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1.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Concurrent programming Threads –Introduction –Synchronization.

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1 1.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Concurrent programming Threads –Introduction –Synchronization

2 2.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Threads System.Threading namespace Some properties on threads Creation of threads Synchronization –Lock –Monitor –[Syncronization] Timer callback ThreadPool

3 3.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Threads and processes A process has at least one thread. Threads might run concurrently Threads shares resources within the process Therefore they can communicate directly Threads are normally controlled by the OS Processes are isolated from each other. Processes has its own resources allocated Processes can not communicate directly but has to use signalling, socket etc. Processes can run on different processors and domains

4 4.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Thread states

5 5.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 System.Threading.NET offers a several classes for thread handling Some classes: Thread:encapsulates a thread. Contains also static properties and methods ie. CurrentThread and Sleep(). Monitor:Synchronization with locks and wait. Semaphore:Used for limiting the number of threads that concurrently uses a ressource Mutex:Used for synchronisering between threads. Timer:Makes et possible to execute a method by a given time interval TimerCallback: Delegate, used with Timer ThreadState: Enum type with possible states on the thread ThreadPriority: Enum type with possible priorities on the thread ThreadPool: Makes it possible to access a CLR thread pool in a process

6 6.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Class Thread public sealed class Thread { public Thread(ThreadStart start); public ThreadPriority Priority {get; set;} public ThreadState ThreadState {get;} public bool IsAlive {get;} public bool IsBackground {get; set;} public void Start(); public static void Sleep(int time); public void Suspend(); public void Resume(); public void Join(); public void Interrupt(); public void Abort(); public static void ResetAbort(); public static Thread CurrentThread {get;} } Constructor with ThreadStart delegate Setting/getting the priority Current state Properties liveliness, background Methods for controlling the thread Gets the currently running thread Note: Suspend and Resume are deprecated

7 7.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Example: Statistics on CurrentThread Console.WriteLine("***** Primary Thread stats *****\n"); // Obtain and name the current thread. Thread primaryThread = Thread.CurrentThread; primaryThread.Name = "ThePrimaryThread"; // Show details of hosting AppDomain / Context. Console.WriteLine("Name of current AppDomain: {0}", Thread.GetDomain().FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("ID of current AppDomain: {0}", Thread.GetDomainID()); Console.WriteLine("ID of current Context: {0}", Thread.CurrentContext.ContextID); // Show stats about this thread. Console.WriteLine("Thread Name: {0}", primaryThread.Name); Console.WriteLine("Has thread started?: {0}", primaryThread.IsAlive); Console.WriteLine("Priority Level: {0}", primaryThread.Priority); Console.WriteLine("Thread State: {0}", primaryThread.ThreadState);

8 8.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Create a new thread 1.Make a method that shall be used when starting the thread. Similar to implementing Start() in Java. 2.Make a ParameterizedThreadStart delegate, and use the method as parameter to the constructor 3.Instanstiate a new thread object and use the delegate as the parameter to the constructor 4.Set properties for the thread (name, priority etc.) 5.Call theThread.Start() method.

9 9.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 ParameterizedThreadStart. Represents the method that executes on a Thread. Namespace: System.Threading public delegate void ParameterizedThreadStart ( Object obj ) Parameters obj An object that contains data for the thread procedure.

10 10.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Create thread with ParameterizedThreadStart (step 1) using System.Threading; class AddParams { public int a,b; public AddParams(int numb1, int numb2) { a = numb1; b = numb2; } class Program { public static void Add(Object data) { if (data is AddParams) { //Check that data is the type AddParams Console.WriteLine("ID of thread in Add(): {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()); AddParams ap = (AddParams)data; Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} is {2}", ap.a, ap.b, ap.a + ap.b); } }con't.... Add are used as a callback method, therefore the Object Used as parameters to Add (Object obj). Therefore a and b has to be encapsulated

11 11.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Create thread with ParameterizedThreadStart (step 2-5) static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("***** Adding with Thread objects *****"); Console.WriteLine("ID of thread in Main(): {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()); AddParams ap = new AddParams(10, 10); //Step 2 and 3 Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Add)); //Step 4 //Set evt. properties here, e.g. t.Name="MyThread"; //Step 5 t.Start(ap); // Do other work on Main() here. Console.ReadLine(); }

12 12.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Synchronization Synchronization can be implemented in mutiple ways: the lock(Object obj) {...} keyword lock a critical sector (the compiler implements lock by a Monitor object) the Monitor class are used for locking a critical sector by the static methods Monitor.Enter (Object obj) and Monitor.Exit (Object obj). the obj parameter is a token. The thread that has the the token is allowed to run. The Semaphore class makes it possible for a limited number of thread can access the same ressource in the same time. The Mutex class avoids that multiple threads can access the same ressource in the same time. This is done by signalling. [Synchronization] synchronizes on object level. Similar to synchronize in Java Interlocked offers a atomar and thread safe increment and decrement af a variable.

