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Week 10: Acanthopterygii Atherinomorpha Percomorpha Beryciformes

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1 Week 10: Acanthopterygii Atherinomorpha Percomorpha Beryciformes

2 Gasterosteiformes ~280 sp bony circular plates no scales oviparity
external fertilization

3 Gasterosteiformes monophyletic end branch


5 most ancestral NEAq NEAq

6 Gasterosteidae 2 to 9 dorsal spines independent ~pelvic ~anal
narrow peduncle longitudinal keels four-spine stickleback Apeltes quadracus nine-spine stickleback Pungitius pungitius

7 brackish freshwater N. Hemisphere marine nearshore ~ 3 in.
nine spine stickleback Pungitius pungitius

8 9-day old kingfisher chicks
swallow sticklebacks whole... NG 11/09

9 three spine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus
courtship aggression parental care nest building/ kidney glue

10 Gasterosteiformes monophyletic end branch NEAq

11 extended snout w/out teeth
vertical position

12 Macroramphosidae Centriscidae Pegasidae
snipefishes shrimpfishes sea moths ~5 sp. tropical temperate Indo-Pacific Macroramphosus graciliis Aeoliscus strigatus ww tropical IndoPacific NEAq

13 “more derived” trumpetfish pipefish no pelvic fin small anal fin

14 Aulostomidae trumpetfishes ~3 sp. Syngnathidae Aulostomidae NEAq
extended snout protrusible mouth Aulostomidae Aulostomus sp.

15 top reef predators Pacific trumpetfish Aulostomus chinensis

16 barbel Pacific trumpetfish Aulostomus chinensis reef riders

17 Syngnathidae pipefishes ~200 sp. no teeth protrusible mouth
broadnose pipefish Syphonostoma typhale no teeth protrusible mouth

18 marine pipefish freshwater pipefish

19 male body brooding elaborate courtship ~monogamy
straight nose pipefish Nerophis ophidion

20 Australian seadragons ~25 sp.
Syngnathidae Australian seadragons ~25 sp. epidermal extensions

21 weedy seadragon Phyllopteryx taeniolatus leafy seadragon Phycodorus eques

22 male body brooding male leafy sea dragon Phycodorus eques

23 Syngnathidae seahorses ~36 sp. Hippocampus sp. vertically oriented
female lined seahorse Hippocampus erectus vertically oriented no pelvic fins prehensile tail sealed brood pouch

24 distensible snout prehensile tail

25 Syngnathidae seahorses H. ramulosus

26 spotted H. abdominalis with 3 H. breviceps

27 sealed brood chamber H. whitei elaborate courtship monogamy

28 H. breviceps male with brood 2 to 4 weeks ~ ~births 10-1000 live young
temperature hormone prolactin (mammal milk production)

29 Tarpon Springs, FL, H. hudsonius souvenir

30 pygmy seahorses Solomon Islands

31 pygmy seahorses


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