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7 th Grade Band Class Expectations. You will be able to: Perform with expression and technical accuracy, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of.

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Presentation on theme: "7 th Grade Band Class Expectations. You will be able to: Perform with expression and technical accuracy, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 th Grade Band Class Expectations

2 You will be able to: Perform with expression and technical accuracy, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. Perform with proper tone quality, articulation, and intonation. Read and notate music. Demonstrate sight-reading and memorization skills. Identify various intervals, major and minor chords, and rhythms upon hearing. Listen to, analyze, and describe music. Evaluate a musical performance, citing strengths, weaknesses, and solutions for improvement. Understand music in relation to culture and history. Make connections between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.

3 Materials Instrument (in proper playing condition) Three-ring binder dedicated to band (1/2” to 1” will suffice) OR if you are using a large binder for multiple subjects there must be a tab for band. Music Folder (will be provided by Ms. Carranza/Mr. Maurer) Pencil

4 Homework Students are expected to practice at home in preparation for each class period/rehearsal. Ms. Carranza/Mr. Maurer may give specific practice assignments. If a specific assignment is not given, the student should identify and practice excerpts of the music in which he/she is having difficulty. On occasion, written assignments may be given. Students should complete and submit these assignments on the date they are due.

5 Classroom Rules

6 In other words…. Respect Mr. Maurer by Coming to class on time Coming to class prepared Being attentive in class Not drawing on stands or leaving a mess behind Using the bathroom before the band begins warming up. Keeping food out of the band room

7 In other words…. (con ’ t) Respect others by Not talking while they are talking or trying to listen Not hitting, punching, throwing things at, or harassing them in any way. Helping each other Making everyone feel welcome and safe in our band room.

8 In other words….(con ’ t) Respect yourself by… Taking advantage of the educational opportunities you have Getting assignments done on time Coming to class prepared Asking questions or getting extra help Making up work missed due to illness Being accountable for you

9 Be positive and take pride in the South Fayette Bands’ tradition of excellence.

10 Procedures Upon entering the band room, each student is expected to obtain his/her instrument and music and be seated in his/her assigned seat. Students should then proceed to warm-up appropriately. Instruments and music MUST be taken home with the individual student. During the school day, the instruments may be kept in the storage room on the appropriate shelf.

11 The South Fayette School District’s grading scale will be used to evaluate individual performances and participation. Performance-based assessments will measure the student’s ability to perform the musical selection with rhythmic and melodic accuracy, as well as proper tone quality, articulation, dynamics, and intonation. Other assessments and graded classwork/homework will measure the student’s understanding of musical concepts and skills, including, but not limited to, scales, key signatures, time signatures, rhythms, and aural skills (ear training). All after-school rehearsals and performances are mandatory and are assigned points. GRADES ARE GIVEN…THEY ARE EARNED

12 How Grades Work Quarter 1: 80% Assessments and Graded Classwork/Homework 10% Youth Night Performance 10% Participation and Daily Preparation Quarter 2/4:65% Assessments and Graded Classwork/Homework 25% Holiday/Spring Concert Performance 10% Participation and Daily Preparation Quarter 3:90% Assessments and Graded Classwork/Homework 10% Participation and Daily Preparation

13 Attendance Punctuality is expected for all rehearsals and performances – to be early is to be on time!! Arriving late will result in a deduction of points. Mandatory after-school rehearsals will be scheduled as needed to ensure the highest level of performance readiness. If you have an excused absence there will be an opportunity to complete a make- up assignment. Students with unexcused absences from an after- school rehearsal will not have an opportunity to make-up points. As a performance-based class, it a requirement of each student enrolled to participate in ALL performances throughout the year. Please see the performances listed on the next page. In the event that a performance is added, students will be given proper notice.

14 Procedures for Make-Up Work: Students must see Ms. Carranza/Mr. Maurer upon returning from an absence to receive any make-up work. DO NOT ASK: “Did we do anything last class?” ANSWER: YES WE DID!

15 Technology Our band has a Wiki! Please visit to access important downloads, information, practice tools, etc. This powerpoint and the expectations are on this page and can be downloaded now! Check back often for frequent updates! SmartMusic! We are excited to be able to explore and use SmartMusic this year. This tool may be used in and out of the classroom in the near future! Check out the SmartMusic software program at

16 Performances Friday, Sept. 16, 2011Youth Night (with LGM)7:30 p.m.*Stadium *Arrive at high school band room by 6:30 p.m. *Wear blue jeans, a South Fayette shirt (green and/or white) and tennis shoes Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011Holiday Concert7:00 p.m.*HS Theatre *Arrive at the high school band room by 6:15 p.m. *Concert dress: Gentlemen: Black pants, black socks, and black shoes with a white button down shirt and tie. Ladies: White shirt with black skirt or dress slacks, nude pantyhose and black shoes. Open-toe shoes are permitted, but no sandals or flip-flops. Thursday, Apr. 26, 2012Celebration of Excellence7:00 p.m.*MS Auditorium *Arrive at the middle school band room by 6:15 p.m. *Wear blue jeans, a South Fayette shirt (green and/or white) and tennis shoes Thursday, May 10, 2012Spring Band Concert7:00 p.m.*HS Theatre *Arrive at the high school band room by 6:15 p.m. *Concert dress (see above)

17 First Grade of the Year! Please sign the expectations indicating that you have read the document. Detach and return the signature form by Friday, August 26 th. This form is part of your participation grade and a way for me to communicate with your parents through email!! Keep these expectations in your band binder for easy reference.


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