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Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids A case for: Quotas and Reserve-ahead, Timed Leases and Contracts Frank Wuerthwein UC San Diego Abhishek Singh.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids A case for: Quotas and Reserve-ahead, Timed Leases and Contracts Frank Wuerthwein UC San Diego Abhishek Singh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids A case for: Quotas and Reserve-ahead, Timed Leases and Contracts Frank Wuerthwein UC San Diego Abhishek Singh Rana UC San Diego

2 Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids A case for: Quotas and Reserve-ahead, Timed Leases and Contracts Frank Wuerthwein UC San Diego Abhishek Singh Rana UC San Diego

3 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids3 Case List Priority 0 Reserve-ahead: File transfer level (~Implicit Reservation) Priority 1 Bulk Quotas: VO level (~Explicit Partitioning) Fine Quotas: Individual User level (~generally Oversubscribed) Priority 2 Reserve-ahead (from a Quota): User level (~Explicit Reservation) Reserve-ahead (from a Quota): VO level (~Explicit Reservation) Priority 3 Hierarchical and Cumulative Exhaustion of Quotas Priority 4 Storage space accrual and Time Timed Leases & Contracts: VO/User level Timed Leases & Contracts: Grid/Enterprise level

4 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids4 Quota Based on agreements between a Site and VOs Assigned by a Site Ceiling on storage space to a VO or User Oversubscription possible Timeless configuration Based on needs of Users/Jobs Requested by a User/Job Can only be a subset of Quota Timed lease Reserve-ahead

5 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids5 Owner/Primary VO Storage at a Site Reserve-ahead: File transfer level Peer VO1Peer VO2 Needed primarily for robust transfers. Independent of quota as file size << quota.

6 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids6 Storage at a Site Bulk Quotas: VO level Owner/Primary VO

7 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids7 Storage at a Site Bulk Quotas: VO level Peer VO1Peer VO2 Owner/Primary VO

8 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids8 Storage at a Site Bulk Quotas: VO level Peer VO1Peer VO2 Owner/Primary VO Need bulk quotas for VOs to co-exist on SE

9 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids9 Storage at a Site Fine Quotas: User level Peer VO1Peer VO2 Owner/Primary VO

10 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids10 Owner/Primary VO Storage at a Site Fine Quotas: User level Peer VO1Peer VO2 ?

11 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids11 Owner/Primary VO Storage at a Site Fine Quotas: User level Peer VO1Peer VO2 Need user level quota For users to co-exist.

12 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids12 Owner/Primary VO Storage at a Site Reserve-ahead: User level Peer VO1Peer VO2

13 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids13 Owner/Primary VO Storage at a Site Reserve-ahead: VO level Peer VO1Peer VO2

14 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids14 Owner/Primary VO Storage at a Site Hierarchical and Cumulative Exhaustion of Quotas Peer VO1Peer VO2 R1 Used = U1 Reserved = R1 Exhausted = Used + Reserved Available = Total – Exhausted U1

15 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids15 Owner/Primary VO Storage at a Site Hierarchical and Cumulative Exhaustion of Quotas Peer VO1Peer VO2 R1 Used = U1 Reserved = R1 Exhausted = Used + Reserved Available = Total – Exhausted U1

16 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids16 Owner/Primary VO Storage at a Site Hierarchical and Cumulative Exhaustion of Quotas Peer VO1Peer VO2 R11 Used = U11+U12 Reserved = R11 + R12 Exhausted = Used + Reserved Available = Total – Exhausted U11 R12 U12

17 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids17 Storage space accrual and Time Leases & Contracts: VO/User level Owner/Primary VO Storage at a Site Peer VO1Peer VO2 R11 Used = U11+ U12 Reserved = R11 + R12 Exhausted = Used + Reserved Available = Total – Exhausted U11 R12 U12 R-peer1 U-peer1 f(t)

18 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids18 Storage space accrual and Time Leases & Contracts: Grid/Enterprise level f(t)

19 Frank Wuerthwein & Abhishek Singh Rana, UC San Diego Towards Storage On-Demand on Petabyte Grids19 Storage space accrual and Time Leases & Contracts: Grid/Enterprise level f(t)

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