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Google Docs and the Research Paper Prepared by William O. Florer Teacher Department of Language Arts Battlefield High School Prince William School District.

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Presentation on theme: "Google Docs and the Research Paper Prepared by William O. Florer Teacher Department of Language Arts Battlefield High School Prince William School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 Google Docs and the Research Paper Prepared by William O. Florer Teacher Department of Language Arts Battlefield High School Prince William School District

2 This presentation is intended to provide the classroom teacher adequate knowledge of Google Docs as a tool for teaching the research process to high school students. This was developed or stolen from Keith Reeves and Dawn Moulen and is presented without their consent, so don’t tell anyone.

3 This is not a stand alone unit on teaching the research paper. It is a method of compiling, tracking, and editing material for the paper. While one can cover most of the learning logs using Google Docs it is not done automatically.

4 Outline 1.Set up Google Docs accounts. 2.Set up teacher’s Google Docs for each class. 3.Set up documents. 4.Share documents. 5.Comment on documents. 6.Sort documents and record grades 7.Peer edit documents. 8.Switch to Word and submit.

5 Set Up Google Docs accounts Log on to Fusion and find the “Library and Research” button. Click on it!

6 Set Up Google Docs accounts Find the “Google Docs (Admin)” button. Click on it!

7 Set Up Google Docs accounts Log on to Google Docs. If this your first time, your username is “teacher” followed by your last name. “teacherjones”

8 Set Up Google Docs accounts Log on to Google Docs. If this your first time, your password is “teacher”.

9 Set Up Google Docs accounts Student accounts are already set up. They are student’s school ID number followed by, e.g., 555666@battlefieldhigh

10 Set Up Google Docs accounts From here you can create new accounts for new students, create e-mail lists, or change passwords. The latter is done often as students forget their password.

11 Set Up Google Docs accounts Enter the student’s school ID number in the "Search accounts” window and click on the button.

12 Set Up Google Docs accounts Locate the student’s name and click on it.

13 Set Up Google Docs accounts Click on “Change password”.

14 Set Up Google Docs accounts Enter new pass word twice, check the “Require a change..” box, and scroll to the bottom.

15 Set Up Google Docs accounts Click on the “Save changes” button. This process is useful when a student forgets their password.

16 Set Up teacher’s Google Docs for each class. It is very important to maintain a system of filing for each class and assignment. To do this properly the teacher needs to understand: Document set up Document Titles Document Sharing Filing Documents

17 Set Up teacher’s Google Docs for each class. Find the “Google Docs (Normal)” button. Click on it!

18 Set Up teacher’s Google Docs for each class. Sign into Google Docs (Normal) as you did with the (Admin) sign in.

19 Set Up teacher’s Google Docs for each class. The document is basic unit of this tool. Make a new document by clicking on “New”, then “Document”.

20 Set Up teacher’s Google Docs for each class. Click on “Untitled” to open the window and then type in your document’s title.

21 Set Up teacher’s Google Docs for each class. CRITICAL STEP Be very specific about how students label their documents. I will grade down or not accept improperly labeled documents. Documents are labeled: Block number Last Name Document Title

22 Set Up teacher’s Google Docs for each class. Correctly titled document.

23 Sharing Sharing allows another person to view and comment on the document. It allows the original author to make changes. Documents are shared with the teacher for evaluation.

24 Set Up teacher’s Google Docs for each class.

25 Set Up teacher’s Google Docs for each class.



28 Make a folder for each class. Click “New”, then “Folder” and name it.

29 Set Up teacher’s Google Docs for each class. Note that assignments can be dragged into the class folder.

30 Set Up teacher’s Google Docs for each class. Within each class create a folder for each assignment. Note that assignments can be dragged to the appropriate folder.

31 Set Up teacher’s Google Docs for each class. Once in the assignment folder the assignments can be evaluated. I put the numerical grade at the end of the title.

32 Set Up teacher’s Google Docs for each class. Once the grades are done, click the name bar at the top and they are organized alphabetically to match your grade book.

33 The Research Paper The Documents Sharing Editing Moving

34 The Research Paper Topic Selection Source List Introductory Material Notes Notes With Commentary Crude Draft RD1 RD2, etc. Final

35 The Research Paper The “Topic Selection Sheet” is done in the library. It should provide three options.

36 The Research Paper The “Source List” is done on Google Docs. I require 12 sources. At lease two print, three websites, and 4 database articles from two different databases.


38 The Research Paper The introductory material is done prior to research with the caveat that it is a guide not a fence. A clear statement of opinion tied to a value; signposting 3-6 subtopics, and some direction for a hook.


40 The Research Paper I require 24 notes from at least 7 sources including at least one print, one website, and two articles from two different databases.


42 From this point on, after each step is completed material is copied and pasted into the next document. So, the Commentary document is simply adding commentary to a copy of the Notes document. Notes and commentary are copied and pasted into the Crude Draft etc. This allows for both teacher and student to review history and track the development of the paper. It also acts to prevent plagiarism. Another Critical Point

43 The Research Paper Once the notes are taken they are copied and pasted into a new document called “Commentary”. The students add two sentences of commentary to each note.


45 The Research Paper The outline is completed after Notes with Commentary. At this time the students group their best notes and label the groups. There must be 3-6 groups.

46 The Research Paper The “Crude Draft” is the miracle worker. The students cut and paste a notes with commentary on to a document. This then becomes the basis for their paper.


48 The Research Paper The Rough Drafts are the crude draft first with topic and concluding sentences, then with transitional devices, then with thesis and concluding statements


50 The Research Paper After the first complete rough draft is completed there should be at least three rounds of peer editing.

51 The Research Paper The final Google docs draft is reduced to an acceptable type face and font and consistent line spacing. I use single spacing.


53 The Research Paper Once the final draft of the paper is completed on Google Docs it can be copied and pasted onto a Word template.

54 The Research Paper Once the final draft of the paper is completed on Google Docs it can be copied and pasted onto a Word template.

55 The Research Paper Make sure that the same typeface and spacing are used throughout the final Google Doc. The only issues I have had is where the student changed type face or spacing before copying and pasting.

56 The Research Paper The same process can be used for the “Works Cited” page. A page break at the end of the paper is a must.


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