 3 ) BACK TO GAME

14 Topic 2: $200 Question Which of the following hormones increases calcium ion concentrations in body fluids, and increases bone mass? a. parathyroid hormone b. calcitonin c. thymosin d. thyroxine (T 4 ) BACK TO GAME ANSWER

15 Topic 2: $200 Answer Which of the following hormones increases calcium ion concentrations in body fluids, and increases bone mass? a. parathyroid hormone b. calcitonin c. thymosin d. thyroxine (T 4 ) BACK TO GAME

16 Topic 2: $300 Question Which of the following structures of the parathyroid are glandular cells that produce parathyroid hormone (PTH)? a. oxyphil cells b. transitional cells c. chief or principal cells d. a and b BACK TO GAME ANSWER

17 Topic 2: $300 Answer Which of the following structures of the parathyroid are glandular cells that produce parathyroid hormone (PTH)? a. oxyphil cells b. transitional cells c. chief or principal cells d. a and b BACK TO GAME

18 Topic 2: $400 Question Thyroxine and ____ increase the rate of cellular metabolism and ____ the rate of oxygen consumption in almost every cell of the body. a. calcitonin, increase b. triiodothyronine (T 3 ), decrease c. calcitonin, decrease d. triiodothyronine (T 3 ), increase BACK TO GAME ANSWER

19 Topic 2: $400 Answer Thyroxine and ____ increase the rate of cellular metabolism and ____ the rate of oxygen consumption in almost every cell of the body. a. calcitonin, increase b. triiodothyronine (T 3 ), decrease c. calcitonin, decrease d. triiodothyronine (T 3 ), increase BACK TO GAME

20 Topic 2: $500 Question Which of the following statements regarding the thyroid gland is/are true? a. The size of the thyroid is quite variable, depending on heredity, environment, and nutritional factors. b. The thyroid has a butterfly-like appearance and consists of four main lobes. c. Under the influence of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) from the hypothalamus, the adenohypophysis releases thyrotropin- releasing hormone (TRH). d. a and c BACK TO GAME ANSWER

21 Topic 2: $500 Answer Which of the following statements regarding the thyroid gland is/are true? a. The size of the thyroid is quite variable, depending on heredity, environment, and nutritional factors. b. The thyroid has a butterfly-like appearance and consists of four main lobes. c. Under the influence of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) from the hypothalamus, the adenohypophysis releases thyrotropin- releasing hormone (TRH). d. a and c BACK TO GAME

22 Topic 3: $100 Question From deep to superficial, what is the correct order of the three distinct regions located deep to the capsule of the cortex of the suprarenal gland? a. zona reticularis, zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata b. zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, zona reticularis c. zona fasciculata, zona reticularis, zona glomerulosa d. zona reticularis, zona fasciculata, zona glomerulosa BACK TO GAME ANSWER

23 Topic 3: $100 Answer From deep to superficial, what is the correct order of the three distinct regions located deep to the capsule of the cortex of the suprarenal gland? a. zona reticularis, zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata b. zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, zona reticularis c. zona fasciculata, zona reticularis, zona glomerulosa d. zona reticularis, zona fasciculata, zona glomerulosa BACK TO GAME

24 Topic 3: $200 Question Which of the following suprarenal structures produces mineralocorticoids, steroid hormones that affect the electrolyte composition of body fluids? a. zona reticularis b. zona glomerulosa c. adrenal medulla d. zona fasciculata BACK TO GAME ANSWER

25 Topic 3: $200 Answer Which of the following suprarenal structures produces mineralocorticoids, steroid hormones that affect the electrolyte composition of body fluids? a. zona reticularis b. zona glomerulosa c. adrenal medulla d. zona fasciculata BACK TO GAME

26 Topic 3: $300 Question What term is used to indicate the entire group of related steroids, including calcitriol, cholecalciferol, and various intermediaries? a. vitamin A b. vitamin D c. vitamin C d. eicosanoid BACK TO GAME ANSWER

27 Topic 3: $300 Answer What term is used to indicate the entire group of related steroids, including calcitriol, cholecalciferol, and various intermediaries? a. vitamin A b. vitamin D c. vitamin C d. eicosanoid BACK TO GAME

28 Topic 3: $400 Question Which of the following statements regarding the endocrine pancreas is false? a. Two major arteries supply blood to the pancreas, the pancreaticoduodenal and pancreatic arteries. b. Pancreatic islets (of Langerhans) only account for about one percent of the pancreatic cell population. c. Venous blood from the pancreas returns to the hepatic vein. d. None of the above is false. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

29 Topic 3: $400 Answer Which of the following statements regarding the endocrine pancreas is false? a. Two major arteries supply blood to the pancreas, the pancreaticoduodenal and pancreatic arteries. b. Pancreatic islets (of Langerhans) only account for about one percent of the pancreatic cell population. c. Venous blood from the pancreas returns to the hepatic vein. d. None of the above is false. BACK TO GAME

30 Topic 3: $500 Question Which of the following statements regarding the cell types in pancreatic islets is true? a. Alpha cells produce insulin. b. F cells produce somatostatin. c. Beta cells produce glucagon. d. None of the above. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

31 Topic 3: $500 Answer Which of the following statements regarding the cell types in pancreatic islets is true? a. Alpha cells produce insulin. b. F cells produce somatostatin. c. Beta cells produce glucagon. d. None of the above. BACK TO GAME

32 Topic 4: $100 Question Which of the following syndromes occurs as a result of overproduction of thyroxine? a. Cushing’s disease b. Grave’s disease c. Addison’s disease d. gigantism BACK TO GAME ANSWER

