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Ebola Brief to Port Safety Council November 2014.

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1 Ebola Brief to Port Safety Council November 2014

2 Countries of Interest

3 Distance = Speed X Time Conakry, Guinea to New Orleans: 4576 Nautical Miles Vessel Proceeding Non-stop Making 14 knots: 13.5 days

4 Maritime Activity w/Impacted Countries Very few direct port calls to LMR Guinea: – Bauxite Liberia: – Barite – Timber – Iron ore Sierra Leone: – Iron Ore – Titanium ore

5 CG Sector New Orleans Vessel Screening: Ebola Countries of Interest Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone? No 96 Hr Notice Rcvd Normal Vessel Screening Process 96 hour Ebola Email: Any crew ill? Operational Pause Unified Command Consultation Call Ebola like symptoms ? Sick Crewmember Inside Port System Yes No Yes Agent coordinates medical treatment 24 hour Ebola Email: Any crew ill? No Normal Vessel Screening Process Arrive in <21 days? Yes No

6 Query to Vessel Good day Captain, A Notice of Arrival that has been submitted for New Orleans, LA shows that your vessel, the MV XXXXXXXXXX, made a port call from one or more countries with recent documented outbreaks of the Ebola Virus or an African country which is at 1·isk of being an Ebola source, Most Ebola cases have originated from the Western African countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. A limited number of additional cases have been identified in other African countries. The New Orleans Captain of the Port is requesting to know if you currently have any crewmembers with any symptoms consistent with the Ebola Virus. Common symptoms typically include a fever, headache, joint and muscle aches, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, and a lack of appetite. The incubation period is 2-21 days. For more information on signs and symptoms, please refer to the following: Additionally, if there are any ill crew members onboard, you are strongly encouraged to isolate them in a private cabin until they are evaluated by a doctor to prevent transmission to others. Contact with other crew should be minimized.“ Any crewmembers on board these vessels which have ANY of the above listed symptoms are deemed by the Captain of the Port to potentially affect the safety of the vessel and/or the port and meets the definition and reporting requirements for a Hazardous Condition noted in 33 CFR 160.215. Failure to report the above information immediately to the U.S. Coast Guard while a vessel is bound for or operating in the Captain of the Port New Orleans area of responsibility may subject the vessel to civil penalty of up to $40,000. Contact the Sector New Orleans Port State Control Branch at 1-504-365-2361.

7 Synopsis Report

8 Vessel In Port? Vessel Name High Risk (HR) Departure Port Departure Date from HR Port ETA NOLA Transit time HR to NOLA (days) 96 Hr Response rcvd DATE? 24 hr Response rcvd Remarks YesNAVIOS HYPERIONGuinea18-Sep-1420-Oct-143214-Oct-1419-Oct-14No Ill Reported YesATTALIAGuinea15-Aug-1415-Oct-14616-Oct-14N/ANo Ill Reported YesMINERVA ANTONIASenegal15-Aug-1416-Oct-1462N/A Vessel departed Senegal prior to being ID'd as HR port YesNCS BEJINGGuinea23-Aug-1410-Oct-14488-Oct-14N/ANo Ill Reported YesMILTIADES IILiberia13-Oct-1430-Oct-141726-Oct-1429-Oct-14No Ill Reported YesUNION MARINERGuinea19-Sep-1429-Oct-144025-Oct-1428-Oct-14No Ill Reported NoJULIANGuinea30-Sep-1431-Oct-143127-Oct-14N/ADiverted to Mobile,AL YesGOOD HOPE MAXGuinea5-Oct-1431-Oct-142628-Oct-1429-Oct-14No Ill Reported NoNAVIOS AVIORGuinea3-Oct-142-Nov-143029-Oct-141-Nov-14No Ill Reported Actively Track Vessels Inbound or In Port

9 What have we seen? Very few direct arrivals. Most vessels bulkers coming from Guinea. Only one (1) vessel within 21 days of departing a country of interest. Majority 30+ days removed. Reporting indicates local port authorities and vessel operators limiting access ashore.

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