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Community Computer Refurbishing Center Program  TechExchange  refurbished technology  renewed hope.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Computer Refurbishing Center Program  TechExchange  refurbished technology  renewed hope."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Computer Refurbishing Center Program  TechExchange  refurbished technology  renewed hope

2 About the Program  Partnership with Here’s Life Inner City and TechMission  TechExchange serves as a template for; Other ministries to start a community tech center Current tech centers to expand their offerings Churches/ministries/organizations to develop into a more wholistic program I.e. TechExchange-Los Angeles, TechExchange-Santa Ana, TechExchange-Chicago, etc.  TechExchange

3 About the Program cont’d  The TechExchange center is in the warehouse of Here’s Life Inner City-Los Angeles and prioritizes students from the HLIC ministry network and AC4 members. We facilitate a ‘train the trainers’ approach.  TechExchange can take on a variety of aspects. We are focusing on technology training and hardware redistribution.  Technology Training –We are beginning with a computer refurbishing focus –We are a Microsoft Authorized Refurbishing Center  TechExchange

4 About the Program > Technology Training  Personal Computing 101- Build your own computer 4 weeks/4 hours per week Week One – Hardware – Introduction Week Two – Hardware – Build a Computer Week Three – Installing and using Windows Week Four – Installing and learn an office suite (Open Office, Star Office, etc.)  TechExchange

5 About the Program > Technology Training cont’d  The TechExchange classes are all low cost (not no cost)  Maintains a ‘train the trainers’ approach  All classes have a strong ‘hands-on emphasis’  TechExchange

6 Personal Computing 101 > Week One Look inside the box - What is a motherboard - What’s the difference between RAM/ROM -What’s a CD, Floppy, and a Hard Disk -What are all these other boards for? Look outside the box -Keyboard, Mouse -Monitor -Printer  TechExchange

7 Personal Computing 101 > Week Two Take our Computer apart Rebuild it Once its built, does it work? It works, great. If it doesn’t, lets troubleshoot -Open it up and make sure everything is connected -Make sure CPU and Ram are seated properly -Make sure all cards are seated properly  TechExchange

8 Personal Computing 101 > Week Three Operating Systems -Windows – what is it -Now we know what it is, lets install it Now, it’s installed, what do we do now? -My Computer -Windows Explorer -Internet Explorer  TechExchange

9 Personal Computing 101 > Week Four Star Office -Install it It’s installed -Brief intro to word processing -Brief intro to spreadsheet  TechExchange

10 About the Program > Hardware Redistribution The redistribution component will happen two primary ways;  Each Personal Computing 101 student will have an opportunity to earn a free computer  The remaining computers will be granted to local ministries and AC4 members seeking to begin or expand their technology usage and programs  TechExchange

11 Case Study> An Inner City Pastor Los Angeles, CA  81 years old  No previous computer training, only some word processing  Never been on the Internet  Learned how to take a computer apart and put it back together. And it worked!  Went out of his way to make it to class  Took computer to his church and started using it immediately.  TechExchange

12 About the Need Who’s not online;  Adults with low levels of overall education - 87% of adults (age 25+) with less than a high school education, and 60% of adults with only a high school degree  Hispanics - 68% of all Hispanics, and 86% of Hispanic households where Spanish is the only language spoken  Blacks - 60% of Blacks  86.3% of households earning $75,000 and above per year had Internet access compared to 12.7% of households earning less than $15,000 per year. Sources: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use of the Internet, February 2002 and Falling Through the Net, 2000  TechExchange

13 About the Need cont’d Computers at school  A far higher percentage of Hispanic (39%) and Black (45%) children rely solely on schools to use computers than do Asian and Pacific Islanders (11%) and White children (15%).  More than twice as many children from single-parent families use computers only at schools as do children in two-parent families: 41% of children in female-headed households, 32% in male-headed households, and 17% in households with two parents. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce’s 2002 Report on Internet Access & Use  TechExchange

14 About the Need cont’d The future  Nearly 75% of tomorrow's jobs will require use of computers.  80 percent of managers and professionals use computers at work, compared with 19 percent of laborers.  94.2 percent of workers with advanced degrees use computers, compared with 16.2 percent of high school dropouts.  54.9 percent of white workers use computers, compared with 43.2 percent of black workers and 32 percent of Hispanic workers. Sources: AWSEM -"Facts in Brief." AWSEM Gender Equity. (2 Feb. 2000) and Diane Stafford, Survey shows high volume of computer use in U.S. workplaces, The Standard-Times October 29, 2002  TechExchange

15 About the Program > Contact Us For more info call or email Kivi Harris at 323 568-1811 Ext.40 or Here’s Life Inner City – Los Angeles 2501 Industry Way Suite F Lynwood, CA 90262  TechExchange

16  refurbished technology  renewed hope

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