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San Mateo County Office of Education February 8, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "San Mateo County Office of Education February 8, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 San Mateo County Office of Education February 8, 2013

2 Welcome and Overview of Agenda Lori Musso, Administrator Curriculum and Instruction Services


4 STATE AND FEDERAL UPDATES Lori Musso, Administrator Curriculum and Instruction Services

5 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Assessment Update & SSPI Recommendations for Transitioning California to a Future Assessment System San Mateo County Office of Education February 8, 2013 Patrick Traynor, Ph.D. Director, Assessment Development and Administration Division California Department of Education

6 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Presentation Overview CCSS Update Smarter Balanced assessment update –SBAC Review –Sample items –Pilot test –Achievement level descriptors Superintendent’s recommendations for a future assessment system 6

7 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Re-take option Optional Interim assessment system— Summative assessment for accountability Last 12 weeks of year* DIGITAL CLEARINGHOUSE of formative tools, processes and exemplars; released items and tasks; model curriculum units; educator training; professional development tools and resources; scorer training modules; and teacher collaboration tools. Scope, sequence, number, and timing of interim assessments locally determined * Time windows may be adjusted based on results from the research agenda and final implementation decisions. Source: Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks PERFORMANCE TASKS Reading Writing Math END OF YEAR ADAPTIVE ASSESSMENT English Language Arts and Mathematics, Grades 3–8 and High School Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks BEGINNING OF YEAR END OF YEAR INTERIM ASSESSMENT 7 Formative Assessments

8 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction 8 Computer Adaptive Testing

9 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Smarter Balanced Draft Achievement Level Descriptors (ALDs) A full description of the ALDs and an online survey for providing feedback are available on the Smarter Balanced achievement level descriptors Web page at level-descriptors-and-college-readiness/ level-descriptors-and-college-readiness/ Not finalized yet (March 2013) Describe four levels of achievement of knowledge, skills, and processes in both English–language arts/literacy and mathematics –“deep command,” “sufficient command,” “partial command,” or “minimal command” –Currently: "thorough," "adequate," "partial," and "minimal" 9

10 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Two components for school participation: 1)Scientific 2)Volunteer There will be no scores or individual student data associated with either component. The pilot test is untimed but depending on the grade, content area, and types of items administered, test times are expected to range from 2 to 3 hours of student testing time for either component. 10 SBAC Spring 2013 Pilot Test

11 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction A representative sample of schools selected by SBAC to yield critical data about the items developed to date, as well as how the system is functioning. Testing window is February 20 through May 10, 2013. Selected schools will be assigned a 2-week period within the this window. To search for selected California schools by county and district visit the CDE SBAC Web page at – select the “Spring 2013 Pilot Test” hyperlink. 11 SBAC Spring 2013 Pilot Test – Scientific Component

12 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SBAC Spring 2013 Pilot Test – Scientific Component Grade level and content area to be assessed are predetermined as part of the sampling plan. Training for scientific pilot test schools will include training modules and live webinars. Training dates and times will be advertised soon. 12

13 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SBAC Spring 2013 Pilot Test – Scientific Component 13 Participation is not mandatory but is strongly recommended. Selected schools will inform future item development and test design. Opportunity for schools to tryout the online system and for students to interact with the new innovative item types. SBAC is currently contacting selected schools to confirm participation. Selected schools that cannot participate should contact Data Recognition Corporation (DRC).

14 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SBAC Spring 2013 Pilot Test – Volunteer Component Open to all schools in SBAC states. Testing window is April 9 through May 10, 2013. Schools can participate any time during the volunteer testing window. Schools may volunteer by completing the volunteer survey at 14

15 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SBAC Spring 2013 Pilot Test – Volunteer Component Training modules and webinars for the volunteer schools will be posted on the SBAC Web portal at Volunteer schools can access modules and webinars at their convenience. There will be no live pilot test training opportunities. 15

16 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SBAC Spring 2013 Pilot Test – Volunteer Component 16 Incentives for participating in the volunteer component: Chance for schools to tryout the online administration system. Opportunity for students interact with the new innovative item types. Choice of grade(s) and content area(s) tested.

