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Human Development College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts at Boston ©2009 William Holmes 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Development College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts at Boston ©2009 William Holmes 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Development College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts at Boston ©2009 William Holmes 1

2  Trait Theory  Stability  Attitudes  Emotions  Stage Theory  Roles  Experiences  Wisdom 2

3  Review of early adulthood  Termination of some early adulthood aspects  Conception of middle age strategy  Self-Image  Age status  Creative/Distructive impulses  Dependence/Independence— attachment/separation 3

4  Young/Old self Age status  Fertility, child rearing  Career/advocation development  Physical and mental energy  Role emphasis 4

5  Role creation  Relationship creation  Life style creation  Bad habits  Acceptance of mistakes  Self-honesty 5

6  Attachment  Separation  Balancing  Changing  Coping  Adjustment 6

7  Erikson on usefulness  Generativity as usefulness in helping others  Mentoring  Sponsoring  Altruism ▪ Stagnation as non-creating ▪ Not helping others ▪ Not developing self ▪ Growing resentment, anger, power-orientation 7

8 1. Neuroticism 2. Extroversion 3. Openness to experience 4. Agreeableness 5. Conscientiousness 8

9  Personality  Goals  Coping strategies  Resources  Social networks 9

10  Hair  Skin  Digestion  Hormones  Fertility  Energy  Intellectual sharpness 10

11  Diet—low-fat, low calorie, high fiber  Exercise—45 aerobic minutes per day  Exercise—resistance training to build muscle mass  Stress reduction  Relaxation increase  Medical intervention 11

12  Role assessment  Cognitive orientation  Habit changing  Situation changing  Creative activity  Exercise  Social activity 12

13  Value wisdom over prowess  Shift from sexualizing to humanizing  Emphasize cathectic flexibility over cathectic impoverishment  Encourage mental flexibility over mental rigidity 13

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