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May 2015. Trip to Italy with the Students October.

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1 May 2015



4 Trip to Italy with the Students October

5 Teaching at College




9 GLO Teams Denmark – 11/08 – 18/08/2014 A great team from Albania, UK, Italy & Denmark. Serving the Lord together while enjoying the fellowship with one another.

10 Glo Team Iceland – 11/09- 21/09/2014

11 Support to Icelandic Churches 1 st -4 th January 2015 Training weekend with Church leaders from Akureyri and Reykjavik

12 Summer July-August 2014 Holiday Clubs


14 University of Wales Trinity Saint David

15  Elizabeth George Event – 07.09.14  Helping with advertising and leading the praise in the evening.  Leading a Bible Study group  @ Church on Monday nights from October-December  Fragrance December 2014 – 07/12/2014  I was invited as a speaker to a ladies Conference by Central Evangelical Church Kilmarnock

16 Thankful  I thank God for your prayers and support to me.  I thanks God for the opportunities to share the Gospel freely in Europe and specially through the involvement in GLO teams.  Thanks to God for the doors open in Iceland and for the GLO team we had in September.  Thanks to God for the work of Tilsley College in training the next generation of Church workers and leaders.  Thanks to God for the opportunities of teaching his word in the Church and at College.

17 Prayer points  Ongoing personal studies  Work with College and mentoring to female students.  School Work @ Netherburn Primary  Ladies and Lassies weekend 6-8 th March with 66 ladies and their children. Great opportunities of evangelism.  Gospel tracks distribution in my neighbourhood.  Summer GLO team I’ll be leading to Molise, Italy in July.  Further support to Churches in Iceland.

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