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The Health Assistant Role in School Emergency Preparedness.

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Presentation on theme: "The Health Assistant Role in School Emergency Preparedness."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Health Assistant Role in School Emergency Preparedness

2 School Health Assistant Emergency Preparedness Objectives Define the Emergency Preparedness Cycle List 5 ways the HA may participate in planning for emergencies Explain the application of PED algorithms Apply your knowledge of Scene Survey and Primary Survey List 2 resources for additional information

3 Contents Emergency Preparedness Planning Response (Mitigation) Recovery

4 Emergency Preparedness Cycle PLANNING RECOVERYRESPONSE

5 Recovery How are you? How are the staff, the MAT? How are the parents? Reintegration of the child Remember the School Emergency Preparedness Cycle

6 Planning Safe School Plan Mandated by PED in 1997 Components of the plan: 1. Prevention 2. Policies and Procedures 3. Response

7 Health Assistant Role in Planning Know your Safe School Plan Know your role in the plan Look for ways to improve the plan Advocate for ways to improve the plan Participate in improving the plan

8 Examples of Planning Know your students, staff and parents Individual Medical Plans Access and egress Medical Assistance Team (MAT) Develop Codes Know the environment and community Phone numbers Health education, prevention programs (traffic safety, playground safety) Practice!!!

9 Planning: Injury Prevention PREVENT INJURIES K-6Traffic, bicycle, water, fire, poison, playground, & personal safety Middle SchoolSports, bicycle safety, aggression, baby-sitting, decision-making High SchoolOccupational injuries, sports, motor vehicles, interpersonal violence, suicide, homicide

10 Planning: Violence Prevention Types of Interpersonal Violence ►Child Abuse and Neglect ►Bullying ► Domestic Violence ► Youth Violence ► Dating Violence ► Sexual Assault ► Sexual Harassment NM Resource List in Manual

11 Planning: Policies and Procedures Physical Environment Policies Safety and Harassment Policies Discipline Policies Alternative Education Options Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting

12 Response: Scene Survey S.A.M.M. Safety Additional resources Mechanism of injury (could cervical spine be injured?) Mental status (conscious, altered, or unconscious)

13 Response: Primary Survey Airway Breathing Circulation





18 Resources

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