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Learning Disabilities Sandy Carlson Amber Elliott Lindsay Granquist Regis Whaley.

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2 Learning Disabilities Sandy Carlson Amber Elliott Lindsay Granquist Regis Whaley

3 Why Discuss Learning Disabilities?  Learning disabilities affect millions of children in schools today.  Learning disabilities don’t hinder just school performance; they affect self- esteem and can have serious effects on functioning in society.  We, as a society, have a duty to separate children with learning disabilities from “problem” children.

4 Outline I. Description of Learning Disabilities A. Definition B. Types of Learning Disabilities C. Prevalence II. Comorbidity III. Etiology IV. Interventions V. Case Study VI. Q & A Session

5 Description of Learning Disorders  DSM-IV criteria for diagnosis  Below average intellectual function resulting in significant impairment of adaptive skills  Difficulties can’t be due to lack of opportunity, poor teaching, cultural factors, mental retardation, pervasive development disorders, or sensory deficit  Differential diagnosis: check for mental retardation, pervasive development disorders, and communication disorder before diagnosing a learning disorder

6 Description of Learning Disorders (Cont’d)  Four main types of learning disorders  Reading Disorder  Mathematics Disorder  Disorder of Written Expression  Expressive Language Disorder  Mixed Expressive and Receptive Language Disorder

7 Reading Disorder  Dyslexia  International Dyslexia Association “Specific learning disability that is neurological in nature” “Characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities”

8 Mathematics Disorder  Description  Condition in which child’s mathematical ability is significantly below expected level  Symptoms  Difficulties with mathematics early in life  Low scores in mathematics

9 Disorder of Written Expression  Description  Characterized by poor writing skills  Symptoms  Poor spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar  Lack of organization and coherence in writing

10 Expressive Language Disorder  Description  Condition characterized by below average proficiency in vocabulary, production of complex sentences, and word recall  Symptoms  Low vocabulary skills  Improper use of tenses  Poor ability to produce complex sentences  Poor word recall

11 Mixed Expressive & Receptive Language Disorder  Combination of Expressive and Receptive Language Disorders  Receptive Language Disorder rarely found on its own

12 Assessments  Test of Written Language, Third Edition (TOWL-3)  Gray Oral Reading Test, Third Edition (GORT-3)  Wide Range Achievement Test, Third Edition (WRAT-3)

13 Prevalence of Learning Disabilities  Overall: 5% of school-aged children  Reading Disorder: 4%, 70% males  Mathematics Disorder: 1-6%  Disorder of Written Expression: 2-8%  Expressive Language Disorder: 4%  Mixed Expressive and Receptive Language Disorder: 2-3%

14 Etiology  Pre- or postnatal brain damage  Errors in brain development  Chemical imbalances in brain  Heredity  Learning disabilities exacerbated by environmental factors

15 Educational Achievement AdequateInadequate Educational Opportunity InadequateAdequate PNS FunctioningCompensatory Program InadequateAdequate Cognitive FunctioningMedical Treatment or Support Services InadequateAdequate Special Ed.Neuropsychological/neuropsychiatric functioning Detecting a Learning Disability Adapted from Disorders of Learning in Childhood (Silver & Hagin, 2002)

16 Comorbidity of Learning Disabilities  Other learning disorders  Pervasive development disorders  Conduct disorders  ADHD  Major depressive disorder  Communication disorder  Developmental coordination disorder

17 Effects of Learning Disorders on the Individual  Low self-esteem  Feelings of incompetence  Difficulties with social skills

18 Interventions for Children with Learning Disabilities  Mathematics Disorder  Types of problems encountered Semantic memory problems Procedural deficits Visuospatial problems  Assessment  Interventions Drill and practice activities Positive practice

19  Reading Disorders  Robinson & Robinson (1978): SQ3R  Ogle (1986): KWL  Manzo (1969): Request Procedure  Ellis (1991): Muscle Reading Approach  Langer (1981): PReP  Merritt, Barton & Culatta (1998): “What? So what?”  Positive practice Interventions for Children with Learning Disabilities (Cont’d)

20  Disorder of Written Expression  Handwriting Connected print  Organization Mapping ideas  Other Paraphrasing strategies Learning content Monitoring written errors Interventions for Children with Learning Disabilities (Cont’d)

21  Receptive Language Disorder, Mixed Receptive & Expressive Language Disorder  Self-recording (e.g. Blick & Test [1987])  Mnemonic techniques Interventions for Children with Learning Disabilities (Cont’d)

22 Case Study  What’s wrong with Bobby?  How do we fix the problem?

23 Q & A Session

24 The End Thank you! [Applause and cheering]

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