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Pediatric CCJ Companion Nadja Kadom, Gilbert Vezina, Raymond Sze.

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Presentation on theme: "Pediatric CCJ Companion Nadja Kadom, Gilbert Vezina, Raymond Sze."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pediatric CCJ Companion Nadja Kadom, Gilbert Vezina, Raymond Sze

2 C-spine measurements Trauma Basilar Invagination Platybasia

3 Assess the C-Spine/skull base Trauma: Alignment Soft tissue swelling Occiput-C1 dissociation C1-C2 instability Basilar Invagination Chamberlain McGregor Platybasia Standard Modified

4 Trauma

5 Prevertebral/Retropharyngeal Soft Tissues False thickening: flexion, end of expiration FlexedExtended

6 Prevertebral/Retropharyngeal Soft Tissues Normal thickness: < 7 mm anterior to C2 and < 5 mm anterior to C3/C4 or less than half the diameter of the vertebral bodies


8 Prevertebral/Retropharyngeal Soft Tissues Loss of physiological mucosal step off ~C4/5 is ABNORMAL! Step-off ~ C4-6 Lost step-off

9 Alignment

10 Soft Tissue Swelling In children: Retropharyngeal tissues should NOT exceed 1/2 to 2/3 vertebral body AP diameter

11 Evaluate Occiput-C1 dissociation: Suggestion: Get C0-C2 CT scan Landmarks not seen on x-ray, get limited CT

12 CT Basion-Dens-Interval (BDI): 8.37 (pediatric normal < 12.5 mm) Basion-Axial Line-Interval (BAI): 5.56 (adult normal < 12 mm)

13 Other methods Power ratio Lee X

14 Power Ratio A = the anterior tubercle of the atlas. B.= the basion. C = the spinolaminar line of the atlas. O = the opisthion The value BC/AO should be less than 1. BC/AO = 30.21/39.59 < 1 normal

15 C1-C2 instability Atlanto-dens interval (ADI) and posterior atlanto-dens interval (PADI) ADI = 3.24 mm (normal < 5 mm) PADI = 21.92 (abnormal < 13 mm)

16 Occiput-C1 Pathology Axial dislocation (dislocation in the axial plane, anterior or posterior “listhesis” of occiput versus C1, best seen on sagittal images) Sagittal dislocation (dislocation in the sagittal plane, increased height of space between occipital condyles and C1 articulation, seen on coronal and sagittal images)

17 Occipital Condyle-C1 Interval (CCI) 1. CCI physiologically narrow normal pediatric mean is 1.28 mm, normal range 0.25-2.5 mm 2. The left and right OC1 joints are normally highly symmetrical RightLeft

18 Example of CCI enlargement

19 Example of asymmetry

20 Wackenheim line Assess antlanto-occipital dissociation Line along the posterior border of the clivus should inferiorly touch the odontoid tangentially

21 Examples NormalPosterior dislocation

22 Rotatory subluxation C1-C2 4 types Assess the facet joints, look for: => displaced facets on sagittal views => visualization of both articular surfaces in one axial image

23 Type I: simple rotatory displacement; < 3 mm with an intact transverse ligament. Type II: anterior displacement of C1 on C2 of 3-5 mm (one lateral mass serving as a pivot point) + deficiency of the transverse ligament. Type III: injuries involve > 5 mm of anterior displacement. Type IV: injuries involve the posterior displacement of C1 on C2. Both Type III and IV are highly unstable injuries.

24 Basilar Invagination


26 Definition The tip of the dens projects more than 5 mm above Chamberlain's line Or the tip of the dens is >7 mm above McGregor's line

27 Chamberlain’s line line joining the hard palate to the posterior lip of the foramen magnum

28 McGregor’s line the back of the hard palate to the lowest point of the occipital squama

29 Platybasia Standard technique: measuring the angle formed by two lines: 1 st line: nasion to center of the pituitary fossa 2 nd line: anterior border of foramen magnum with center of the pituitary fossa (= tip of clivus to center of pituitary) Normal: Adult: 129° +/- 6° Pediatric: 127° +/- 5° Koenigsberg RA, Vakil N, Hong TA, Htaik T, Faerber E, Maiorano T, Dua M, Faro S, Gonzales C. Evaluation of platybasia with MR imaging. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2005 Jan;26(1):89-92.

30 Standard: Pediatric: 127° +/- 5°

31 Platybasia Modified technique: Uses different landmarks measuring the angle formed by two lines: 1 st line: extending across the anterior cranial fossa to the tip to the dorsum sellae 2 nd line: connecting with a line drawn along the posterior margin of the clivus Normal: Adult: 117° +/- 6° Pediatric: 114.4° +/- 5°

32 Modified: Pediatric: 114.4° +/- 5°

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