13 13.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Example: lock public class Printer { public void PrintNumbers() { lock (this) { // Display Thread info. Console.WriteLine("-> {0} is executing PrintNumbers()", Thread.CurrentThread.Name); // Print out numbers. Console.Write("Your numbers: "); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Random r = new Random(); Thread.Sleep(1000 * r.Next(5)); Console.Write(i + ", "); } Console.WriteLine(); }

14 14.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Example: lock (2) static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("***** Synchronizing Threads *****\n"); Printer p = new Printer(); // Make 10 threads which are all pointing to the same // method on the same object. Thread[] threads = new Thread[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { threads[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(p.PrintNumbers)); threads[i].Name = string.Format("Worker thread #{0}", i); } // Now start each one. foreach (Thread t in threads) t.Start(); Console.ReadLine(); }

15 15.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Execution with lock...

16 16.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Execution without lock....

17 17.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Same example with Monitor public class Printer { public void PrintNumbers() { Monitor.Enter(this); // Display Thread info. Console.WriteLine("-> {0} is executing PrintNumbers()", Thread.CurrentThread.Name); // Print out numbers. Console.Write("Your numbers: "); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Random r = new Random(); Thread.Sleep(1000 * r.Next(5)); Console.Write(i + ", "); } Console.WriteLine(); Monitor.Exit(this); }

18 18.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Execution

19 19.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Exercise: Dining Philosophers

20 20.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Example: Semaphore public class Example{ // A semaphore that simulates a limited resource pool. private static Semaphore _pool; // A padding interval to make the output more orderly. private static int _padding; public static void Main(){ // 0 angiver antal frie tokens. Dvs Main holder ved start alle 3 tokens. _pool = new Semaphore(0, 3); // Create and start five numbered threads. for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Worker)); t.Start(i); } Thread.Sleep(500); // Wait for half a second // Frigør de 3 tokens Main holder Console.WriteLine("Main thread calls Release(3)."); _pool.Release(3); Console.WriteLine("Main thread exits."); Console.ReadLine(); }

21 21.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Example: Semaphore (2) private static void Worker(object num) { // Each worker thread begins by requesting the semaphore. Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} begins and waits for the semaphore.", num); _pool.WaitOne(); // A padding interval to make the output more orderly. int padding = Interlocked.Add(ref _padding, 100); Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} enters the semaphore.", num); // The thread's "work" consists of sleeping for about a second. Each thread //"works" a little longer, just to make the output more orderly. Thread.Sleep(1000 + padding); Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} releases the semaphore.", num); Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} previous semaphore count: {1}", num, _pool.Release()); }

22 22.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Execution....

23 23.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 The Timer class The Timer class makes it possible to call method with a time interval The class creates and deleted threads itself

24 24.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Example: Timer class TimePrinter { static void PrintTime(object state){ Console.WriteLine("Time is: {0}, Param is: {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), state.ToString()); } static void Main(string[] args){ Console.WriteLine("***** Working with Timer type *****\n"); // Create the delegate for the Timer type. TimerCallback timeCB = new TimerCallback(PrintTime); // Establish timer settings. Timer t = new Timer( timeCB, // The TimerCallback delegate type. "Hi", // Any info to pass into the called method. 0, // Amount of time to wait before starting. 1000); // Interval of time between calls. Console.WriteLine("Hit key to terminate..."); Console.ReadLine(); }

25 25.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Execution...

26 26.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Timer (2) What happens if execution of the method takes longer than the interval static int count = 0; static void PrintTime(object state) { int internCount; internCount = Interlocked.Increment(ref count); Console.WriteLine("{2} time. Time is: {0}, Param is: {1}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), state.ToString(),internCount); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("The method is finished {0}",internCount); }

27 27.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Execution.... Multiple threads runs concurrently

28 28.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 ThreadPool If you in the previous example writes out the thread id you can see that actually only two threads are created That is because.Net internal reuses threads created by Timer, asynchronious delegates etc. by using a ThreadPool. The reason is that it takes ressources to create and delete threads When you use asynchronious delegates or timers you normaly do not need to think about threads. But if you need to set a priority or to abort a thread etc. then you can't use ThreadPool With QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callback) you can use thread from the pool to execute a method

29 29.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Example: ThreadPool Printer p = new Printer(); WaitCallback workItem = new WaitCallback(PrintTheNumbers); // Queue the method 10 times for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(workItem, p); }

30 30.NETConcurrent programmingNOEA / PQC 2007 Exercises (2 classic examples): Implement Producer / consumer with Semaphore. Implement Dining Philosophers, see page 296 in Deitel: Operating Systems.

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