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You Have Been Favorable to Your Land Psalm 85. Background Of the Sons of Korah Probably written after Judah’s return from Babylonian captivity, yet before.

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Presentation on theme: "You Have Been Favorable to Your Land Psalm 85. Background Of the Sons of Korah Probably written after Judah’s return from Babylonian captivity, yet before."— Presentation transcript:

1 You Have Been Favorable to Your Land Psalm 85

2 Background Of the Sons of Korah Probably written after Judah’s return from Babylonian captivity, yet before the building of the temple OR walls of Jerusalem

3 Vs. 1-3, God’s favor delivered Lord, You have been favorable to Your land… Consider brief history of Israel and Judah and captivity. Judah was in captivity from 606-536 BC

4 Vs. 1-3, God’s favor delivered You have found favor… God still loved them, in spite of their conduct. You have forgiven the iniquity of Your people – God fully forgives – Ac. 22:16, Heb. 10:17

5 Vs. 1-3, God’s favor delivered You have taken away all Your wrath…and turned from anger Judah’s condition changed overnight cf. Dan. 5:30-31, Ezra 1:1-4 His anger subsided

6 Vs. 4-7, Restoration & Revival Restore us, O God…cause Your anger to cease Again, consider the history of Judah, cf. Ezra 5:1-2, etc. They still needed TRUE repentance – so do we!

7 Vs. 4-7, Restoration & Revival Cause Your anger to cease… Why was He still angry? Haggai 1:3-8 Restore, or return – a need to return to previous state. Sins does damage with consequences

8 Vs. 4-7, Restoration & Revival Will you not revive us again? To restore back to health Was revival possible? Yes! But they needed to do their part cf. Psa. 119:25, 37, 149, 156, 159 Do WE need revival?

9 Vs. 8-9, Remain faithful I will hear what the Lord will speak…peace for all His saints A true heart! A desire to hear the Lord Habakkuk 2:1 Do we respect His word? Psa. 119:105

10 Vs. 8-9, Remain faithful Let them not turn back to folly… A challenge to remain faithful – Luke 9:62, 2 Pet. 2:20-22

11 Vs. 8-9, Remain faithful His salvation is near those who fear Him… While we seek to cast out fear ( 1 John 4:18 ), we must NEVER diminish the importance of respect for God

12 Vs. 10-13, God is on our side Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed Mercy and peace come from God Truth and righteousness part of our conduct They will prevail

13 Vs. 10-13, God is on our side The Lord will give what is good…His footsteps our pathway Blessings come when we make Him our king!

14 Vs. 10-13, God is on our side NOTICE how the traits of God and man’s obedience complement each other Let us learn this as His children, AND as a nation – Prov. 14:34

15 Do we seek His restoration in our lives?

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