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S1 Top Ten ! The following examples are from the Summer Challenge Sketchbooks which are distributed to new S1 pupils on Induction Days in June.

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2 S1 Top Ten ! The following examples are from the Summer Challenge Sketchbooks which are distributed to new S1 pupils on Induction Days in June

3 What is the Summer Challenge ? S1 pupils are encouraged to try their best at the tasks outlined in the sketchbook They are also expected to submit this work on time. Success criteria is discussed & agreed and Peer Assessment gives an opportunity to evaluate this work. Pupils then use a Learning Log to review their own performance and identify how to improve.

4 S 1 Summer Challenge Sketchbook PEER ASSESSMENT The Visual Elements LINE SHAPE PATTERN TEXTURE TONE COLOUR This project was done as an introduction to the Art & Design Department in Oban High School. The purpose behind it was to give new S1 pupils an opportunity to do 2 things:  to produce evidence of their creativity & understanding  to fulfil the tasks outlined in the sketchbook and hand it in on time. This provides the art staff with valuable visual evidence from each pupil.

5 SUCCESS CRITERIA In order to make informed choices you must first understand what makes a good example. Here are some indicators Instructions followed accurately Neat, skilful drawing Clear, well presented work Lots of worthwhile effort ORIGINAL* ideas Effective use of MEDIA** Variety of MEDIA** Effective use of VISUAL ELEMENTS*** *ORIGINAL = an unusual way of doing something ~ thoughtful, imaginative, inventive. **MEDIA = the materials used eg. pencil, paint, glue, fabric, found objects. ***VISUAL ELEMENTS = line, shape, pattern, texture, tone, colour.

6 Then what ?..... Following Peer Assessment, the whole year group was evaluated by art staff and the following pupils were recognised & rewarded as the Top Ten most successful examples. Enjoy the show ….

7 Effective use of collage

8 Accurate understandi ng of pattern

9 Wide range of shape samples & skilful drawing

10 Broad variety of recording & research

11 Good range of line samples & effective colour work Good range of line samples & effective colour work

12 Interesting variety of texture samples I n t e r e s t i n g v a r i e t y o f t e x t u r e s a m p l e s

13 Excellent collage dragon using towelling fabric !

14 Skilful arrangem ent of drawings & samples S k i l f u l a r r a n g e m e n t o f d r a w i n g s & s a m p l e s

15 Neat effective use of colour & line

16 Excellent variety Accurate drawing Beautiful arrangement ! Excellent variety Accurate drawing Beautiful arrangement !

17 Congratulations ! To our S1 Top Ten Sophie Carswell 1O2 Anna Bain 1F2 Caelan Sloan 1F2 Murray Probert 1O1 Rhona McCracken 1S1 Emily Edwards 1F1 Sean Gordon 1F1 Jack Fletcher 1O1 Mila Bicanova 1O2 Ezra Douglas-Reid 1O2

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