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The conception of Information System on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IS IPPC) Ing. Blanka Kapustová, PhD. Slovak Environmental Agency Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "The conception of Information System on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IS IPPC) Ing. Blanka Kapustová, PhD. Slovak Environmental Agency Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 The conception of Information System on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IS IPPC) Ing. Blanka Kapustová, PhD. Slovak Environmental Agency Centre of Environmental Policy and Informatics Department of Environmental Policy 2 - IPPC unit

2 The Goal of IS IPPC Establishment of complex system for giving information about the state, process and results of IPPC permitting process and related activities Information support for execution of the Act on IPPC in Slovakia Creating conditons to fulfil reporting requirements of Slovak Republic

3 Competencies in IS IPPC development Establishment of IS IPPC in accordance with § 6 article 1 ot the Act No 245/2003 Coll. on IPPC Responsibility of IS IPPC establishment is under Ministry of Environment of SR, SEA was delegated to meet this task SEA is responsible for developing and operating IS IPPC – system is undertaken in Centre of Environmental Policy and Informatics, Banská Bystrica Organisations involved in development of IS IPPC:Ministry of Environment of Slovakia (MoE) Slovak Environmental Agency (SEA) Slovak Environmental Inspectorate (SEI)Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMI)

4 SEA will develop and will operate Register of BATs and BREFs as information support for SEI SEA – responsibility for establishment and operation of IS IPPC as the whole system, in co-operation with SHMI and MoE – department of environmental IT SEI – responsible for establisment of BAT Centre, in co- operation with SEA SHMI – responsible for establishment of Integrated register of pollution, in co-operation with SEA and SEI

5 Required content of IS IPPC according to the Act on IPPC: a) Register of operators, facilities under IPPC and facilities permitted in integrated permission b) Register of permits issued for IPPC facilities c) data and informations given every year by operators on their facilities, emissions and results of monitoring d) environmental quality standards for certain areas of Slovak Republic e) BAT for particular industrial sectors and categories of facilities f) Register of authorised persons

6 Structure of IS IPPC proposed by SEA consists from 5 registers Register of operators and facilities under IPPC – will include also the list of integrated permits Integrated register of pollution – will be used for collection of data to deliver to EPER Register of BATs and BREFs Register of environment quality standard Register of authorised persons

7 Hierarchy in IS IPPC

8 Registry of operators and facilities under IPPC The idea of the registry: -information on operators, facilities and industrial activities -all documents related to the IPPC process -information on controlling of obligations stated in integrated permit -one of the parts of registry the GIS modul is planned to be database of landfills under IPPC Responsibility for filling and content of the registry: SEI full responsible (permitting and control body), State administration authorities (Distric Offices of Environment) Access to registry: SEI, MoE, State administration authorities (Distric Offices of Environment

9 Integrated registry of pollution The idea of the registry: - data and information given every year by operators on their istallations, emissions and monitoring results (§ 6 art. 2, letter c) Act No. 245/2003 Col. on IPPC), the extent and the type of data which will be addressed in integrated permission as obligation of operator to deliver data to relevant organisation (SHMI) - executive regulation on IPPC with requirements to the kind of emissions reported with little differencies copies the EC Decision on EPER which SR will be deliver data in, as coming Member State of EU every 3 rd year. The data to EPER are the same as described in Annex of Regulation No 391/2003 Coll. on execution of the Act on IPPC - SHMI will provide data from Registry to SEA to meet reporting obligations Responsibility for content and filling of the registry: SHMI Access to registry: SHMI

10 Registry of environment quality standards the content of the registry and responsibilities of its filling are under discussion with relevant organisations The idea of the registry: - development of databases as the set of the requirements to environment according to the legislative rules wihich must be achieved in certain time and in certain area (according to § 4 art. 1 of Act No. 245/2003 Coll. on IPPC) Responsibility for the content of the registry: MoE SR ?, SHMI ?, SEI ? Responsibility for filling the registry : SEA Access to the registry: MoE SR, SEI, SHMI, State administrative authorities, IPPC operators, public

11 Registry of BATs and BREFs the content of the registry and responsibilities of ifs filling are under discussion among SEA, SEI and RAMBOLL Team (bilateral project SR – Denmark ) The idea of the registry: -BREFs available in English, German, Czech languages -BREFs´ drafts available. -comments, commentaries and statements on BREFs and other basics about BAT -recommendations and proposals how to use and apply BATs and BREFs -information about working groups on BATs -registry will be information support for BAT Centre work established at SEI

12 Responsibility for the content of the registry: full responsibility SEI – BAT Centre Responsibility for the filling of the registry: SEI - BAT Centre, eventually SEA (in case of agreement) Access to the registry: SEI, MoE SR, SEA, IPPC operators, authorised persons, public

13 Registry of authorised persons The idea of the registry: -list of authorised persons -contact addresses -categories of the activities which authorisation was given for -the access to the registry will be throuhg web page of Ministry of Environment of Slovakia ( Responsibility for the content and filling the registry: MoE SR Access to the registry: access will be through www – for wide public



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