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The Skeletal System Chapter 45.2.

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1 The Skeletal System Chapter 45.2

2 The Human Skeleton Has approximately 206 bones! Functions:
Gives Shape and Support Protection Moves Muscles Forms Blood Cells Stores Minerals- Ex: Calcium and Phosphorus Bones are moist, living tissues (not dry!)

3 Parts of the Skeleton 2 Parts: Axial- bones of the:
Skull Ribs Spine Sternum Appendicular- bones of the: Arms Legs Scapula Clavicle Pelvis

4 Bone Structure Periosteum-tough membrane that surrounds the bone’s surface. Contains blood vessels to supply nutrients. Spongy Bone- network of connective tissue found under the compact bone. Hard/strong tissue. Makes bones light Marrow: soft tissue in spongy bone Compact Bone- hard material found under the periosteum. Makes bones strong and capable of enduring large amounts of stress Red: produces red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells Yellow: consists mostly of fat cells and serves as an energy storage

5 Bone Structure Compact bone is composed of cylinders of mineral crystals and protein fibers called lamellae In the center of each cylinder is a narrow channel called a Haversian canal Blood vessels run through interconnected Haversian canals, which carries nutrients throughout the bone Surrounding each Haversian canal are protein fibers and ostecytes (bone cells)

6 Bone Development Bones develop from cartilage In fetal development:
Connective tissue Tough, yet flexible In fetal development: Month 2: most of the skeleton is cartilage Month 3: Ossification turns most cartilage into bones Some cartilage is left for flexible areas between bones Ex: tip of the nose, outer ear, and inside the trachea Normal bone development depends on regular exercise and diet, mainly calcium and vitamin D intake Lack of this can lead to osteoporosis

7 Joints The place where 2 bones meet
Tough bands of connective tissue called ligaments hold the bones of the joint in place Synovial fluid- a lubricating substance that helps protect the ends of the bones from damage by friction

8 Hinge Joint Found in your elbow
Allows you to move arm forward and backward Like a hinge in a door

9 Gliding Joint Allows bones to glide over one another
Like small bones in your feet-allows flexing when walking

10 Pivot Joint Top 2 vertebrae in your neck. Allows you to move your head side to side.

11 Ball and Socket Joint Found in your shoulder or hip
Allows you to move up/down, forward/backward, or rotate in a circle

12 Saddle Joint At the base of your thumb
Allows you to rotate your thumb and grasp objects with your hand

13 Possible injuries and illnesses
Rheumatoid Arthritis-immune system attacks body tissues. Joints become inflamed, swollen, stiff, and deformed Osteoarthritis- degenerative joint disease where cartilage covering the bones become thin and rough. Sprain (ligament)- could either overstretch or possibly tear Strain (tendon)- could either overstretch or possibly tear

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