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P. 1 1 Rational Synthesis of MaterialsCharacterization and Nanomaterials The CathodeSystems Chemical Storage Science: Leaders: Steve Visco and Stan Whittingham.

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Presentation on theme: "P. 1 1 Rational Synthesis of MaterialsCharacterization and Nanomaterials The CathodeSystems Chemical Storage Science: Leaders: Steve Visco and Stan Whittingham."— Presentation transcript:

1 p. 1 1 Rational Synthesis of MaterialsCharacterization and Nanomaterials The CathodeSystems Chemical Storage Science: Leaders: Steve Visco and Stan Whittingham The Interface/Anode/Electrolye Glenn Amatucci Khalil Amine Yet-Ming Chiang Michael Thackeray Debra Rolison (w) Atsuo Yamada (Japan) Martin Winter (Austria) Austen Angell Richard Jow Linda Nazar (Canada) Gerbrand Ceder Ann Marie Sastry (w) Venkat Srinivasan Clare Grey Heike Gabrisch Robert Kostecki (w) Rosa Palacin (Spain) Bold = leader; w = writer

2 p. 2 2 Potential scientific impact Potential impact on EES Summary of research directionsScientific challenges Chemical Storage Science: Novel System Design Towards Performance and Efficiency Fundamental research to enable low cost, intrinsically safe, long life electrochemical energy storage system with ultra high energy and power density Multifunctional Separators and Binders polymer with shuttle capability, Getters and Dendrite control improved safety and efficiency Extreme energy and power density Enabling new application, functionality and performance of power systems for transportation and grid Multifunctional Components and Materials Self Assembled and 3-D Batteries Novel Electrochemical Couples Mesoporous Mixed Conducting Electrodes: New Electroactive and Mixed Conducting Polymers Higher Voltage Energy Density Multielectron Redox Couples Li and non-Li batteries Redox flow cells New Designs and processes inspired by nature Elimination of inactive non-redox components improved energy density and lower cost 3-D and Self Assembled batteries lower cost and higher efficiency

3 p. 3 3 Potential scientific impactPotential impact on EES Summary of research directionScientific challenges Chemical Storage Science: PRD 1: New Materials, Chemistries and Strategies State-of-the art battery technologies are maturing New materials/electrochemical couples required for ‘breakthrough’ improvements Paradigm shift away from conventional solid state Electrode capacity limitations (energy) Design stable electrode-electrolyte interface Nanoscience and related electrochemical technologies Design of catalysts Superior hydrogen storage materials New characterization techniques Create/engineer high potential materials (4.2- 5.5 V vs. Li 0 ) with >1 e - transfer per redox center Exploit nanomaterials to increase capacity and power and at the same time design stable, electronically conducting surface layers In-situ measurements of dynamic processes Electrode modeling to maximize performance Explore recyclable chemistries, e.g., composites, organics, liquids, metal-air (Li/O 2 ) Improved: energy, power, safety, efficiency, life, operating temperature, cost Timescale for success: 10 years or more

4 p. 4 44 Potential scientific impact Potential impact on EES Summary of research directionScientific challenges Chemical Storage Science: PRD 2: Rational Design of Interfaces New discoveries will lead to advances in other field involving charge-transfer interfaces New tools for dynamic in-situ probes of the interface will have impact on other interface- dependent field (fuel cells, electrocatalysis…) Biological membranes sensing of ionic species for cellular signalling Longer life and safer energy storage systems that provide higher energy density Understand interface dependence on electrode materials, electrolyte components & additives (intra cell and intra-electrode) Separate the impact of the interface from the cell level behavior Understand the role of the interface in electrodes in charge-transfer and cell performance of solid-state and liquid-state electrolytes Dynamic in-situ understanding of interface behavior Design of new salt and new solvents for wide temperature/ large potential window operations Theory and experiment to target additives to stabilize SEI’s for cathodes and anodes Strategies for electrode-electrolyte synergy for non-carbonaceous anodes and next-gen cathodes Develop characterization tools and approaches to probe the interface under dynamic conditions Tailor-designed interfaces for future energy storage systems

