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How has it Worked in South Africa?. Introduction Basic Question: Can ICT help develop teachers? Key points: Implementation of pedagogically sophisticated.

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Presentation on theme: "How has it Worked in South Africa?. Introduction Basic Question: Can ICT help develop teachers? Key points: Implementation of pedagogically sophisticated."— Presentation transcript:

1 How has it Worked in South Africa?

2 Introduction Basic Question: Can ICT help develop teachers? Key points: Implementation of pedagogically sophisticated materials in developing context vs developed Applicability of the Cascade Model of Training Relevance of Stages of Adoption of technology in classroom This paper is a reflection on the Intel SA experience by: –Project Manager –Evaluator –On-the-ground implementer

3 Background Intel Teach to the Future (TTF) developed and first implemented in USA Technological sophistication Well-qualified teachers Background in Project Based Learning (PBL) approaches Implementations across the globe Allows for localisation

4 SA Implementation Provincial senior trainers selected and trained Train facilitators chosen from schools as implementers for their school Education dept officials also included in training University education departments including it in pre and in service In 1000 schools in all 9 provinces

5 SA Context Teachers: overworked, underpaid Transformation: move to OBE Lack of experience with PBL (even though expected by the new curriculum) Educational backlog

6 Backlog 72,7% have water 42,9% have electricity 35,5% have a telephone (2000 School Register of Needs)


8 Complexity of Situation Having computers for educational use doesn’t mean they will be used well Independent schools are not necessarily well-resourced, and state schools can be Very well-resourced independent schools are not necessarily innovative educationally.

9 Cascading Model of Training “Train the Trainer” Poor reputation in SA wrt implementation of OBE but introduced here due to budget constraints and availability of trainers “Ordinary” Educators become trainers Hoped for leapfrogging effect

10 Questioning: the Core TTF is a pedagogical course Use of questions to stimulate Higher Order Thinking (a la Bloom) Use of overall Essential & Unit Questions Use of unit plans, assessment rubrics These are new ideas in SA!

11 Key Elements Curriculum Knowledge ICT Skills Pedagogical Knowledge

12 Outcome of Training Random success/failure: Difficulty grasping key concepts Resistance to discussion of pedagogy Difficulty with using English Too dependent on confidence & commitment of facilitators But: some concepts taken on board

13 Stages of Development Various models point to stages teachers go through in adopting technology 3-5 years timeframe to get to stage of integration SA teachers at low levels (even when there are computers) TTF expects teachers to “catch up”, both at the level of technical skills as well as pedagogical integration knowledge, in a short time; But Only 53% had used a spreadsheet pre-training Only 46% could design learning materials

14 Failure to Train Others Lack of facilities Lack of confidence Did the course for the “wrong” reason Because it was all that was available 58% of facilitators, 63% educators wanted ICT skills Only 17% wanted to become better teachers

15 Solutions Remove concept of Essential (or Critical) Question – only focus on Unit Question (subject focus) Develop online refresher course, first for Senior Trainers, then hopefully all others Develop Microsoft Partners in Learning Basic Skills Course to meet needs for “skills first”

16 Online Refresher Open vs Closed questions Create good Unit Questions Practice giving feedback Re-phrase questions Analyse sample presentations for whether the Unit Question was answered Explore scaffolding ideas

17 Re-phrasing Questions How do animal and plant species react over time to threats within their habitat to ensure the survival of the species? Re-wordings: Can proteas survive in Johannesburg? Why do pine trees grow so easily? Why is Bloemfontein the Rose city? Why do lilies die in the school garden?

18 Characteristics of Good Unit Questions Avoid words such as “influence of…”, “importance of …”, “impact of…” Force the learner into evaluation, analysis and synthesis: e.g. “Were the Portuguese good for Africa?” “How does…” & “why…” often lead to weak questions; drop them, eg "Can ICT improve global communications?"

19 Conclusions Desired impacts of TTF not yet achieved But there are indications in the classroom of positive changes, early stages of integration beyond mere ICT usage, and signs of pedagogical development “I used to think the learners were dull & lazy. Now I see it is we teachers who are at fault. We need to teach in new, different ways”

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