17 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction 17 SBAC Spring 2013 Pilot Test – Contacts and Information Recruitment Information Data Recognition Corporation 800-847-3193 All Other Information American Institutes for Research 866-815-7246 SBAC Pilot Test Frequently Asked Questions: – select the “Spring 2013 Pilot Test” hyperlink

18 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SBAC Sample Items and Tasks 18

19 Sample Items and Tasks Navigation View mathematics or ELA/literacy items Advance to next item, or go back to previous Page 19

20 Sample Items and Tasks Navigation Content Claim Grade band Page 20

21 Sample Items and Tasks Navigation Filter by item type, themes Page 21

22 Item Metadata About this item Page 22

23 Exploring the Sample Items Selected response and technology enhanced items are machine scorable Page 23

24 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction 24 Assessments to Consider (by content area and grade level)

25 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SSPI Recommendations for Transitioning California to a Future Assessment System California EC Section 60604.5 required the SSPI to provide the Legislature with recommendations for the reauthorization of the statewide pupil assessment program. In forming recommendations, the SSPI was required to consult with certain stakeholder groups and consider the inclusion of 16 specific features in the assessment system. 25

26 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SSPI Recommendations for Transitioning California to a Future Assessment System A report containing the SSPI’s recommendations was delivered to the Legislature on January 8, 2013. The report includes: – an overview of the current statewide assessment system –current transition efforts –a summary of stakeholder feedback –12 recommendations for the transition to a new assessment system 26

27 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Setting the Foundation Recognize assessment is an integral part of a cycle of standards, curriculum, and instruction. Recommend a system that promotes and models high quality teaching and learning. Consider the input of thousands of stakeholders including students, parents, teachers, administrators, business leaders, and community leaders. Consider the role the state should play in the assessment system and the value of local control. Recognize the current fiscal climate but also the investment opportunity. 27

28 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SSPI Recommendation 1 Beginning in the 2013-14 school year, suspend portions of the STAR Program assessments and adjust the API to reflect suspension of such assessments. 28

29 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SSPI Recommendation 2 Beginning in the 2014-15 school year, fully implement the SBAC ELA and mathematics assessments. 29

30 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SSPI Recommendation 3 Use the grade eleven SBAC ELA and mathematics assessments as an indicator of college readiness. 30

31 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SSPI Recommendation 4 Develop and administer science assessments aligned to the new science standards, once adopted. 31

32 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SSPI Recommendation 5 Develop or use multistate consortia alternate assessments in ELA, mathematics, and science for students with severe cognitive disabilities. 32

33 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SSPI Recommendation 6 Determine the continued need and purpose of academic assessments in languages other than English once the SBAC assessments are operational. 33

34 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SSPI Recommendation 7 Assess the full curriculum using assessments that model high-quality teaching and learning activities. 34

35 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SSPI Recommendation 8 Invest in interim, diagnostic, and formative tools. 35

36 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SSPI Recommendation 9 Consider alternatives to the current California High School Exit Examination. 36

37 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SSPI Recommendation 10 Explore the possible use of matriculation examinations. 37

38 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SSPI Recommendation 11 Conduct comparability studies. 38

39 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction SSPI Recommendation 12 Maintain a continuous cycle of improvement of the assessment system. 39

40 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Contact Information Patrick Traynor, PhD, Director Assessment Development and Administration Division –E-mail: Jessica Valdez, Administrator, Transition Office Assessment Development and Administration Division –Phone: 916-319-0332 –E-mail: Dixie Abbot, SBAC Teacher Involvement Coordinator, CDE Transition Office Assessment Development and Administration Division –Phone: 916-445-4821 –E-mail: 40

41 ASSESSMENT - Q&A SESSION Patrick Traynor, Ph.D. Director, Assessment Development and Administration Division California Department of Education


43 ASSESSMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY UPDATES Mefula Fairley, Director Compliance, Assessment and Special Projects

44 SBAC Updates Pilot Testing Technology Readiness Tool Preliminary Blueprints 44

45 SBAC Pilot Test School Participation  Scientific Component  Volunteer Component Scores and Data Testing Time for Students 45

46 SBAC Pilot Test Contacts and Information Recruitment Information Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) 800.847.3193 All Other Questions American Institutes for Research (AIR) 866.815.7246 46

47 Technology Readiness Tool (TRT) Technology Requirements – balanced-assessments/technology/ balanced-assessments/technology/ Technology Readiness Tool – New Data Collection Window – Feb. 15, 2013 – Device and Network Readiness Report – SBAC TRT Webpage available at 47

48 SBAC Preliminary Blueprints 48 ELA/Literacy Preliminary Summative Assessment Blueprint Blueprint Table ELA/Literacy Grades 3-5—Table 3a

49 SMCOE Assessment Webpage 49

50 ASSESSMENT: IMPLICATIONS FOR INSTRUCTION Lori Musso, Administrator Audra Pittman, Coordinator Curriculum and Instruction Services

51 Smarter Balanced Assessment Types Selected response Constructed response Extended response Performance tasks Technology enabled Technology enhanced 51

52 Implications for Instruction Review assigned Smarter Balanced assessment type and sample item Discuss with your table the implications this specific assessment type has for classroom instruction Chart implications and suggestions for implementation 52

53 53 Selected Response Implications for InstructionStrategies for Implementation

54 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mefula Fairley, Director Compliance, Assessment and Special Projects

55 NEXT CII MEETING March 8, 2013

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