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Hiro Kishimoto OGSA-WG co-chairs OGSA Interested Party Chart -Very early draft - Incomplete draft for group review only.

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Presentation on theme: "Hiro Kishimoto OGSA-WG co-chairs OGSA Interested Party Chart -Very early draft - Incomplete draft for group review only."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hiro Kishimoto OGSA-WG co-chairs OGSA Interested Party Chart -Very early draft - Incomplete draft for group review only

2 2 OGSA-WG Interested Party Purpose  In order to draft OGSA roadmap document and v2 architecture document, we will solicit input from major stakeholders WG/RG/TCs, users, open source developers, venders,...  As its first step, we will create a list of major stakeholders and position them into role-involvement chart  Expected information for each WG/RG/TC What do they provide OGSA-WG and when? –e.g. scenarios? any particular specification(s) as a part of OGSA? Schedule? What do they expect us to provide to them and when –e.g. high level service descriptions? requirements? Expected information for each institute/company Do they have any particular projects which implement OGSA services? If yes, What is their schedule? how to get feedback/input from them?

3 3 OGSA-WG Interested Party Status  We are just start starting to list up  The following list and charts are very early draft and incomplete

4 4 OGSA-WG Interested Party Interested Parties draft  Developers IBM, HP, SUN, Oracle Fujitsu, NEC, Hitachi  Open source & distribution Globus  Projects UK/EU eScience Business Grid Project, NaReGI, NextGrid EGEE, GridLite  Grid Users Airbus, Boeing, Novelties,  Standard developing organization GGF; OASIS; WSRF, WSN, WSDM DMTF; UT, WS-CIM

5 5 OGSA-WG Interested Party Capabilities/domains  Data management & movement  EMS Job submission  WS infrastructure  Security  Information Services  Resource Management Provisioning, deployment, configuration

6 6 OGSA-WG Interested Party Role-involvement chart description High Level Arch Actual Specs Implementation Involvement Low High Project or company WG/RG./TC Arrow shows range of their role Involvement axis How much are they involved to OGSA work? Role axis What they doing? If they have attended our GGF session or conf call at least once, put them around here If they have attended our GGF session or conf call often, put them around here

7 7 OGSA-WG Interested Party Data Service Design Team High Level Arch Actual Specs Implementation Involvement Low High DIAS-WG Info-D WG GSM-WG GFS-WG GDF-WG DATA ADs Legion/Avaki IBM UK/US OGSA-DAI Oracle CERN Ohio Univ

8 8 OGSA-WG Interested Party EMS Design Team High Level Arch Actual Specs Implementation Involvement Low High JSDL-WG CGS WG DMTF UC-WG SA-WG GESA-WG Policy RG SRM ADs INTEL Globus GRAM NaReGI NextGrid Wfw RG GSA-RG DRMAA-WG GRAAP-WG CDDLM-WG ACS-WG Logging-WG RUS-WG UR-WG DCML-TC DMTF CIM WSDM TC Platform CSF UVa Business Grid GridLib

9 9 OGSA-WG Interested Party Security Design Team High Level Arch Actual Specs Implementation Involvement Low High

10 10 OGSA-WG Interested Party WS infrastructure High Level Arch Actual Specs Implementation Involvement Low High

11 11 OGSA-WG Interested Party Naming Design Team High Level Arch Actual Specs Implementation Involvement Low High

12 12 OGSA-WG Interested Party Information Service Design Team High Level Arch Actual Specs Implementation Involvement Low High

13 13 OGSA-WG Interested Party Resource Mgmt Design Team High Level Arch Actual Specs Implementation Involvement Low High

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