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Jervoise School Strategic Approach to Sustainable Collaboration Krakow February 2012 “preparing our children to make the world a better place”

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1 Jervoise School Strategic Approach to Sustainable Collaboration Krakow February 2012 “preparing our children to make the world a better place”

2 Policy Higher Standards Public accountability

3 Excellent education for their children Out of poverty / For prosperity Happiness and joy for their children What do parents want ? Is it similar throughout the world?

4 ‘Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting the different results’ Albert Einstein. ‘If we always do what we've always done, we will get what we've always got.’ Adam Urbanski

5 Barriers Why would I do this My teachers are too busy My staff are not ready yet Parents would want us to concentrate on standards My management board would not agree How to fit in with my curriculum. My school has too many difficulties to do this now No money

6 What do I see as the purpose of my school? What contribution do I make to fulfilling the purpose of my school? focus

7 Motivation & engagement for the 21 st century Time for a change (technology & economics) Create opportunities for pupils to see themselves as part of the wider world Challenge pre-conceptions of the world - life in a box Build self esteem of the community and children (We have a contribution to make)

8 Nail your colours to the mast Motivation and engagement Audience


10 Nail your colours to the mast Motivation and engagement Audience Enjoyment Technology Real life experience - ‘So what’

11 So What ?

12 Jervoise School Mission Statement “To prepare our children to go into the world and make it a better place” In order to realise this The school will provide an environment and ethos which will facilitate opportunities to encourage children’s creative capacity in:  developing the necessary skills and knowledge to make choices that have positive consequences in their own lives, those of their families, communities, local, national and international. (Teach the children to be good choosers)  overcoming cultural conditioning to become world citizens.  developing their ability to be authentic, true to themselves, self aware, confident and honest.

13 International Primary Curriculum

14 80/20 Philosophy Its hard to remember you came to clear the swamp when you are up to your backside in crocodiles Watch the forest not just the trees Don’t let the analytics take over the asylum

15 80/20 Philosophy Teams (Delivery method, Expectations) Systems change (Organisational methods, Monitoring and evaluation) Environment/Ethos is catching (Expectations) Problems and solutions (no panic rule) Disciplined innovation

16 Ethos to try to achieve

17 The Wider World Sharing of ideas Networking of schools Promotion of staff (internal & external) Recruitment and retention of staff Recruitment and retention of parents and pupils Further opportunities

18 Comenius

19 Access This is not an add on Curriculum (IPC, IBO) e-twinning Comenius Global projects (GSP) Clustering (Connecting Classrooms)

20 Always use the filter Special measures to good in one step (18 months) Standards 54 to 82 percent Behaviour poor to good Attendance 89% now 96% Teaching 69% inadequate to 86% good or better 0% inadequate Leadership and management inadequate to good overall Headteacher ‘excellent’

21 In order to realise this we acknowledge and apply the understanding that each child has different needs and aptitudes. Our school routines, curriculum and pastoral care systems are all filtered through this statement to ensure it remains the key focus of Jervoise school

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