33 Topic 4: $100 Answer Which of the following syndromes occurs as a result of overproduction of thyroxine? a. Cushing’s disease b. Grave’s disease c. Addison’s disease d. gigantism BACK TO GAME

34 Topic 4: $200 Question Polyuria is a principal symptom of which underproduction syndrome? a. diabetes mellitus b. myxedema c. Addison’s disease d. diabetes insipidus BACK TO GAME ANSWER

35 Topic 4: $200 Answer Polyuria is a principal symptom of which underproduction syndrome? a. diabetes mellitus b. myxedema c. Addison’s disease d. diabetes insipidus BACK TO GAME

36 Topic 4: $300 Question Excessive breakdown of tissue proteins and lipid reserves, and impaired glucose metabolism are principal symptoms of which overproduction syndrome? a. Grave’s disease b. Cushing’s disease c. Addison’s disease d. hyperparathyroidism BACK TO GAME ANSWER

37 Topic 4: $300 Answer Excessive breakdown of tissue proteins and lipid reserves, and impaired glucose metabolism are principal symptoms of which overproduction syndrome? a. Grave’s disease b. Cushing’s disease c. Addison’s disease d. hyperparathyroidism BACK TO GAME

38 Topic 4: $400 Question Gynecomastia is an overproduction syndrome associated with which hormone? a. mineralocorticoids b. estrogens (female) c. androgens (male) d. glucocorticoids BACK TO GAME ANSWER

39 Topic 4: $400 Answer Gynecomastia is an overproduction syndrome associated with which hormone? a. mineralocorticoids b. estrogens (female) c. androgens (male) d. glucocorticoids BACK TO GAME

40 Topic 4: $500 Question Diabetes insipidus develops when the ____ no longer releases adequate amounts of ____. a. neurohypophysis, antidiuretic hormone b. neurohypophysis, oxytocin c. kidneys, renin d. adenohypophysis, antidiuretic hormone BACK TO GAME ANSWER

41 Topic 4: $500 Answer Diabetes insipidus develops when the ____ no longer releases adequate amounts of ____. a. neurohypophysis, antidiuretic hormone b. neurohypophysis, oxytocin c. kidneys, renin d. adenohypophysis, antidiuretic hormone BACK TO GAME

42 Topic 5: $100 Question Which of the following pancreatic hormones targets all cells except those of the brain, kidney, digestive tract epithelium, and red blood cells? a. pancreatic polypeptide b. somatostatin c. insulin d. glucagon BACK TO GAME ANSWER

43 Topic 5: $100 Answer Which of the following pancreatic hormones targets all cells except those of the brain, kidney, digestive tract epithelium, and red blood cells? a. pancreatic polypeptide b. somatostatin c. insulin d. glucagon BACK TO GAME

44 Topic 5: $200 Question Which of the following hormones is a powerful antioxidant that may help protect CNS tissues from toxins generated by active neurons and glial cells? a. progesterone b. thymosin c. growth hormone d. melatonin BACK TO GAME ANSWER

45 Topic 5: $200 Answer Which of the following hormones is a powerful antioxidant that may help protect CNS tissues from toxins generated by active neurons and glial cells? a. progesterone b. thymosin c. growth hormone d. melatonin BACK TO GAME

46 Topic 5: $300 Question Progestins (especially estradiol) are reproductive hormones released by which structures/cells? a. corpus luteum of ovaries b. nurse cells c. follicular cells of ovaries d. interstitial cells BACK TO GAME ANSWER

47 Topic 5: $300 Answer Progestins (especially estradiol) are reproductive hormones released by which structures/cells? a. corpus luteum of ovaries b. nurse cells c. follicular cells of ovaries d. interstitial cells BACK TO GAME

48 Topic 5: $400 Question ____ cells of the testes secrete ____, which targets most cells of the body. a. nurse, inhibin b. interstitial, androgens c. nurse, androgens d. interstitial, inhibin BACK TO GAME ANSWER

49 Topic 5: $400 Answer ____ cells of the testes secrete ____, which targets most cells of the body. a. nurse, inhibin b. interstitial, androgens c. nurse, androgens d. interstitial, inhibin BACK TO GAME

50 Topic 5: $500 Question Inhibin primarily targets the ____ and inhibits secretion of ____. a. posterior lobe of pituitary gland, follicle- stimulating hormone (FSH) b. anterior lobe of pituitary gland, luteinizing hormone (LH) c. anterior lobe of pituitary gland, follicle- stimulating hormone (FSH) d. posterior lobe of pituitary gland, luteinizing hormone (LH) BACK TO GAME ANSWER

51 Topic 5: $500 Answer Inhibin primarily targets the ____ and inhibits secretion of ____. a. posterior lobe of pituitary gland, follicle- stimulating hormone (FSH) b. anterior lobe of pituitary gland, luteinizing hormone (LH) c. anterior lobe of pituitary gland, follicle- stimulating hormone (FSH) d. posterior lobe of pituitary gland, luteinizing hormone (LH) BACK TO GAME

52 FINAL ROUND Question Regarding the suprarenal glands, which of the following statements is/are true? a. The renal veins carry blood away from the suprarenal glands. b. Branches of the renal artery, the superior phrenic artery, and the middle suprarenal artery supply blood to each suprarenal gland. c. Suprarenal glands are retroperitoneal (posterior to peritoneal lining). d. b and c BACK TO GAME ANSWER

53 FINAL ROUND Answer Regarding the suprarenal glands, which of the following statements is/are true? a. The renal veins carry blood away from the suprarenal glands. b. Branches of the renal artery, the superior phrenic artery, and the middle suprarenal artery supply blood to each suprarenal gland. c. Suprarenal glands are retroperitoneal (posterior to peritoneal lining). d. b and c BACK TO GAME

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