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Internet Applied Dayton Metro Library Place photo here June 2, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Applied Dayton Metro Library Place photo here June 2, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Applied Dayton Metro Library Place photo here June 2, 2016

2 Today’s session we will review: Introduction to the Web Browser Web Browser Features

3 What is a Browser?

4 A browser is a software program used to view, download, upload, browse or otherwise access pages on the Internet.

5 What is a Search Engine? Search Engine a web site (Program) that collects and organizes content from all over the internet. Search Engines searches for documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the were found (Links).

6 The Browser, the Search Engine, the Website, the Webpage and the Home Page. What’s the difference?

7 The Browser, the Search Engine, the Website, the Webpage and the Home Page. The Browser is a software program that runs on your PC. The Search Engine is a part of a application software that sits on a powerful computer (a server) on the Internet. Examples are Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera and Firefox. The Home Page is the starting point or front page of a Web site that automatically loads when a browser starts or when the browser's "home" button is pressed. A Webpage, accessed through a browser is a 'page' of information available to anyone via the Internet. The Website is a collection of Web pages.

8 The Browser The Browser makes it possible to view, download, upload, browse or otherwise access pages on the Internet. You can have multiple browsers installed on your computer.

9 The Search Engine The Search Engine is a web site (Program) that collects and organizes content from all over the internet. Search Engines searches for documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the were found ( Links ).

10 The Website The Website is a collection of Web pages.

11 The Webpage The Webpage, accessed through a browser is a 'page' of information available to anyone via the Internet.

12 The Home Page The Home Page is the starting point or front page of a Web site that automatically loads when a browser starts or when the browser's "home" button is pressed.

13 Internet service options Home Internet access services. ( ISP ) Internet Service Provider You can use your own Browser or install the Browser software provided by your ISP to access their services.

14 Internet service options Dial-up Internet access via telephone lines DSL Digital Subscriber Line Digital data transmission (Frequency) over the wires of a local telephone network (telephone lines). Broadband A type of data transmission in which a single wire can carry several channels at once.

15 The O hio P ublic L ibrary I nformation N etwork provides Internet connections and information services to Ohio public libraries. OPLIN provides all Ohio residents fast, free public Internet access through the 251 independent local public libraries in Ohio, as well as the use of high-quality research databases not freely available on the World Wide Web. Internet service options

16 Free Internet access at the Library Reserve a computer Wi-Fi

17 Let’s begin!

18 Internet Applied Dayton Metro Library Place photo here Thank You!

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