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Jess Hagen, Tom Krouse, Alyssa Christiansen, Erin Leary.

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Presentation on theme: "Jess Hagen, Tom Krouse, Alyssa Christiansen, Erin Leary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jess Hagen, Tom Krouse, Alyssa Christiansen, Erin Leary

2 Geologic Features Deciduous Trees Dominated by hardwood trees They loose there foliage annually

3 Temperature Range from -7°C – 30°C 19.4°F – 86°F From the month of April to October it is the hottest months. November to March are the coldest

4 Types of Trees Maple Oak Birch Elm Ash Hickory Beech Spruce

5 Types of Plants Stika Carpet Moss Common Lime Guelder Rose Lady Fern Northern Arrowwood Pecan Tawny Milksap Mushroom

6 Types of Animals Squirrels Mice Rabbits Deer Bears Many types of birds – Bluejays

7 Human Impact on the Temperate Forest Humans chop down trees The pollution of the air from factories and engines

8 What can be done to ensure survival of the Temperate Forest Plant trees to replace the ones chopped down. Resort to other means of energy and/or reduce the amount of fossil fuels burned.

9 Commercial Value Some plants produce medicine Sell Timber Sell land where timber came from The price depends on what you have and what buyers want

10 Works Sited

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