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NEA High Priority Request List for Nuclear Data (HPRL) üPlace where data users meet data producers üRequests for evaluations l High priority Quantitative.

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Presentation on theme: "NEA High Priority Request List for Nuclear Data (HPRL) üPlace where data users meet data producers üRequests for evaluations l High priority Quantitative."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEA High Priority Request List for Nuclear Data (HPRL) üPlace where data users meet data producers üRequests for evaluations l High priority Quantitative justification l General Qualitative justification l Tied to a project including project life span. üNEA website l Entry of requests Support documents Revisions Joint requests l Viewing/searching list üApproval of request l NEA WPEC Subgroup-C l External referees (volunteers!) l Recommendations how to fulfill Validation vs. Evaluation Evaluation vs. measurement Differential vs. Integral meas. üFollow up of a request l Inform community l Mobilise/stimulate efforts üProcess of renewal l All current requests deleted l New requests from July 2005 l Your input welcome! A. Plompen, TC-IFMIF, 4-6 October, FZK

2 WPEC Subgroup-C SG-C maintains the HPRL Members USA:D. SmithData provider R. McKnightData user Japan:T. FukahoriData provider T. IwasakiData user Europe:A. Plompen*Data provider G. RimpaultData user Russia:A. IgnatyukData provider G. ManturovData user There is a separate list of HPRL members There is a separate list of referees *Subgroup co-ordinator

3 üSubgroup C of WPEC has identified: l the necessity of setting a new HPRL list since the previous one has had several deficiencies, the most serious being lack of documented and/or recognised and/or up-to-date motivation l 2 meetings were held (one at Aix en Provence in 2004, the other at Antwerp in 2005 after a GEN-IV workshop) l a site has been set-up at the NEA data bank for collecting the requests l The website is now operational (if not perfect) and encourage you to formulate your needs through this medium l Suggestions for improvement are encouraged WPEC Subgroup-C

4 HPRL Web page


6 HPRL Web page Request search form

7 Involvement of Fusion community üRequest for support l Requests l Referees for requests l Concerted actions to fulfill requests üHPRL l Interesting pool of information for justification of efforts l Commitment to provide an active mechanism, not just a paper list üContact information l l Contact persons All Subgroup-C members HPRL mailing list l Website üPaper of Don Smith l Rational approach to nuclear data needs and their fulfilment l Required for credibility of the field

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