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Chapter 10 Shoulder Injuries Care and Prevention.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10 Shoulder Injuries Care and Prevention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10 Shoulder Injuries Care and Prevention

2 Shoulder Anatomy  It is a ball and socket joint  Shallow- relies on muscles for stabilization  Many injuries occur due to throwing activities

3 Bones  Humerus  Long bone  Greater tubercle and lesser tubercle  Clavicle  Scapula  Two projections: Acromion and Coracoid process


5 Ligaments  Coracohumeral ligament  From coracoid process to greater tubercle of humerus  Glenohumeral ligament  3 ligaments. They run from the glenoid cavity to the humerus  Transverse humeral ligament  Runs from greater tubercle to lesser tubercle of humerus


7 Muscles  Rotator Cuff: 4 muscles that work to rotate the shoulder in and out, and performs shoulder abduction  Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, and Subscapularis  Deltoid lies over the head of the humerus and attaches to the acromion process. Performs abduction, flexion, and extension

8 Muscles continued  Pectoralis Major and Minor attach to the sternum and humerus. They perform horizontal adduction  Biceps attaches to the humerus and coracoid process and to the radius on the other end. The bicep tendon runs through the bicipital groove. It performs flexion  Triceps attach to the humeal head and scapula. It extends the shoulder and the elbow



11 Joints  The shoulder is composed of four different joints  Acromioclavicular joint  Scapulothoracic joint  Glenohumeral joint  Sternoclavicular joint

12 Other Structures  Bursae: There are four bursae on your shoulder. A bursa is a sac full of fluid that alleviates friction in your joint  Subacromial bursa  Subscapular bursa  Subdeltoid bursa  Subcoracoid bursa  Glenoid Labrum: a rim of cartilage that slightly deepens and enlarges the glenoid fossa

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