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Science Direct. Go to Search Article Data Bases (Blue Box) Scroll Down Or Click “S” Science Direct is Third.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Direct. Go to Search Article Data Bases (Blue Box) Scroll Down Or Click “S” Science Direct is Third."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Direct

2 Go to Search Article Data Bases (Blue Box) Scroll Down Or Click “S” Science Direct is Third on the list!

3 Science Direct covers over 25% of the worlds science, technology and medical full text and bibliographic information. 2,500 Journal Titles 6.75 Million Articles

4 Accident Analysis And Prevention Parallel Computing Safety Science Science And Justice Marine Chemistry High Energy Density Physics Many More!

5 Contains almost nine million Full-Text Articles! 75 million Abstract records!

6 Your basic search is like most web sites. If you go to the home page you will see “Quick Search” at the top. This will give you a basic search of the contents. You can search by Field, Author, Volume, Issue, Page, and title.

7 On the home page you will see the “Quick Search” box, if you look to the right of that box you will see an “Advanced Search” link. There you can search by journal, Book, or All Sources. You can search by Subject, Dates, Sources, and Terms.

8 The wildcards for Science Direct are: * Use an asterisk (*) to replace zero or more characters in a search word. For example, you could use * to find a root word plus all the words made by adding letters to the end of it. ? Use a question mark (?) to replace exactly one character in a search word. Use one question mark for each character you want to replace.

9 You can limit your search by using the browse options. You can search and change languages, change settings The “Help” link gives step by step instructions for any questions.

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