5 p. 5 5 Potential scientific impactPotential impact on EES Summary of research directionScientific challenges Chemical Storage Science: PRD 3: Rational materials design through theory and modeling Predictive Kinetics of phase changes Rational design and performance evaluation of electrode microstructures Formation, structure and charge transfer across reaction interfaces (SEI) Electrochemistry of nano-scale materials and surfaces Design of safe high voltage electrolytes Charge transport in mixed conductors Inverse materials design Modeling of spectroscopic methods Development of knowledge and tools to predict properties, performance, evolution and lifetime of materials vision: computationally driven materials design and analysis Insight into behavior of nanomaterials Novel numerical techniques for integrated kinetics modeling in multi-phase systems. Impact on other fields Computationally driven materials design Higher energy and power density storage Accelerated lower cost design of novel materials and rapid screening of new ideas Prediction of lifetime and failure mechanisms. Enable evolution from microscopic to molecular design and assembly of batteries

6 p. 6 6 Potential scientific impact Potential impact on EES Summary of research directionsScientific challenges Chemical Storage Science: PRD 4: Novel Characterization Approaches Develop multi technique, in situ methods e.g., in situ X-ray diffraction/XAS + imaging; sub-wavelength optical spectroscopic imaging; 3D tomography +.. Push timescale of in situ methods to look at fast processes in surface and bulk, imaging + spectroscopy (femto-to-minute scale) Examine response of system to electrochemical perturbations in real time (exploit pulse modes; control electrochemistry) Exploit/develop methods that are sensitive to the structure and dynamics of interfaces (e.g., surface reconstruction) Couple with modeling and calculations – feed data into modeling; use modeling to help interpret exptl data - do we need new theory development to aid spectroscopy interpretation? Design model experiments/systems to probe, resolve and evaluate the importance of the different lifetime-dependent failure modes Interfacial structure and processes: How do we characterize local processes with increased sensitivity at hidden, (solid-solid) interfaces? How do we image concentration gradients and heterogeneity? How does an ion intercalate or react at a liquid – solid, gas-solid interface – how can we follow this process in real time, with increased sensitivity and how does this vary with type of surface, bulk structure, metal vs. ionic solid, morphology, intercalation vs. conversion reaction..? How do we identify the important phenomena that occur over wide ranging timescales, and that contribute to battery failure? A fundamental understanding of how intercalation/conversion reactions proceed Ability to tune and design interfacial processes Extensions to interfacial processes in other fields: catalysis, fuel cells, PVs etc. New time- and spatially- resolved techniques to examine interfaces Rational design of high-rate materials with longer lifetimes Input into the design of self-healing processes and systems? Revolutionize the design of optimized interfaces, surfaces, morphologies

7 p. 7 7 Potential scientific impactPotential impact on EES Summary of research directionScientific challenges Chemical Storage Science: PRD 5: What makes nano different for chemical energy storage? Characterization: Development of local structural and interfacial probes and tools that separate surface and bulk effects. Use of multiple structural probes to improve structure solution in the nanolength scale Modeling: Method-development and application to understand structure/electronic size effects Synthesis: Control particle synthesis to engineer particles with new morphologies, size control, engineered surface properties, to develop new properties and to allow rational testing of different nano-properties; Use of model systems: e.g., thin films, heterostructures, (nano-design, single particle) to understand/test interfacial phenomena Understand interactions and effects at the nano-to-atomic lengthscale and the consequences (positive and negative) of utilizing nanoparticles and composites in battery systems: Is this “just” a surface, stoichiometry or transport effect? Is there really an electronic effect that changes the electrochemistry? (e.g., that alters the charge transfer rates, reduction potentials, reaction mechanims?) Can we control reaction mechanims – kinetic vs, thermodynamic control? Separate pseudo-capacitive vs. storage reactions How do we characterize nano particles and composites? How do we bridge the 5 Å – 5 nm length scale for structure characterization? Better fundamental understanding of phenomena that are specific to the nanoscale Extensions to interfacial processes in catalysis, fuel cells, PV cells etc. New electrochemical processes and storage mechanisms High rate batteries

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