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ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Fish Habitat Restoration.

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Presentation on theme: "ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Fish Habitat Restoration."— Presentation transcript:

1 ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Fish Habitat Restoration

2 ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Off- & Side-Channel Restoration (pg 29) Excavation depth < max. thalweg depth in main channel No floodplain fill with excavated material

3 ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Off- & Side-Channel Restoration (cont.) Requires historic analysis and additional data with Notification

4 ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Set-back Berms, Dikes or Levees; Remove Water Control Structures; Wetland Restoration Uncommon ODOT activities but sometimes… Require Services Approval, additional information with Notification See pgs 29-31

5 ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Breaches > active channel width. Downstream end of the project and/or at the lowest elevation of the floodplain to ensure the flows will naturally recede back into the main channel, thus minimizing fish entrapment. Overburden or fill comprised of native materials, which originated from the project area, may be used within the floodplain to create set-back dikes and fill anthropogenic holes provided that does not impede floodplain function. (Page 29-30)

6 ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Other Restoration Activities Activities that need Services approval & likely additional information: –Fish passage restoration (fish weirs may be OK) –Floodplain restoration –Stormwater retrofits Activities that generally do not need approval if meet design standards: –Weed control with herbicides –Large wood and boulder placement –Pile removal, removal of treated wood –Removal of artificial structure or fill from the functional floodplain –Riparian restoration

7 ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Site restoration is required for all temporary disturbances in regulated habitats Goal is to create a self-sustaining habitat within five years similar or better than pre-construction conditions. (Page 32-33) Site Restoration

8 ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Site Restoration Goals Create a Habitat Restoration Plan conforms to FAHP (pg 32-33) Confine human and livestock disturbance Stabilize erosion by minimizing bare soil, active rills, etc. Well distributed native woody and herbaceous vegetation Plants have normal, vigorous growth form Plant litter is well distributed Create a continuous corridor of shrubs and trees appropriate to the site are present to provide shade and other habitat functions

9 ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Tree & Down Timber Salvage Riparian zone impacts Required minimization measure in BA When applicable to project and feasible –Feasible: to be used on-site or designated off-site use & storage location –If off-site, Agency pays up to 60 miles of transportation expenses (recipient, the rest) Native conifer trees & down timber >18”dbh –Salvage and re-use on-site if feasible or off-site if property available Coordinate with LA or Hydraulics designer –Root wad, length ?

10 ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 ODOT recommends basing species composition on pre-construction data or reference sites, differentiated among revegetation units as appropriate for slope and aspect, hydrology, and soils, and will include a range of successional stages (early, mid, and late) following guidance in FHWA’s Roadside Revegetation manual (FHWA 2007). Locate the reference site within the same watershed, ecoregion, or recovery zone (depending on species). Reference sites should have similar site characteristics as the corresponding revegetation unit. eg-documents/roadside-revegetation-manual.pdf (Page 32-33)

11 ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Develop achievable standards for revegetation success separately in each revegetation unit to be evaluated each monitoring period. During construction, coordinate with construction office to ensure seeding and plantings are installed properly and during the appropriate planting season, as per Standard Specifications. Perform annual monitoring of habitat restoration areas until site restoration goals and success criteria have been met, following ODOT Biology Mitigation Monitoring standards (available at biology_mon.shtml). (Page 32-33)

12 ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013

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