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ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION. Addition  “Finding the total, or sum, by combining two or more numbers.” You can use pictures and models to demonstrate addition!

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2 Addition  “Finding the total, or sum, by combining two or more numbers.” You can use pictures and models to demonstrate addition! Definition of addition retrieved from

3 Key Words for Addition “in total” “what is the sum” “in all” “combined with” “all together”

4 Layout for Solving Addition Problems  STORY PROBLEM TO FIND ANSWER 1. Find key word in story problem 2. Draw picture 3. Record using numbers and symbols 4. Solve

5 Example  Betty has three apples. She picks two more off the tree. How many apples does Betty have all together?  SOLUTION 1. KEY WORD: “all together” 2 apples plus 3 apples equals 5 apples 2+3=5 Red apple image from

6 Example  Sam has four bananas. Tim has two bananas. How many bananas are there in total?  SOLUTION 1. KEY WORD: “in total” Four bananas plus 2 bananas equals 6 bananas 4+2=6 Banana image retrieved from Google Images KNG3tge8t52rBw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=690&page=1&tbnh=138&tbnw=101&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:0 &tx=64&ty=56

7 Example  On the playground, Tom found six ants on the ground. Olivia found four ants on the ground. How many ants are there in all?  SOLUTION 1. KEY WORD: “in all” Six ants plus four ants equals ten ants 6+4=10 Picture of ant retrieved from Google Images QG6qfH8Dw&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CD0Q_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=709

8 Subtraction  “Taking one number away from another.” You can use pictures and models to demonstrate subtraction! Definition of subtraction retrieved from

9 Key Words for Subtraction “difference” “fewer” “how many more” “how much more” “left” “less”

10 Layout for Solving Subtraction Problems  STORY PROBLEM TO FIND ANSWER 1. Find key word in story problem 2. Draw picture 3. Record using numbers and symbols 4. Solve

11 Example  Cody has eight oranges. He eats three of them. How many oranges are left?  SOLUTION 1. KEY WORD: “how many left” Eight oranges minus three oranges equals five oranges 8-5=3 Picture of orange retrieved from Microsoft Word clip art

12 Example  Patty has nine pencils. Three people asked to borrow a pencil from her today. How many pencils does she have left?  SOLUTION 1. KEY WORD: “how many left” Nine pencils minus three pencils equals six pencils 9-3=6 Picture of pencil retrieved from Microsoft Word clip art

13 Example  Tim has four dollars. Courtney has one dollar. How much more money does Tim have?  SOLUTION 1. KEY WORD: “how much more” $$$$ $ $$$ Four dollars minus one dollar equals three dollars 4-1=3

14 ADD OR SUBTRACT?  How do you know? LOOK FOR KEY WORDS!!! Taking away or joining together?

15 Example: Addition or Subtraction?  Cindy has five tennis balls. She loses one. How many fewer tennis balls does she have?  SOLUTION 1. KEY WORD: “how many fewer” 2. Addition or Subtraction?

16 Example: Addition or Subtraction?  Chloe has seven pairs of shoes. She buys three more pairs. How many pairs of shoes does Chloe have in total?  SOLUTION 1. KEY WORD: “in total” 2. Addition or Subtraction?

17 Review  Addition: joining together  Subtraction: taking away  LOOK AT KEY WORDS  DRAW PICTURES And last but not least, remember…..


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