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Welcome What is a dihybrid cross?. Agenda Quiz Sex Linked Traits Mutations.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome What is a dihybrid cross?. Agenda Quiz Sex Linked Traits Mutations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome What is a dihybrid cross?

2 Agenda Quiz Sex Linked Traits Mutations

3 Sex Determination Thomas Hunt Morgan – studied fruit flies in the early 1900’s

4 Sex Determination Observed that one pair of chromosomes was different between males and females –Large one named “X” chromosome –Smaller one named “Y” chromosome –XX = female; XY = male

5 XY XX X Y X X X X X Y Female XX Female XY Male XY Male 50% Female; 50% Male

6 Sex Linkage Sex Linkage: the presence of a gene on a sex chromosome (X or Y)

7 Sex Linkage X-linked genes: genes found on the X chromosome –X chromosome carries more genes Y-linked genes: genes found on the Y chromosome

8 Fruit Fly Eye Color Fruit flies normally have red eyes A few males have white eyes Red is dominant; white is recessive

9 Morgan’s Fruit Fly Experiments Red-eyed female (X R X R) x White-eyed male (X r Y) XRXR XRXR XrXr Y XRXrXRXr XRXrXRXr XRYXRYXRYXRY RESULTS: F 1 generation – all red-eyed

10 Morgan’s Fruit Fly Experiments Red-eyed female (X R X r) x Red-eyed male (X R Y) XRXR XrXr XRXR Y XRXRXRXR XRXrXRXr XRYXRYXrYXrY RESULTS: F 2 generation – 3 red-eyed and 1 white-eyed ** all white-eyed where males…why?

11 Morgan’s Conclusions Gene for eye color is carried on the X chromosome = eye color is an X-linked trait Y chromosome does not carry a gene for eye color Red-eyed = X R X R, X R X r, X R Y White-eyed = X r X r, X r Y

12 In humans colorblindness (b) is an example of a sex-linked recessive trait. A male with colorblindness marries a female who is not colorblind but carries the (b) allele. Using a Punnett square, determine the genotypic and phenotypic probabilities for their potential offspring.

13 Welcome What is an X-Linked trait?

14 Agenda Review sex linked traits Mutations Movie

15 Review

16 In fruit flies red eye color (R) is dominant to white eyes (r). In a cross between two flies, 50% of the male and 50% of the female offspring had red eyes. The other half of the males and females had white eyes. What are the phenotype, and all possible genotypes, of the offspring?

17 Worksheet

18 Linkage Groups 2 or more genes that are on the same chromosome are “linked” Linked genes tend to be inherited together

19 More Fruit Fly Experiment Gray, long-winged (GGLL) x black, short-winged (ggll) F 1 generation = all heterozygous gray, long-winged (GgLl)

20 Morgan’s Fruit Fly Experiment Cross F 1 flies: GgLl x GgLl F 2 generation –If alleles on different chromosomes, they assort independently and get a 9:3:3:1 ratio –If alleles on same chromosome, get 3 gray, long- winged: 1 black, short-winged ratio –Morgan saw roughly the 3:1 ratio

21 Morgan’s Fruit Fly Experiment Unexpected results –Some gray, short-winged (Ggll) –Some black, long-winged (ggLl)

22 Morgan’s Fruit Fly Experiment How were these alleles separated? –Alleles were rearranged through crossing-over during meiosis Genes that are farther apart are more likely to be separated by crossovers


24 Chromosome Mapping Chromosome Map: diagram that shows the possible genes on a chromosome Made using crossing-over data

25 Chromosome Mapping The percentage of crossing-over between the genes for 2 traits is equal to the distance between them on a chromosome This distance is measured in map units

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